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Everything posted by MomLovesClassics

  1. You may want to try this: http://www.onlynaturalpet.com/product_detail.aspx?item_guid=3d2f24a1-f7cc-442f-a7af-df0f7757bdcf&click=5&s_kwcid=tikicat|3103371329&gclid=CJu9y46SzJwCFRdc2goduH9wmw
  2. Florida did have more cyber school choice, but now they are taking away some of that choice. I believe South Carolina, now has more choice, they even offer Calvert as a choice. I am all for more choice. My concern is funding, some states are short on funds. Our state has furloughs at the moment.
  3. Garden of Life is really good. As far as a liquid that taste decent, I would say David Kirsch, you mix a packet into a bottle of water.
  4. There is a box litter robot that cleans itself, but it is expensive. It is on my wishlist. Citrus Magic makes a litter box odor eliminator that works great, it is sold at Walmart. http://www.litter-robot.com/
  5. This happened during Easter Sunday when I was 3. I was very proud of this little beaded purse that my grandmother gave me. Well, my brother and I got the idea to go up and stand beside the preacher. I went first, and told everyone how I had a beautiful purse and was so proud to have it. My brother went to the other side of the preacher and was talking too. We were not really that loud because the preacher never stopped talking. My grandma brought me to my seat, and spanked me in front of everyone right there in the church.
  6. I know this sounds very dumb. What about writing a letter to the formula companies here in the US and asking them to donate formula? All they can say is no but it never hurts to ask. It would be nice to get some type of program going similar to wic or something. What about information on how they can grow a community garden. It may not be much but it would help them to not be so malnurished. I understand their food choices are much different than ours. Beans are a great source of protein and it is not difficult to grow an pick beans. Not sure about the price of rice there, but what about collecting donated rice? Money from the US would stretch further over there, it would be nice to get a big donation to set up some program so mothers could have adequate food and nutrition. This makes me sad. I hear of dr offices here getting lots and lots of formula, and they have to donate it to the food bank, because they are not allowed to give certain brands at certain times. Someone I know just donated a whole trunk full to the food bank. It could have been better used where you are.
  7. Thanks ladies, I have some fresh basil. I can get some cheese at the store.
  8. I say keep it while you got it. If you loose it, it could be impossible to get it back. One trip to the hospital without insurance could damage your credit beyond repair. Some hospitals do not work out payment plans, and your multiple bills from one hospital stay is placed on your credit file. Please don't risk it unless there is no other option.
  9. Anyone have a recipe that calls for cherry tomatoes and pasta? I just can't think at the moment. Maybe something with herbs and olive oil? Please give me some ideas.
  10. There are some articles like this one floating around. http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/114488
  11. homemade flea traps. Get cheap nightlights, below them place WHITE plates or shallow bowls with water and dish soap. The fleas jump into the traps at night.
  12. We had something here that was pretty bad, it lasted for about a week. We didn't go to the dr, but used our home remedies that did work. My oldest son did go to the dr, he ended up having flu and walking pneumonia. They no longer test for swine flu just flu. It hit him pretty hard and pretty fast. We had took influenzium weekly for about a month, and then monthly. That seemed to help us not get it as bad as my oldest son who no longer lives at home and thinks mom must have lost her marbles. I can not guarantee we had it as we did not get tested for it. We have been carrying han sanatizing cleansing wipes for months and use them everytime we get out of the store. We also wipe the car down, and our door knobs at home. We haven't had a cold or flu in years. My six year old has never had a cold or flu until that. We usually don't catch stuff so I was suprised. I hope we don't get it again.
  13. Homemade flea traps. Set nightlights in all your sockets near the floor. Put solid white plates filled with water and dishwashing liquid. In the morning look at all the fleas you caught. It takes a bit, but it is non toxic. Remember fleas are attracted to white, so they will jump on your socks.
  14. Were there storms in the area or something? That is weird. I am glad you were able to see to get out.
  15. When stray dogs become wild they can mate with coyotes. When that happens they are much worse than coyotes. After hearing about the couple who got killed by dogs, I would have no problem shooting if it were my only option. No one can take care of every stray. Some places do not have animal control, and the others are full and can not accept new animals. To me it would be better to shoot, if there were not another option, because you never know what will happen to that dog if it is left in the wild. It is better to protect oneself, family and property than to leave a dog in the wild to come back to harm.
  16. What about a beautiful scrapbook or photo album to put together memories of their loved one?
  17. I say take them to the shelter. Please take them to the shelter! Although this is extreme, there is a case in GA where a pack of "stray""wild""feral" dogs killed a couple. A man claimed a few of the dags saying he fed them sometimes. It is sad. The county has no animal shelter, and no animal laws. I wonder what other things concerning animals is legal since there are no laws. So this man who left dogs at an empty house and did not feed them except when he felt like it is not being charged. He didn't break the law. Dogs without human contact, and regular food can be dangerous. You can not adopt them all. It is up to you to protect your family. About that county, I shudder to think what people may do since there are no laws. Dog fights, chicken fights, etc. it is sick to think it could be legal because there are no laws. There should be laws. Strays can become dangerous, as this couple was killed by stray dogs. The man will most likely be charged with nothing.
  18. Yes I was very ticked. My son was good enough to join the ARMY, and go to Iraq, but not responsible enough to care for a dog because he was single and didn't own his own home. Maybe it was because he took his girlfriend with him? Gee they are engaged to get married. He was able to find another dog at another shelter. It is amazing shelters will take money and food from kids, yet not allow those same kids to take home a puppy. I am shocked at what I have read on this board. The population as a whole is not good enough to adopt a pet?? And they wonder why they can't find homes???
  19. It is my belief that it should be up to the parents to decide what is best for their children. Maybe there are religious factors that would help them make their decision. I personally do not think circumcising prevents spread of sexually transmitted disease. Is having sex with multiple partners what causes sexually transmitted disease? At least that is what I thought? This could give people the false sense of security that it is ok to have multiple partners. Condoms are not fool proof. Some think oral sex is not sex, and that you can't get a disease from that either. People get these sexually transmitted diseases from being misinformed. Maybe I am old fashioned here, but having sex with your husband, a partner for life, and both remaining faithful is the best way to reduce your risk of getting a sexual transmitted disease. Yet this is one option not drilled into young peoples head. There are pros and cons of circumcision, parents need to be able to make informed desisions. I just don't find preventing spread of sexually transmitted disease to be a valid reason.
  20. I hate to say it but some are picky. My son was refused, because he was not married. He had to go to another shelter to adopt his dog, and he has her inside. I would try other shelters in the area. I attempted to adopt a kitten in another state, but was told I would have to come in person. Some shelters will adopt out of state. Some shelters are way too picky. I find it sad, because sometimes there are good loving homes available, and those animals could be living in a loving home instead. go to petfinder.com and see if there are others in the area.
  21. I just googled heritage Delawares they are beautiful. I really just wanted nice fresh eggs. Also I have to admit, I think hens are beautiful, I love to look at pictures of the different colors and patterns. My brother did say road island red roosters were one o fthe more mean types. We do know someone who has some roosters, but I think they are road island red. I do not want a mean rooster, and it will only be one so I have to choose carefully. I saw some rather expensive roosters on craigslist when I say expensive $375, $250, $125, $100. I assumed if you plan to breed, you get from a reputable hatchery? I have never seen such expensive roosters. The ad did not mention they were for showing in shows. If they were for showing wouldn't that be listed? On the same site they have chicks for $5 and up.
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