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Everything posted by MomLovesClassics

  1. I have seen some Earth's Best in the store. I am not familiar with it and have never used it.
  2. The signal stopped comming in just when it got to the good part! We have to watch it today.
  3. Well, so far we are not using an online school. I have considered it, but some will say "affordable" with a more than $1000 price tags. that is just not affordable for my budget. I am still putting it all together myself, and probably will be for a very long time.
  4. I have some mixed feelings about unions. I know people who worked at companies that became unionized. Once the companies let the unions in, employees decided they no longer needed to be productive, as their salary was the same no matter what effort they put forth. I also know people where the union was a good thing in the company they worked for, and was not abused. I also know someone who went to purchase equipment that he needed right away. He called told them he needed this ready and on the loading dock which was about 2 hours away from him. He gets there, and it is time for lunch. The workers must take their break, even though to finish loading would take less than 5 minutes. The union workers said they are not allowed to do any type of work during an emergency, an proceed to argue about it for 10 minutes. He had to wait a whole hour for lunch to be over and the security guard would not allow him to load it himself. I saw a segment on TV a while back, though it was not about this man, it showed how teachers do nothing and get paid because they can't be fired. I was shocked. Talk about government waste! I can't say I agree with teacher unions in government schools. Do private schools waste their money in this way? This should never have been allowed to happen. Where else can one be expected to sit on their fanny all day get paid (with or without tax dollars) and do absolutely nothing?
  5. My phone number is 7654321 these days.
  6. If I am not mistaken WWE will eventually include all 12 levels.
  7. It can be expensive but DNA could give answers. If you go to the right place, they can determine which surname you are related to, and I am pretty sure provide info from the maternal side too.
  8. My dad's family has a "clan" they get together in Ireland about every 4 years I believe and discuss family history. Our DNA surname project is private and everytime there is a new member added the members are informed of their new cousin. We have a tree keeper who keeps up with all the family trees and links them together. We still haven't really traced our roots in Ireland, though we know our family originated in Co. Clare Ireland. We believe our relative was a stowaway when they came here.
  9. I was young and naive with my first and he went to public school. Truthfully at that time I was unaware about homeschooling. I was very displeased with the schools an often wished I could have done better for him. Dropping him off every morning, and picking him up every afternoon was time consuming, it took 2 hours out of my day. My middle child I sent to a local preschool, and he came home cursing, he learned to curse at preschool. I thought he would learn something, anything certainly not cursing. If he learned that at preschool, I wondered what would he learn at public school? Many if not most school systems in our state are horrible to put it mildly. I convinced my husband that we should homeschool the youngest two. I could not phantom the thought of their riding a school bus for 2 hours each day. Please do not get me started on school lunch, and what if I forgot to pack their lunch one day. I could not imagine my kids being fed food that I would not feed them at home. I like being able to pick and choose curriculum, and letting them learn at their own pace. The school system could not give them the kind of education I want them to have. I don't really like the cookie cutter way of public school systems. I don't like the idea of schools being put on lockdown while drug sniffing dogs search cars and lockers. That would traumatize me, why do I want to put my kids through that. The public school system is broken, and it is sad. Gosh I just have way too many reasons.
  10. Is she searching on her mother's side or her father's? Believe it or not a lot of info can be found on ancestry.com. You can find birth records, marriage records, and other records. Also, now DNA projects are available for a lot of surnames. Usually the older male takes the DNA test. One can find lost relatives this way. I got my dad to do this, and the results were suprising. I don't think ancestry.com is worth a long membership, but lots of info can be uncovered in a short time.
  11. The lapbooks are more of what I am looking for. Believe it or not, I already have the cookbooks mentioned. I have about 4 shelves of cookbooks, I love cooking. It is just when it comes to teaching it I am lost.
  12. Goodness, I am having computer issues! I typed out and when I clicked post server was busy. I have the Look and Cook Cookbook for Children. It is the only one that comes close. When I was about 12 there was a textbook in school that was very through. Do they not make these anymore? It is not that the kids don't ocassionally cook kid friendly recipes, I think the knowledge of what is in a kitchen, and how it is used is lacking. I really wish I could find a simple curriculum somewhere.
  13. One that labels cooking equipment with proper terms and what their uses are? One that gives cooking terms like boil, poach, broil, bake, etc? Give safety tips for the kitchen? One that is not too terriblly expensive? I don't seem to be able to find what I am looking for.
  14. I would be beyond angry, and would not send my child back to school. It is one thing for parents to send their kids to school, it is quite another to be spyed on inside your own home. I keep wondering about public school at home, and the issued computers. I would be afraid to accept one even if I needed it. They should have been thrown under the jail.
  15. Teachers are not allowed to use copy machines, and can not make any copies. copy machine and paper is off limits.
  16. It just makes me sad that itis more about running an institution than the quality of education children are getting. Teachers need proper supplies. If that is workbooks, worksheets, decent curriculum or whatever is necessary. Curriculum don't necessarly need to be the latest and greatest. It appears around here some new schools have been built. When building new schools, they could use natural light to help cut down on power bills, that would save a ton of money right there. But you could not do that with older buildings it would cost more than it would save. I don't begin to know how to save money in a public school system. I just think it is sad in order to save they choose to skimp in the classroom.
  17. Ok when it comes to education, I just don't think it should be skimped on. I understand money can be an issue, but there are many homeschoolers who are creative and manage to do it on a shoestring budget. I am unclear about how or what budget cuts are happening in various areas. Yesterday I was told that locally teachers are no longer allowed to make any copies of any kind, the copy machine and paper are off limits to teachers. I could see setting limits, but cutting it out entirely? That would be thorn in my side if I were a teacher. I am scratching my head, because I don't understand how they get thousands of dollars per child but cant afford to allow teachers to make copies? Many music and art programs have been cut. I understand a quality education can be provided without a giagantic budget. Teachers already have to take furlough days. There is rumor of some schools shortening the school year. My thing is teachers losing their jobs, that is scary. Also, taking away supplies that teachers need, making it difficult for them to do their jobs.
  18. Thanks! I was a little unsure how to approach him. Sometimes it is hard to tell with grown kids.
  19. My oldest has a birthday this weekend. Usually we have grilled cheeseburgers, homemade buns, homemade carrot cake, homemade ice cream, and get him a gift or give him money. When he was over yesterday, he said he has security detail next weekend so he could not come. It made me a little sad. Between college, ROTC, and National Guard sometimes he can be really busy. Would you ask him about the following weekend? Or maybe just get him a card with a gift card and leave it as a suprise for when he gets home from his tiring weekend? I am not sure if he was saying just forget it he was too busy, or if he was saying just not next weekend. Yesterday was my other son's birthday, so I didn't give the oldest a lot of attention when he came over, we were having a busy day. I know when I moved away from home my family never did anything for my birthday, and my husband's family doesn't do anything for his birthday either. I just don't want him thinking that I don't care, or am too busy for him.
  20. Does the high end cheapy blender get the greens smooth? smooth enough to where there are not chunks of greens? I am saving for a good blender, but it will take a few months. In the meantime, I would like something besides th hand blender that leaves chunks of greens.
  21. Please go. Your family needs you well, even if that means a trip to the er. If it is serious a DR would send you to the ER. Medical bills can always be dealt with later. We dont have einsurance either so I understand how you feel. I know what it is like to go to the er, and get sub par care and end up with a high bill. But this is different! This is serious. Sometimes they have resources to help with those bills too.
  22. About playon, it is a one time fee, and sometimes they have a 2 week free trial. With playon, you can surf on the computer, and watch tv at the same time. You can even stream nerflix. I am not tech savy at all, but everyone else in my family is. You can watch some tv shows the next day. Here our tv hardly works, but the next day I get to watch 24. I am not sure what all is on it, because I don't watch much tv, and when I do, everyone else puts it on for me. We gave up our tv service, and my husband is addicted to tv, so if it can be found online he usually finds it.
  23. NewChapter Wholemega 2X daily (recommended dosage) Pure Essence Labs Life Essence The Master Multiple 4X daily (recommended dosage) TriMedica Pure MSM 4x daily 1000mg each Garden of Life Raw Calcium 5x daily (recommended dosage) David Kirsch Super Charged Greens 1 packet daily or Amazing Grass Garden of Life Raw Iron ocassionaly. I take greens because I don't think I drink enough green smoothie, it's hard because I need a decent blender. Calcium because it is important, iron because I have had issues in the past, msm it is suppossed to have great benefits, and a quality multivitamin is a must.
  24. There is something called playon, it also alows you to watch even more stuff. There is also quicksilver screen too I believe. We us playon as much as netflix.
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