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Everything posted by MomLovesClassics

  1. It is simple. Slice into desired shape, circle, straw, or however you want to slice. Coat lightly in flour. Dip into egg milk misture. Coat in bread crumbs or bread crums mixed with herbs and parmesan. Bake for 30 minutes at 400 You family will like it better than the zucchini at Olive Garden. You can make bread curmbs in your blender with toasted bread. We have done zucchini muffins, bread, cake. This morning someone was telling me to add blueberries to the zucchini bread.
  2. My kids never had a bottle or a pacifier. But I have seen many bottles and binkies out in public. I would like to see more people comfortable feeding their babies as nature intended with mommy milk, than formula.
  3. A few years ago a female newscaster complained about a woman she sat beside on a plane breastfeeding her baby. I can't recall right off hand because it was a few years ago. It was very judgemental the things she said. Just because a woman breasfeeds, does not mean she should stay home all the time. Somewhere along the line bottle feeding became popular, and people forgot the natural way for babies to eat.
  4. I have some leftover baguette dough, and some leftover breaded zucchini that I didn't bake. Do I bake my zucchini, cover it in tomato sauce then top with a little grated parmesean, and have fresh cucumbers and tomatoes on the side with baguettes? Or should I scrap that idea, and have black beans with pasta, baked zucchini and baguettes? I must cook the zucchini and baguettes, as I breaded the zucchini last night and didn't cook it all, and made up baguette dough Sunday. Not sure why I can't make up my mind.
  5. We threw out our microwave a very long time ago. I never had one before I met my husband, he did have a microwave. When we married, it was not used and took up space, so we threw it out.
  6. Does anyone have a good olive bread recipe? One that is loaded with olives without herbs? I would prefer it have a sponge, or a starter. I had some good olive bread years ago that was exceptional, the store only had it a couple of times. Now I would like to make some myself, but am overwhelmed when looking online at recipes.
  7. No my family does not have it, and we don't intend to get it any time in the near future. We see it as a big rip off. To us it would be like flushing money down the toilet.
  8. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield is the one who cancelled her insurance. I am unclear about the history of health insurance companies. Maybe when they first started out, people were not using doctors as much as they do today. Somehow health insurance companies and the health care industry has evoloved into what it is today. Possibly people are not as healthy as they used to be. I don't have the answers on how things got to be this way, and what should be done to change it. I do know that pharmaceutical companies produce drugs and market them to the public which encourages more people to use the system. The government has laws which encourage the system to be used. Medical associations set standards they expect people to follow. Now there seem to be guidelines from everywhere telling people it is in their best interest to use the health care system, which helps to drive up the cost. And advertising, there didn't use to be so much medical advertising. It just keeps expanding, and expanding. Well, my income is not expanding as much as medical cost.
  9. Sometimes I use my bread machine, sometimes the hand mixer. When I use the bread machine, my loaves are big, as in tall, almost touching the top. Maybe it is just the recipe I use, but one slice of bread is the size of 2 from the store. I always whisk the flour, sugar, and salt in a bowl before adding it to the machine. If I use different brands the bread does not rise the same. I know that sounds weird, but I have tried to use other yeast, and it didn't rise as high, or if I don't mix the flour, salt and sugar first same thing. Yes a whole Tablespoon salt. Here is my recipe: 1/2 cup warm water 3 Tablespoons melted butter 1 1/3 cup buttermilk (with live cultures) 4 cups flour (King Arthur unbleached all purpose) 1 Tablespoon Sugar (organic cane sugar) 1 Tablespoon salt (Real salt brand) 1 packet yeast (Hodgson Mill yeast 25% more yeast for higher loaves) Use basic setting, 2 pound loaf, medium crust. It smells really good when it is baking. Just make sure to use a good quality buttermilk, not cheap buttermilk.
  10. Someone I know purchased her own health insurance because it was not offered through her job. She ended up with breast cancer. They canceled her insurance. What good is having health insurance if they cancel it for severe illness? And people wonder WHY there are so many people without health insurance. Health insurance companies are in business to make money not see to it that you get adequate health care, or to help you feel secure. My opinion of health insurance is not very good, especially now. If your health insurance is working out for you, count your blessings.
  11. I think I would make some homemade wine. I know someone who did a long time ago, and it was good. But it may be illegal, not sure.
  12. First, these are your children, not someone else's. Nobody is perfect, and everybody makes mistakes. I can appreciate your uncle's generosity, it is rare that someone offers such generous gifts. However you are not obligated to accept this offer, and it appears he wants you to feel guilty. My assumptions could be totally off base, but he appears to be more of a perfectionist and expects everyone to always do their best. His math class is most likely not the easiest, but one of the toughest. Most likely there are few students who do excel in his class, because he expects way too much out of all students. He is using the homeschooled students as an example because he fears your kids will end up like his students. No one can guarantee that your kids will grow up and be perfect students all the time. If you are comfortable homeschooling your kids, then your decision needs to be respected by him, not knocked down. Be firm and let him know that it is your decision, and let him know you are grateful that he was able to help someone out that needed help.
  13. I always assumed trials were done on animals first, then men, or at least adults? This vaccine is being rushed way too fast. I am confused, but I read that the vaccine maker is protected from lawsuits should people suffer adverse side effects from this particular vaccine.
  14. We have our insurance with USAA. I believe it is about $85 a month (full coverage, $250 deductible.) It was the cheapest we could find. We have the safe driver, low mileage, and pleasure discount. If we didn't have such horrible credit, it might would be cheaper. Auto insurance companies DO check your credit, and DO charge higher rates if your credit is not up to par.
  15. Now this will be voted on in the fall. I say write as many letters as it takes to keep this bill from passing.
  16. My dad said he would not go to the end of life counseling! He said that he had plenty of ammunition, and they may kill him, but not in the way they think.
  17. Unemployment in my state is above 10%, and it is even higher in other states. State employees including teacher are taking furloughs. Even private business are having furloughs. I look around and see too many examples of how the economy is not improving.
  18. "Community transformation grants" this bill will allow the government to transform your community. Think about it for a moment, it will require people do what the government dictates in order to have what the government considers a "healthy community."
  19. The elderly will be required to have end of life counseling sessions every 5 years to inform them to how to end their life sooner. These sessions tell you how to decline nutrition, hydration, hospice care, how to do what is right for society by cutting your life short. If you get sick you have to repeat that counseling session again. These counseling sessions for the elderly are mandatory. Sorry but this is inhumane, this bill is inhumane.
  20. I do not support this health care plan, as I have said many times. Obama supports live birth abortions. I have a hard time comprehending how a healthcare plan made by someone who has such little regard for human life would benefit citizens of this country. I have a difficult time comprehending cost effective measures of denying treatment to terminally ill patients. I do not believe this bill is a simple as making sure all citizens have health insurance. This bill is about the type of health care citizens will and will not receive, more like dictating if you will or will not get adequate treatment. This bill provides free health care for illegal aliens, and free translation services instead of deporting them. Has anyone ever stopped to think about his timing? Many people are under undue stress because of the economy, and are easily influenced. This bill is presented as an easy way out, it will ensure that everyone has health insurance and access to health care. Many people are frustrated and tired enough to believe it and support it without questioning it. This bill opens the door for your health care to be dictated by government bureaucrats. It will not stop with healthcare, it will expand to your car, your house, your job, and every area of your life. The wolf in sheep's clothing that is what I compare this healthcare plan to. If Obama wants to do this with our health care what will he want to do next??
  21. I sent my husband to pick up the milk at the farm, he came home with an extra gallon. It was a gift, so what can I do with all this milk? Pudding? Ice cream? Any other ideas? I don't know how to make homemade cheese, and I don't have any cheese making kits. I wish I had a place to cure cheese, I would love some cheddar, swiss, and parmesan, but I am not sure I would have the confidence to make it, or a place to cure it. What would you do with an extra gallon of milk?
  22. I read a post, where someone mentioned a nice healthy diet they fed their chickens. I don't remember where it was posted, but I was impressed. So can those who have some chickens please tell me what you feed them? I am ready to get a few chicks here soon. The ones we had mostly ate free range, scraps, sunflower seeds, and mixed grains. I already have a nice chicken coop with a fenced in area for them. I can let them roam in the yard, as I get them back to the coop at night for protection. It has been 2 years now since we lost our free range hens. I just want some feeding tips, as long as it does not consist only of corn.
  23. Could you insert the copyright symbol into your blog? Also could you insert html code that keeps people from copying?
  24. Big drug companies have the support of the government. It is impressive how they switch jobs back and forth from government to drug company. There is much conflict of interest where drug companies are concerned. Drug companies market their medicine to physicians, AMA, to the public, and other ways. Drug companies make lots of money and are agressive. Now drug companies can get drugs approved in less time with less studies. Alternative medicine does not stand much chance in this country.
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