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Everything posted by LarlaB

  1. Since having children, I have grown to love exercise. Its something positive that I can do for myself, usually by myself. Even if I'm not chomping at the bit each & every day, I'm happily drawn to exercise because I know the more I exercise, the better I feel. Its like a drug in that I keep coming back- helps me clear my head, de-stress, feel capable/strong and accomplished. I run 3-4x a week, and do strength training, pilates on other days.
  2. I combine sour cream, mozz cheese, egg, sauce & ziti together.....and put more fresh mozz & feta cheese on top. ;)
  3. In my dreams, I would take Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reeves & Harrison Ford and... ship them off to Bulgaria, never to appear in fear (notice I did not say 'act') again. I've been needing to share. :D
  4. IMHO, I'd give them away. If you don't already have a practical, necessary use for them, its one of the 'waiting til inspiration strikes' items, and if you're really de-cluttering....its gotsta go. ;)
  5. Stuff with goat cheese, wrap in bacon- broil & eat. :)
  6. Thanks for the replies :) Yes, we had textbook, workbook, IG & intensive practice- 1a & 1b Used as directed :) There was no one aspect that frustrated her- she learns very quickly & masters fairly easily. It was rather the pace...you don't get to hang out and do double digit addition, rather its on the next thing. I'm aware that shes 6, and don't feel I have skewed expectations. Every other subject, we work together pretty well. IMHO, this is a curriculum issue. I'm not looking to plop her in front of a computer/tv for ANY subject, much less math. My desire is to be involved. :) I think my main gripe is the lack of reinforcement built into the program- soooo many people have to add on even though its billed as a full service. That having to add on, print worksheets, create games etc...thats what makes it feel teacher intensive- I suppose I assumed that should be a part of any comprehensive math program. At this point the only way I'll use it next year is if we add on MM...and I just wanted to see what other options were out there.
  7. Math was the greatest point of frustration last year. I had largely blamed myself as the causation of our frustration until I heard others share similar complaints about Singapore: *Moves too quickly (quite a breadth for an academic year) *Not enough review/application, *Very teacher intensive DD is a very bright kiddo and doesn't like a lot of review. She gets the concepts, I think it just moved too fast- like you learn one thing, apply it 3 times, and crank it up a notch. I feel breathless when I think about our year in Math- LOL Somehow I think there would be a better fit, but am unsure where to go for math options. I like the concept of Singapore (learning "why") but the application is missing something. Suggestions? Comments? please? LOL Thankx :) Laura
  8. Check out http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1867708#post1867708
  9. I was looking thru MIF for a bit last night and noticed something....in SM they had all problems worked horizontally, whereas MIF had them going vertically. Might not be a big deal, but it stuck out to me because I thought one of the major differences was learning to regroup, not simply add/carry. Thoughts?
  10. Yes I can (and have) but would call DH because usually I have the kids w/ me and really, why add to chaos?
  11. I'm easing towards your position except that we aren't sure if we are selling our house or finding renters... and we are moving to Colorado. I will have to have my house show-ready so I'm already starting to de-clutter, purge/edit and deep clean. The further I get, the more manageable it seems, ya know? I've started w/ closets (linen, bedrooms, coat, storage etc) this week and will move on to another are next week. Agreed that if you've done the groundwork and your house has been editted & decluttered in preparation, AND you have sufficient boxes/packing materials...it can go pretty quickly. :) Good luck! Laura
  12. DH & I are former pastors ....went thru Bible school AND seminary together, and then DH was on-staff at an amazing church for 6 years. :) Two years ago, we felt God leading us (unexpectedly, I might add) out of ministry and I have no idea where this path will lead. By the way, he was the pastor of small groups in a church of 2200- not 'the' Sr pastor but close enough for us to know that is not something we desire.
  13. Yes, come to the runners group. :tongue_smilie: Having said that, to build endurance in running (ie go further) SLOW DOWN and you'll be able to go further. :) The speed will come after that. 6 months & 400 miles ago, I could only run 12 minute mile, can now do a 10 min mile for my short runs and continue to build distance. Also, if you are interested in going longer distances, perhaps taking walk breaks would be beneficial. http://www.jeffgalloway.com for more info. :) I trained for a 1/2 marathon by using walk breaks....I easily went from running 3 straight miles to doing a 6 mile run/walk my very first try (and didn't feel more fatigue). :) 3 minutes, walk 1 minute....now I run 100% of the time, but its a very low-recovery way to gently increase distance. Finally- as a runner, you have to realize that the mental strength & strategy is just as important as what the 'neck-down' is doing. :) Laura
  14. I came here today to ask the same question- was up late last night looking at RR catalog and getting excited that this might be the solution for us. :) It 'seems' like its intended for school use given the Houghton Mifflin publishing and high cost of text books. But I can work with that.... We used Singapore last year, and while I like it, there were challenges and I was looking to supplement or add on this year. After ooking thru the samples of MIF, I really like what I see....the same concepts, seemingly presented a bit differently. We may switch to MIF....
  15. Pinto beans are simmering in crockpot. :) Will be served over rice (cheese, sour cream & avocado) & a salad
  16. Fresh Pineapple ;) Fresh pineapple (Mango & Kiwi as well) has an enzyme called bromelain that is supposed to work like a prostaglandin, ripening and softening the cervix. I read that little tidbit when I was almost 38 weeks, ate about 1lb of fresh pineapple as I was doing computer work, and 1 hour later contractions started- DS was born 4 hours later. ;)
  17. My DD wants to learn Spanish, and I need some help choosing a program for her. I do not know much Spanish- took 2 yrs of French. ;) At this age, its more for fun and introduction but I do want to get her started on the right path. I've looked at Immersion Spanish, but unsure if that is best for a young child. Surely there are more exciting options out there. :) Suggestions? What have you tried that has worked for this age? Thanks! Laura
  18. I wanted to love it, but didn't...I prefer Mystery of History, particularly for Ancients.
  19. Since having small children w/ early bedtimes, I dislike phone calls after 8pm, and certainly not before 8am. ;)
  20. His first climb was Kilimanjaro in 2006 at the ripe old age of 9. http://www.jordanromero.com/about/team/ I hope my kiddos find something to be so passionate about in their pre-teen years, and I'm already praying for the strength & grace to be supportive- LOL
  21. Sticky Buns/Cinnamon rolls- especially if whole wheat :)
  22. Oh, I didn't know there was a movie. The book was incredibly memorable.
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