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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. I'm really glad to run into your posts this evening! We will be starting The Learnables French soon too, and since we have never used it before it is reassuring to hear positive comments about the program. I was happy to find it on sale through the HS Buyers Co-op not long ago, which made an already affordable language program even lower in price. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. I was told to start dd on the new grammar program at grade level, but I'm not sure whether that would be Level 1 or Level 2. She is now completing R&S English 5 and we're making a switch to ALL (Advanced Learning Lessons by SWB) for the next school year. I took a look, and FLL Level 4 samples look very, very simple for where she's at, so my concern is that the first level of ALL will be repeating a lot of what she's already done in R&S 5. Does anyone know? Any suggestions? Blessings, Lucinda
  3. Please forgive me if this is off topic from the op. I just wanted to ask you all what level of SWB's new grammar series (Advanced Language Lessons) my dd should begin with if she's completed R&S English 5. I was told that a student should start at grade level, so would that be the first book in the new series or the second? Blessings, Lucinda
  4. I plan about three years at a time, allowing for some flexibility if needed. Dd is finishing 6th grade now, and I've got everything lined up through the end of 8th. I've actually already got a booklist going for 8th grade and I'm slipping reading books away when I find them really cheap. I do have a tentative plan for curriculum that we'll use for high school - although I'm always researching, and I'm also keeping the option to send her to private school if it feels like the right thing to do at that time. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. We like the Well Planned Day student planner, but it does have dates. Since you would like to customize your own, have you tried DonnaYoung.org? She has some amazing resources - all for free. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. We are about to begin our third year with TT and I must say I've never -- not even once -- regretted the decision. I also love that it frees me up to focus on the things that I love to teach and teach the best, and no more hassles with dd because I'm not the best math teacher in the world. :lol: Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I think that is your answer! Mom's really do need to have a time of privacy at some point each day, and a bedroom is a retreat -- especially for adults. You deserve it, so don't feel guilty about it. Dc can join you by invitation perhaps. So I would say put up the bunks and the other bed in the larger bedroom for the three dc to share and you take the smaller room. Like you said, this is not a permanent situation. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. It comes with every printed version and is a necessary component in using each specific year plan and is not an add on. Here is a quote from the TOG forum website about this very thing: We want to offer here an opportunity for Tapestry moms to buy and sell used Tapestry products and related resources, but there are a couple of things you should know in making Tapestry purchases. 1. The Loom CD is an ESSENTIAL component of any printed Tapestry year-plan. Please make sure that it is included if you’re considering purchasing a secondhand year-plan or unit. You will have difficulty using the year plan without it, and Lampstand Press DOES NOT sell the Loom separately. 2. Also please be aware that if somebody is selling a year-plan without a Loom CD, it may be a copy that was purchased as part of a DE/Print package, and those are not legally resalable due to copyright issues. I hope this helps. :~) Blessings, Lucinda
  9. Since I'm hs'ing one child at this point in time, I'm not going to be able to suggest anything from my own experience. But before totally throwing in the towel, why not talk to some moms of large families that include high school level? One that comes to mind is Tina (aka johnandtinagilbert) here on the boards. I'm always impressed by her scheduling and planning. Her blog is at http://www.lifeofthegilbertgang.blogspot.com/ I'm sure there are others that will chime in too. But if you do decide to give up on TOG for highschool, I'd second the motion to check out MFW. I've checked that one out too, and have heard nothing but great things about that program too. It would just be nice to have all your family on the same subjects/eras of history, etc. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. I'm an art teacher by profession, and I have to say that I really like God & The History of Art. Yes, it is hands on instruction combined with art history. The author does it very, very well. I usually put my own lessons together, but frequently I pull from this curriculum for my students at a private Christian school. I've looked all through the lessons and think that they are great. If I needed help with art lessons for my dc or a co-op, I'd definitely buy it. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. Any of the Fulbright editions of Apologia science are suitable for independent learning. You would only need to be nearby for the experiments and possibly to do a weekly summary of some sort. I've heard from a number of moms on this forum that stated that their dc did the courses all on their own. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. I only have one child and have to say that although I have sometimes looked at (and have even drooled over) boxed curriculum, I have not succumbed. I always come back to the same thing...You see, my greatest help has been from TWTM and that is the main thing that I need. I really like to put together a mix of the recommended curricula from TWTM. Along with this I have been using TOG with TWTM and find that it works beautifully. TOG, which is designed for large families, also works well for just one student. I've found that it is extremely helpful to me in many ways as it gives me additional tools to teach TWTM way. Another thing I like about both of these programs is that I can place my dd at the proper level for each subject and don't have to stay within a package. This reminds me of buying art supplies. As an art teacher and an artist, I've discovered that buying sets of paints or other materials ends up being too limiting. Whenever I've bought a set of paints, for instance, there are colors that I end up not using. Just like art supplies, I'd rather pick and choose my own set of curriculum and make my own package deal. That way I don't end up with something that ends up not being used. Blessings, Lucinda
  13. Explorer's Bible studies, but moving up from Discovery to Quest level. TOG VFCR TT LOF Apologia science Along with these, we'll also be adding some new curriculum. I'm really looking forward to creating a balanced mix of both. Blessings, Lucinda
  14. :iagree: Excellent points. I have similar ideas, especially since I only have one student. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. Thank you, everyone. This is all very interesting. I'd love to hear more from other families. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. I voted "other", because I've had good success with homeschoolclassifieds.com. I have, however, had fairly good success selling curriculum here on the forum too. I advertise on both sites at the same time anymore. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. I'm just curious about what the majority of you all do at the end of each unit. Please reply and if you don't mind, give us an idea of the various types of celebrations you've enjoyed. I'd also like to ask for suggestions on how a family with only one student might enjoy a unique celebration as well. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. It was SUPPOSED to be TOG instead of YOG!!! I tried to fix it and ended up with another thread. Oh well. :D Lucinda
  19. I'm just curious about what the majority of you all do at the end of each unit. Please reply and if you don't mind, give us an idea of the various types of celebrations you've enjoyed. I'd also like to ask for suggestions on how a family with only one student might enjoy a unique celebration as well. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I'm just curious about what the majority of you all do at the end of each unit. Please reply and if you don't mind, give us an idea of the various types of celebrations you've enjoyed. I'd also like to ask for suggestions on how a family with only one student might enjoy a unique celebration as well. Blessings, Lucinda
  21. Yes! You can set up accounts for additional students to use the same program and level. Nice, huh? :party: Blessings, Lucinda
  22. BOYS!!! :lol: Blessings, Lucinda P.S. I raised three of my own and truly understand. Sheeeeee!
  23. I agree about Cascade here. Our dishwasher seems to like it the best, and that makes me happy. Blessings, Lucinda
  24. Thanks for all the insight you're all sharing. Anyone else? Blessings, Lucinda
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