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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. I'd purchase an entire library of TOG resource books and upcoming year plans and the whole works so I have it all at my fingertips at one time whenever I need it. Included with that would be all the Apologia science courses for the next few years, a microscope and I'd add lab space to our school area. I think I might also set up a new computer center just for dd, which would include a big screen iMac and a color laser printer. Absolutely, we'd travel and take tons of field trips. I'd also hire a private tutor for foreign languages. Awwww - do I have to wake up now? Blessings, Lucinda
  2. Good news, RoughCollie! I'm rejoicing over the news that you are up and walking. The Lord is good...all the time! Blessings, Lucinda
  3. My 12 yo dd is really into music and enjoys watching videos on youtube. She is a good kid, and we trust her. She has learned to do a number of really cool things with graphics, dubbing audio, etc. and sharing with other friends. She's asking me now if she can have her own youtube account, and I've been hesitant. I don't know if I know enough about youtube and the potential for unhealthy and unsafe situations that might come up. I'm an older mom with a young daughter and am sometimes afraid of making naive decisions when it comes to the Internet. I'm computer saavy, but this is beyond my areas of expertise. If any of you out there could help me think this through, I'd sure appreciate it. If you were me, what would you be concerned about? Would you allow your dc to do this with specific conditions? Please, give me some tips. Thanks in advance! Blessings, Lucinda
  4. I would say that it repeats concepts, but builds on to what was learned in 6th grade and uses the information in a variety of new ways. 7 also advances a bit in teaching geometry. Then as you stated, 7 adds new topics (statistics, probability, graphing, etc.) to the last chapters of the book. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. Well it's a given that TWTM has been my primary guide to homeschooling, and I've gained more from The Hive than any other resource that's available. From this forum I've learned about curriculum, methods of teaching, and on and on and on. So understanding that first, I'd then have to say that TOG has provided me with a wonderful way to follow TWTM model. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. Praying for you, dear lady. Just know that this seems to be an intense time for many people, so you are not alone in the struggles. Remember that God promises to be our strength when we call on Him. :grouphug: Blessings, Lucinda
  7. Our combined favorites include TOG, TT, Apologia science and LOF. I happen to love R & S Grammar too, but dd would not agree because she's not crazy about that particular subject. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. We went from Saxon, to MUS and then to TT where we have stayed and have never looked back. Dd is doing so much better with TT, is understanding math and scoring consistently high on her lessons. She also does LOF once per week to add some variety and fun to the mix. Blessings, Lucinda
  9. Thanks again very much. I can't describe how I'm personally feeling about this, it's very hard to describe. We had been divorced a longer time than we were actually married, but we were married ten years and had three children together. I have to say that we were both very devoted to our kids and had a good working relationship over the years after our marriage ended. My heart truly aches for my sons now, but I have to say that their father's death touches me more than I thought it would. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. I guess I'm weird. Yes, it would bother me!! Now if dh purchased a bar for me , and then I offered him a bite -- that would be more like it. And likewise, I would never take a bite of his first because I'd feel I was being disrespectful. I might possibly ask if he minded me having a bite, but I wouldn't actually take one unless he wanted to share it with me. Believe me, we do share a lot, but it is always done with consideration. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. Thank you everyone for your prayers for my sons and our family after I requested it recently. My former dh went peacefully in his sleep and is now free from all pain. I have thanked the Lord for your prayers this week, and it was a real comfort to know we were being remembered. Everything was peaceful, and there was time for good talks, time spent together and closure for everyone. God is good. Life is too short - go ((hug)) your kids and tell them that you love them. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. If there are pages we don't need in the journal, we just tear them out. The pages that are left make a really nice keepsake journal and reference book. Blessings, Lucinda
  13. I am a Christian that has had two sets of children. My adult children were raised very differently than my youngest in that I passed on a worldview, prayed with them and instilled Christian values and modeled to them my own life of prayer and Bible reading - but I did not teach them to study the Bible for themselves. I mistakenly left that up to the church. With my later in life child, I finally realized that teaching all aspects of studying scripture is up to me. Because my older children have left the faith, I am especially mindful of the need to be more thorough in "training up" my dd. Because of this experience and realization, I have decided to use Bible curriculum for daily homeschool lessons so that my dd has a really good understanding of the Bible. A Christian worldview is woven into our daily studies for sure. We also engage in family Bible studies and prayer, we are part of a mid-week small group that has lessons for kids, and she goes to Sunday school. There is a huge difference between her understanding of God's word and my older children's understanding. The homeschool curriculum is one of the major components in this. Blessings, Lucinda
  14. I can't attest to Dynamic Literacy, but because we have been using VFCR this year I'll offer my two cents. I took TWTM recommendation and have no regrets about it. I believe that VFCR is a solid curriculum, and we will continue with it through middle school. My dd is learning well, and we have seen that it really compliments the Latin she took in grades 3-5. Since we decided to put off more Latin until high school, VFCR has been a great way to keep her connected. I really like the approach it takes in teaching roots and word origins with portions of reading in the lesson then connecting through written exercises. Each lesson uses key words along with other familiar words with the same roots, challenge words, synonyms and written exercises that put the words into context. I would recommend that if you do go with VFCR that instead of buying the TM with answer key, just buy the smaller, less expensive answer key version. The TM is not helpful unless you want to add activities and engage with your student each week. I found it is really meant to be used in a classroom, and since I only have one student much of it was not useful to me. It's also not laid out well and can be a bother to read through and implement. Since you have the two options, the answer key would really be enough. This way your student can do the work quite satisfactorily on her own, which I understand a number others that have discussed this with me here in the Hive do. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. I realize you may have more than one child, but for my dd's assignments I just write in the grammar, spelling, vocab & writing assignments all in the space allotted for ENGLISH. I have acronyms for each, so it takes up very little space. If that doesn't work for you, then there are the three blank section rows down below at the bottom of the page. Just my thoughts fwiw. :) Blessings, Lucinda
  16. Although I'm sure that a year of botany without it would still be very worthwhile, the journal has been a real plus for us. It is spiral bound and has things grouped together in one place. The worksheets are wonderful for reinforcing points of each lesson. Yes, it's fun for hands-on activities, but really it has been more than that. By the time the year is over, dd will have a really nice journal to keep and refer back to. We are more apt to keep a book such as this than another 3-ring binder. All in all, we have used it each and every week and feel that it was worth the money. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. The first thing I thought of was my very obese cat. Obviously that's her name - aka Roxie. :D Lucinda
  18. Thanks very much for the suggestions. Have you ever actually compared WRTR with Phonics Pathways? In looking at them from what I can tell on the two websites, they seem quite similar. Yet I am leaning towards the Phonics Pathways due to the fact that Jessie Wise and SWB speak so highly of it, and that means a lot to me. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. Here are a few things that were shared in response to questions that I posed to SWB not long ago on FB. When I asked when the logic stage writing program would be available, she said, "We're working on a logic-stage writing program, along with accompanying grammar and creative writing...printed books late this year, downloads earlier. The program is called "Writing With Skill" and is designed to lead the student through four levels of writing that will prepare her for a full-blown rhetoric program. (Rhetoric now only happens in a very limited way in high school, and often not at all in college.)" When I asked what specific ages it is aimed at, she replied, "Any student who can get words on paper with relative ease can use it. This program is designed, above all, to teach organization. (Lots of secondary skills, but that's the central emphasis.) The purpose of dictation and narration is to GET students to the point where they'll be able to concentrate on organization rather than struggling to just put sentences together." Then she went on to say, "Meant to add--the first three weeks of the program are basic skill-building and review. If the student can complete them without too much trouble, you can just progress ahead; if not, you may need to go back and work on some of the skills covered in the Writing With Ease program." I hope this helps someone as much as it did me. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. Thanks Dina! I will check these out as well. Blessings, Lucinda P.S. Did you get my e-mail a couple of weeks ago?
  21. :thumbup: I think you are on to something here! I'm going to do some checking. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. Thank you for the tip. I just downloaded the middle grades audio myself. I'm also planning to buy WWS for either 7th or 8th grade. This should be a real boost to our writing program here at Brown House Academy. :) Blessings, Lucinda
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