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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol::lol::lol::lol: You just had to go there! hehehehehe:lol:
  2. :grouphug: :grouphug: I think it's natural to have conflicting emotions. It's good to have a place you feel safe to give voice to them and get them out. We're all here for you honey. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  3. Have you looked at Timez Attack? My dd loved it when she was young and was able to play it by herself. It seems they have addition and subtraction games now too. HTH :)
  4. If you can afford it school-wise why not? Or maybe just hit the main subjects and leave the rest and just do a half day. Or take a nap and try later in the day. If she's not going to be able to learn anything because she's so tired, then the day would be wasted trying to force it anyway.
  5. I guess it depends on the sensitivity/maturity of the individual child. I read that book in PS in 7th grade, but I waited until HS to read it to my dd because of her maturity level and the discussions that would ensue from the book. HTH. :)
  6. I saw a commercial for that one and it looked really interesting.
  7. I haven't personally no. I just stumbled across it one day while searching youtube for a coconut bread recipe and thought it might be a good option for my SIL whose kids are all on a GF/CF diet so I had it saved in my favorites to send it to her. It looks simple enough and quick. Maybe worth a try. I wonder if any of the boardies who have coconut flour on hand would be willing to make an experimental batch and report back to us. :p
  8. :hurray: :hurray: You'e my hero! Thank you so much. :grouphug: :party:
  9. :iagree::iagree: This is the time of year I start to get burnt too. Maybe time for some field trips and some Fun Fridays. :)
  10. I bought our microscope from Home Science tools here. It was really good quality, even better than I expected and we were/are thrilled with it. I don't know if that is an option for you since you say you want it there fast, but when I order from them I typically get it within the same week. Good luck to you. :)
  11. :iagree::iagree: Oh I loved As Time Goes By. Such a sweet love story. :) Keeping up Appearances is funny too. :)
  12. Oooh I have a local Joanns by me as well. Did you find out about the class online or in store? If it was online which part of the website had it? I wonder if mine has a class too. I know they do sewing classes, but I don't know if they do handicraft classes too. Off to check. :) Thanks.
  13. :bigear: :lurk5: I would like to know this too. I never learned to crochet properly and can only make the chains and nothing more. I've always wanted to learn though. My great grandmother used to make amazing crocheted items. They are family heirlooms now. :)
  14. Ah I didn't even see that she had put down BlackAdder! I can't believe I forgot that one too! That's a funny show! :) One that I've heard is funny, but I've never seen it myself is The Mighty Booshes sp? I had a friend in England that said it was the funniest show ever, but they don't show that one on PBS so I've never seen it.
  15. :iagree: I was rooting for the Saints when they faced off against the 49's. I'm a Dolphins fan so I don't like the 49's since Joe Montana was a rival to Dan Marino, but I have to say, that last touchdown in the Saints game was amazing. Even though I wasn't rooting for San Fran, I have to give them credit. They played their hearts out! :) As for who to root for for the Super Bowl.... GO ELIIIIII!!!! :D
  16. :iagree: :iagree: I second Red Dwarf. Rosie turned me on to that show. For me, you know I have to recommend Monty Python's Flying Circus & Fawlty Towers. Are You Being Served is funny too. :p
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