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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I didn't even hear about the Florida ones. That makes me so sad about the manatees. :( This is all very alarming and strange. It seems like there must be a connection, but I don't know what. :confused:
  2. Yacata!! :eek: padre: "Que tienes alli!?" sin verguenza: "un chicle" lol :lol:
  3. I got to see the moon last night on my way to church and on the way back home. It was SO HUGE on the way up and still so big and beautiful on the way back home. It was a clear night too so it was really beautiful. I thought about your post and was telling dd about it as we looked at the moon. :)
  4. We like BJU in our house. :) It does get more rigorous for 7th grade, but I found that all of the subjects seem to. :confused: My dd did the Life Sciences last year and she liked it. The teacher's manuals come with a cd-rom that has animations and video clips and other supplementals that were fun to use. It introduces some biology, but it's not a huge portion of the book. I don't think a microscope is necessary. The books have beautiful color pictures that are very detailed and show the parts of the cells very clearly. They also have some cute cartoon type pictures to explain the more difficult to understand (and remember) parts of the cells. :)
  5. Oh Crissy! :crying: I'm so so sorry. I am glad that that she went peacefully. I'm praying for you and your family dear. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. HAHAHAHAHA!! :lol::lol: Ummm.... actually I don't. I'm more "doofus" than "awesome" personally. lol ;) :D:tongue_smilie::lol: hehe
  7. Jean, you are so awesome! What a contribution to these boards you are! :grouphug: Thank you for posting this. :)
  8. Oh I agree with you. I was only speaking in very general terms. I too am a hard one to define. I have olive skin with yellowish undertones. I need yellow based foundations, but I have some redness in my skin too mainly in my cheeks. I also look good in black. It's actually one of my best colors. And my hair is almost black too. Go figure. :confused:
  9. Ay I KNOW!!! I am so sick of all of those stupid Viagra and Cialis and KY commercials that play DURING DINNERTIME! ugh. I'm so sick of old dudes and their erectile dysfunction! :ack2:
  10. You look like a warm complexion to me. My understanding is that yellow undertones = warm and pinkish/reddish undertones = cool.
  11. That is SO COOL!! Those get togethers must be so much fun. Do ya'll talk in abbreviations or say the whole word. ;) :) Did they look completely different than how you had imagined them before you met them? I just think that's so neat that you know so many. :)
  12. Dang Jean! For real! 20 WTMers live in your town? That's incredible!! :)
  13. My online self is the same spastic personality as my real life self.:tongue_smilie: If it were me, I would send a PM and say, "Hi". I mean, what are the chances of bumping into someone IRL online! That's just too cool! :)
  14. I believe the Bible is the true Word of God and yes I believe we are in the birth pangs that Jesus talked about in Matthew 24.
  15. I'm sorry about your dh. :( :grouphug: There are two people I long to talk with but for different reasons. 1) would be Jesus because I just would love to talk with Him face to face and hear how His voice sounds and ask Him all my questions. 2) would be my grandfather because I just miss him so much. He was more like a father to me than a grandfather and even though he died in 1987, I still miss him terribly and have dreams about seeing him again and talking with him. I just wish I could hear his voice again and hug him and smell his smell. I miss him. He left this earth way to early. :crying:
  16. I'm so sorry Greta. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying for you and your family. :(
  17. I would make cut off shorts. If you're really crafty, you could do what Rosie did and make an awesome blanket. :) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=230043
  18. Yeah, that would be the only wrinkle. Unless of course she told them it's just because she lacked her skill to cook it properly and then who knows, maybe the husband said, "whip out the steaks and I'll cook them." For all we know they could be eating a delicious feast of salmons and filet mignon and that tasty dessert she made. :) I do hope the OP pops back in and updates us on how her dinner went, but I have the feeling that she's abandoned this thread. lol :tongue_smilie:
  19. Poor OP! I think she must think we are all absolutely INSANE! I think she abandoned this thread back around page 5. lol Wouldn't it be a riot if she pulled this thread up at her dinner party and said, "Look at how nuts these people are. Do you want more salmon?" :lol::lol::lol:
  20. :lol: And for the record, yes you take your shoes off at the door. lol ;):tongue_smilie::D (runs and hides to avoid being pelted with shoes :D ) I know. So many artists are divas! Not just in kitchens either. :tongue_smilie:
  21. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. :crying: I hope you can do something nice for yourself today. :grouphug:
  22. yeah I totally agree with you that that was messed up. And btw, I wasn't calling you out at all just so you know. :) I sat and read the entire thread from start to finish yesterday and saw some comments like "being served a cheap hotdog" or "I would be insulted if someone served me a cheap hot dog or a hamburger" and that is what struck me because I personally like hamburgers and hot dogs and didn't see what was wrong with it. Not everybody can afford to buy steaks especially for a dinner party and I just hate to think of someone coming to my house to eat and all the while they are feeling insulted because I can't afford to feed them steak. :lol::lol::lol::lol: But that's not what the OP was saying, I realize some people interpreted it that way and the thread took that turn, but I thought that there were people who were saying they thought being served cheap hot dogs or a hamburgers was insulting. If I read that wrong that and misinterpreted what they were truly saying then that's my bad. :)
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