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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. If you're just wanting to learn how to read and basic things about music notation and values of notes and such, you could just get a book on music theory. Your library will probably have a selection of books and the web as well. There are really only 2 clef's you need to concern yourself with (3 if you're interested playing drums) that all music is written on. I'd start with the basics there. Hope that helps. :)
  2. Awwww, I missed that. I've been here since April 2009, but have been known to take "board breaks" for a few months. I would have liked to see what she would have chosen for me. :) I remember the last time we did a thread like this Spycar commented that he had thought my name had to do with the Iberian Peninsula since I'm part Spanish. He thought that was where the "Ibby" came from. :)
  3. LOL I always thought it was the "tap, tap, tap" that a conductor does with their baton on the music stand before they start conducting a piece. Man, I was way off. lol :lol:
  4. *Gulp* (stammering) Wha, wha, what do you mean too many books?? (sheepishly) I don't think so. :blushing: :) :D hehe
  5. Awwww that is so cute!! What sweet girls you have. So did God fill up your cup? :D
  6. I love guitars. I was a teenager during the 80's when Ibanez made a lot of really great guitars. We all played them. They sounded great, kicked butt and were a great way to own an awesome guitar if you didn't have the coin to put down on a Fender or a Gibson. All my friends who were guitarists in bands and pretty much every band in school played Ibanez and my love for them started back then. I own 6 Ibanez guitars that range in date from 1976 all the way to the RG550 20th Anniversary reissue that I bought new in 2007. Ibanez guitars are nicknamed "Ibbys". Since I own a few and love them so much I'm Ibbygirl. :)
  7. :grouphug::grouphug: Sounds like my house too, except my dd would be the one doing the barking. :001_huh: If you find a good pair let me know too, hun. :grouphug:
  8. Thank you. :) I will. I'll have to get some Oxyclean though first. :)
  9. I think the sugar maybe caramelized and stuck to the pan? I always line my cookie sheets with wax paper anyway to avoid that problem because it seems ALL of my cookies stick. lol The wax paper is great and when I take the sheet out of the oven, I just pull on the edges of the wax paper and slide the whole sheet off (with the cookies still on it) onto a cutting board to cool. If you have a baker's rack that would be the ideal place, but I don't have one so I use my large cutting board. HTH. :)
  10. That was really cool the fusion that he did with the Indian and Reggae rhythms. Very skillful. :) I liked the lyrics too. Thanks for sharing. :)
  11. That's a really cool idea. I can't believe how many people participated too. That's great. :) I wonder though, in the picture of "La Negra" what are those two lumps on her chest in her adult picture?? I've never seen anything like that before.
  12. I just added it to my wish list too. I think dd would love that. :) Shoot, I think I would too! hehe It looks like fun. :) Thanks for the recommendation. :)
  13. Awwwww!! Hello Murphy!! Nakia he's soooo cuuuuuute!! :D hehe
  14. OOOH I used to see that down in the Keys when I would go night fishing. It's VERY cool! :)
  15. My church has a thrift store and if there is not a specific person in mind that I know could use the items, I give it to them. I like my church's thrift store because if someone has applied for help with the benevolence ministry and they are really in need, they can go and get items they need from the thrift store for free. :)
  16. For me personally, I'd rather give things away to someone who needs it rather than try to sell. But that's just me. :)
  17. My dd loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. She read one to me once and I was laughing out loud too. :)
  18. Oh how fun! Trinidad is a beautiful country and the people are warm and friendly. Make sure to eat some roti while you're there and some curry chicken and dahl. Their food is really yummy. :)
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