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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree: :iagree: It's awesome. :)
  2. Oh yes, I've heard about those Keratin treatments, but they're so expensive. But the results are gorgeous I agree. :) Welcome to the boards btw. :)
  3. I would buy Carol Burnett on DVD if I could find it where it didn't cost a fortune. I loved her show growing up. :) I also want to buy Que Pasa, USA? on dvd. I loved that show, but it costs a hundred dollars for the set! :eek: so I haven't done it yet. But I've wanted it for years!
  4. I'm not a hair stylist, but my SIL has really curly hair too. She does her hair similar to the picture you posted of the hair style you like with the exception that her hair is longer. To achieve the style, she just rolls it (while damp) in large rollers and sits under a dryer until her hair is dry. After that she takes the rollers out and her hair is like that picture. You don't need to relax it in order to straighten it out. You could use a flat iron. If you start it at the top of the strand of hair and wrap the hair around the flat iron as you pull your hair through it, it will straighten the tight curls and give you a little body at the same time. The longer you hold it in your hair, the more tight the curls will be. The width of the flat iron will determine the curls as well. The wider the plates, the looser and bigger the curls will be, the smaller, the tighter. :) HTH. I'm sure you'll get a lot more answers and suggestions soon. :)
  5. Oh my gosh, Barbara!! That's just awful! Your poor dd! Is she okay? I would think something like that would be very traumatizing. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. No, foundation is still foundation. Tinted moisturizer is a moisturizer that has liquid foundation in it. It's good for a one-step product if you don't need much coverage. I usually mix my liquid foundations with moisturizer to cut the thickness of it. It feels like I have nothing on my face when it soaks into my skin and evens out my skin tone and covers imperfections. :) If your skin is dry, I'd stay away from powder foundations. They can make your skin more dry and flakey. I have combination skin and powder foundations even give me dry patches. :eek: I think a tinted moisturizer would be a really good way to go for you, or if you have a liquid foundation that you like, you can mix it with your moisturizer and make your own. I like the Aveeno Positively Radiant moisturizer because it gives you a little glow and it has SPF in it too. :) The new Physician's Formula mascaras are really nice too. I usually have a hard time with mascaras because of some ingredient that seems to be in all of them (even high end ones) that I'm allergic too, but that one didn't make my eyes itchy and red. :) A cream blush (Maybelline makes one I think L'oreal too) would look really pretty too if you're using a tinted moisturizer or a liquid foundation. That with a little lipstick and maybe a neutral eye shadow palette (Wet and Wild has some nice ones) and your mascara and you would look lovely. :)
  7. This is me. I literally don't watch any television shows. I haven't watched a tv show with regularity since Seinfeld was on the air. :blushing: hehe We don't have cable and just have the old rabbit ears so maybe that has something to do with it. I just don't find anything that I really want to sit and watch. I will watch movies though on DVD on my tv though. :) My husband on the other hand loves tv. He watches lots of shows on there, but I just don't find anything interesting. I spend my free time here instead as you can tell by my post count. ;) :D :blushing:
  8. I went to PS. Never even heard of sentence diagramming until I read SWB's book. I learned how to do it while teaching my dd language arts. I think it's brilliant. It really concretes (in my mind) the various parts of speech and helps me understand their usage and helps me keep them all separate. It's wonderful for breaking down a really long and unwieldy sentence. :)
  9. :iagree:Yep me too. I'm in the same boat. I either never had the money at the time of the conventions, or couldn't take the time off to go (ours are 4 hours away from where I live and are usually a weekend thing) so I never went. But now, we're starting High School next year and we're almost done I don't have the desire to go anymore. I guess I'll be joining ya'll on the HS board soon. :) I'll be coming eager to pick your brains and glean from your wisdom. :)
  10. It was really funny and I needed a good laugh apparently because I feel so much better. hehehe Thanks for sharing it. :)
  11. We school year round, but in summer we have a light schedule. We have a lot of activities like swimming, beach, movies etc during the day and then usually work a little studying in of some sort around that like maybe practice some math facts or do some reading. :)
  12. Oh my gosh! I almost choked reading this! You are so funny! hahahahaha :smilielol5: :lol: :lol::tongue_smilie:
  13. hehehehehehe :D or two. ;) :tongue_smilie:
  14. I wanted to add a few more Billy Idol songs because I had a feeling I had missed some before so I did some searching through his discography and sure enough I did. How could I have missed White Wedding!!?? smacks forehead. Anyhoo, enjoy. :) The last song is a new one, but there are lots of great images from the 80's and the song is cool so I'm including it. :)
  15. My son doesn't call me anything. :( I wish he would call me "mommy" "mom" or even just "ma" but he doesn't. He is always silent. :( Maybe some day.... My dd calls me "mom". :)
  16. :crying: *sniff* That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. :grouphug:
  17. :grouphug: :grouphug: I've been where you are. It's so hard. I know. I have two kids only. My son is profoundly Autistic and my daughter is Asperger's, OCD and ADHD. I remember crying A LOT and not sleeping A LOT. Shoot I still cry and don't sleep, but I guess you get kind of "used" to it? Sometimes you just have to take it a day at a time, sometimes an hour at a time, sometimes just a minute at a time. I don't know what else can tell you that will give you comfort. Just know that you're not alone. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  18. That is awesome! And what a wonderful experience for your kiddos! Way to go mom! :hurray: :party: Woo Hoo!
  19. I've never been to any homeschooling conference either of any kind.
  20. "Pussycat, pussycat I love you. Yes I doooooo" :D :) Ya'll are funny. It's so weird that you brought up Tom Jones. I literally had that song in my head just yesterday!! How funny you're singing it here now. hehe
  21. hehehehehe I think there are just so many posters here that not every comment gets a response, kwim? If it happens often it can feel like nobody "sees" you. It happens to me too all the time. I'm always so goofy and silly though a lot of my comments get skipped because they're well... silly and goofy, but that's okay. Sometimes they're just for me. :D hehehehe Oh, and not only am I invisible, there is a wanted poster with a $10,000 reward out for me "Dead or Alive" for being a serial thread killer! :D :tongue_smilie::lol:
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