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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Awesome! I guess I shoulda guessed you'd be a Rebel girl. ;) :D
  2. Never heard of it. What sayeth amazon?? They usually have at least one or two reviews on obscure books. :D
  3. :lol::lol: What a cool picture! What kind of camera did you use?? hahahahahaha :lol::lol: Yeah that maybe woulda hurt a little. "Excuse me. Hi yeah it's me your crazy neighbor next door. Um, would you mind taking your front tire off my head?? Thanks. :D "
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good to know! I thought she was trying to tell us something. hehehehehe :lol::lol: I guess this proves I'm way too sarcastic. I have a guilty conscience! :lol:
  5. Anyone else notice the other thread about when someone's humor isn't funny?? You don't think they mean us to do you??:Angel_anim: Though the timing is... suspicious. :lol: :lol: :D :biggrinjester:
  6. Not me, surely!! Nope, never! :lol: :D I edit quite a bit before I post and often after I post as well! lol My mother, brother, dh and I all speak this weird sort of language that is a mix of sarcasm, puns and lines from movies/songs. :001_huh: :D Oh girl! I so hear you. I hate when someone (unwittingly) says something that leaves me an opening to make the perfect sarcastic reply and they don't get it. I swear, I think I've become such an expert on cricket chirps that I can distinguish which variety of cricket they are. :tongue_smilie::D
  7. :lol::lol: :iagree::iagree:That is a brilliant idea! Mine too. :glare:
  8. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I hope everything goes well and that you'll be holding your precious son soon. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  9. Okay Rosie, it looks like you're going to have to just suck it up and finally agree to exchange phone numbers with me in spite of my unfortunate accent. :tongue_smilie: :iagree::iagree: I too really wish that Willow would update and let us all know she's okay, but I think it is probably the power out as well. When we have hurricanes here we can be out of power for weeks if not longer. I'm sure an earthquake is much much worse.
  10. Well, it's not a *new* guilty pleasure, but it is one just the same. I LOVE buying new earrings. I can't help myself. I love them. I see a pretty pair and my eyes turn into Anime/Manga eyes and I go "oooooooh. Puuuuurty" :drool5: and I have to get them. Fortunately most of my earrings come from Forever21 so I don't usually pay more than 5 bucks for a pair, but seriously, it's like an addiction. I probably place an order from them for earrings at least once every month or two. :blushing:
  11. I wish the state governments would be concerned with the cost to the community of the people they let out. :( I cannot tell you how many stories I've seen on the news where a child goes missing, is later found naked lying dead in some ditch, discarded like garbage after some predator has finished with them only to find out later that the predator was a repeat offender that had recently been let out of jail. :iagree::iagree: How can a man who has HUNDREDS of counts against him be "cured" by castration. He is sick and I cannot be cured IMO.
  12. Styx :hurray: They only did two albums in the 80's and I loved the entire album of Paradise Theater so here it is... The entire album. :) Enjoy. :)
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