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Everything posted by mama2cntrykids

  1. We keep our AC between 72-74 degress in the hottest part of summer. My kids complain about how cold it is. So, they either put on more clothing, go outside or grab a blanket :).
  2. Ohhhh...when I was in 8th grade, I used to drool over NMMI catalog. How old is your ds? I totally understand how you must feel. Heck, my oldest ds is only 11.5 yrs. old and I have moments of, "Oh my gosh...it won't be long and he'll be walking out the door!". When I was 17, I went to Army basic training. I can't imagine how tough that was on my mom, especially since I was an only child at the time (my dad and step-mom had my brother when dad was 50!). Hang in there. I know it's easier for us to say than for you to DO. Keep busy...that will help.
  3. I have an old school one in my drawer that I use. I grew up eating mainly boxed potato flakes, but as an adult, I realized how much better the real deal is. YUM!
  4. Yes, I would just use my middle name as my first and my last name would be my maiden.
  5. I'm thinking of unfriending many of my "friends" and changing my name on facebook. There are only a few ppl that I keep up with on there anyway, but I mainly use it for the "groups" that I belong to on there. So, if I unfriend ppl first and then change my name, the ppl that I unfriended won't be able to see my name change, right? I would have to take my profile picture off, as it's a picture of dh and I. I say that because if I keep a few friends, I don't want the "friends" we have incommon seeing dh/my picture and know it's me. Last winter I ditched fb all together (totally deactivated my account) and I set up a new account this spring, but I'm already sick of much of it. I would just close my account again, but there are SOME ppl that I'd like to keep up with and I like many of the pages/groups that I am apart of. Should this plan work?
  6. Wow. I'd be extremely upset about that, especially at that age. Even if the girls were relations, that doesn't mean much for the other boys there.
  7. Dh ended up being at the clinic/hospital for almost 12 hours yesterday. The outcome? He had surgery today. The good news is: no blood clots and the bone was unaffected. The bad news: he will be laid up from work for 2-3 MONTHS. It could be much worse and I thank God it's not. We will lean on our Lord and get through this. Hubby now has a 10-12 in. gash in his calf. I really feel for him. They're keeping him overnight tonight for observation/pain management. Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts.
  8. That's a good question. I think they're taking it day to day. Thanks for the info!
  9. As a matter of fact, yes, he does. He's had it for a few (or couple, can't remember) weeks now.
  10. Dh has been discharged from the hospital. Dx is cellulitis. He will be home from work for over a week (doctor's orders). He'll also have to get to the local clinic daily for IV antibiotics and to get it cleaned out. Thanks everyone for your prayers. If anything changes, I will update again.
  11. Ha! After I posted I thought, "Why don't I teach the more involved stuff while she's napping???" So, I think I might try that. We also have two carriers, one sling and one soft backpack thingy. The backpack thingy doesn't fit me right and she complains in it. The sling *might* work however. I guess I need to just keep trying! ACK! You know, my dd6 wasn't like this when she was a toddler and I was teaching my oldest ds 1st grade (at the time...he's now in 6th!). Different kids, I guess...
  12. Thanks everyone. I just spoke to dh on the phone. His antibiotic IV is almost gone. No doctor has came around yet, probably in the morning. The nurse said something about keeping dh there for 24 hr. observation. I hope they're not just dumping antibiotics into him and sending him on his merry way. That's NOT finding out what's causing the problems. Hopefully the doctor will have a course of action (hopefully...). I wish we could get up there. Depending on what the doctor finds/says tomorrow, we may (if they keep him longer). I hate the waiting game...
  13. They are also doing a urine and a stool test. Dh said the doctor told him that he has many concerns. Not good. If you're a praying person, we would appreciate it.
  14. Well, they admitted him and they're doing blood work right now. The doctor drained it, so he's no longer in pain and they put him on an IV.
  15. The unfortunate part is, he stays 2.5 hrs away during the week renting a room close to his work. I'm not able to be with him, so if they send him "home", he'll probably go to work tonight. I *hate* not being there. I'm going to text him and see if he's been seen.
  16. **Update post 34 and post 45**He has a few sores on his leg that he doesn't remember getting. They're round with thick scabes on them and redness surrounds them. Now, this afternoon (he works night shift), he woke up barely able to walk, in lots of pain and his calf really hard. I told him to GO TO THE DOCTOR. He's there now, but I am at home. Any ideas as to what this may be? I am worried. He has a high pain tolerance and he was in a lot of it (I talked to him on the phone b/c he's 2.5 hours away). Thanks for any thoughts. Prayers are appreciated as well.
  17. This is our second day of school and my toddler (14 months old) doesn't want anything BUT me. It's getting frustrating. I can't give the other kids the attention they need with their work with her crying/whinning at me. I've tried giving her toys to play with that she hardly ever gets to play with, holding her (she just whines and whines), giving her a snack, etc. Any other ideas? The kids are having a hard time concentrating and I'm losing my mind:confused:. If this keeps up, it's going to be a loooong year. It was MUCH better last year when she was a little infant.
  18. Yuck! Sounds like something my mom's ex-h would say to a young girl. Seriously, seriously creepy!
  19. I will have to post my friend's recipe later. I *just* made two loaves and 15 cinnamon rolls with it. Both were a hit!
  20. He'll be doing CLE this year for math. I'm thinking of doing a mix of 3rd and 4th grade. 3rd as a little review and introducing new topics. 4th (slowly) so that he can be introduced to harder concepts, but not expected to get all out with it. I'm just feeling crumy about it. I've never held the boys back for anything before. Ugg...it'll be ok, right? I really need reassurance here.
  21. Good idea! I just need to bit the bullet! Yes, yes it does! Off to find chocolate chips...
  22. Nope, you're not. I have no plans to get one either. Just another "thing" for me to be distracted by;).
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