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Everything posted by mama2cntrykids

  1. I wasn't raised in a Christian home, so nothing was off limits or evil. Heck, my mom was letting me rent R rated movies when I was ten. She had to sign off on that one though. I thought that I was so cool. Now, I won't even watch R rated movies lol.
  2. For the boys, I don't. They're good at knowing when it is too cold for shorts. For the girls, I did it last weekend.
  3. In fact, besides the jeans, there are a couple of outfits that she's like a stuffed sausage in too! Poor chubby baby:tongue_smilie:. She has her mother's thighs!
  4. She is almost 16 months and this has been going on for the past six weeks or so. They seem to be getting more and more and they look like spider bites. We co-sleep and my dh and myself have only had one bite each. He did contract MRSA from what the doctors "think" was a bug bite about seven weeks ago... Not sure what to think:001_huh:?
  5. No scuffle from me. I just wanted to say, may God bless you and your ds. You're doing an awesome thing for this elderly lady. I truly feel for her (and for your tender-hearted ds).
  6. Thanks for your input everyone. My dh and I are going to sit down and do some talking/looking. If you'd like to chime in, please do!
  7. I know some of the features that we're looking for, so let's start there: Surfing the internet, including youtube and watching movies Playing Apps Touch screen (they're all touch screen, though, right?) Crisp picture At least a 8" screen Maybe a built-in camera or video recorder (?) Under $300 (used/referb is fine) eReader (?) That's all that I can think of right now. What could I be missing that we haven't thought of? Ideas of what kind to start looking at given our needs?
  8. I have four kids. So, five or more. I know many ppl with four kids and it just seems normal. I also know a few ppl with 7-11 kids...now those families seem really big to me! I wouldn't be able to pull it off (but kudos to them...I'm amazed).
  9. Oh my gosh! I am seriously considering a hysterectomy for a prolapsed uterus too. I also have a stage 2 bladder prolapse that the doctor needs to fix. What stage is your uterine prolapse? There is a chance that I am currently pregnant though (I will test tomorrow), so the surgery might have to be put on hold (I really hope not). I just want the prolapse problems to GO AWAY. I am tired of not being able to be very active. I can't stand for more than a few minutes usually before I need to "fix" my issue or sit down (if it's really bad). If you'd like to pm me, please feel free. It's nice to talk with someone else going through the same thing. I don't know anyone irl with this issue.
  10. I just had dh take pics. He took some good ones of our youngest dd being born. I'm glad that I have them. I've seen some really beautiful ones on pinterest and facebook, too. I'm hoping someday to be a pregnancy/labor/birth photographer. So beautiful!
  11. I just wanted to say, I have a stage 2 bladder prolapse and a stage 3 uterine prolapse. I didn't even know that I had a bladder prolapse until last week when I went in to the OB/GYN to get my uterine prolapse checked out (I knew about that one. It's been getting worse since my second birth. My fourth child is currently 15 months old). I would say that with my uterine prolapse, it's been getting only marginally worse with each birth since my second one. The ob/gyn said that I *could* have another pregnancy and birth the way it is safely. I don't know if that helps you at all, but it is my experience :).
  12. No, not at all. My dh is gone from home during the week and we talk on the phone 1-3X per day. I would be upset and feel rejected if we didn't (call me needy, but those are my feelings!).
  13. It seems to happen to me every once in a while. I haven't tested, but I have pregnancy symptoms. I'm pretty sure that I'm not though b/c dh has been dealing with MRSA and TeA has been hit/miss (I know, I know, it only takes once). Plus, my cycle is messed up. Since dd (15 months) has been about 6 months old, it's varied between 30-32 days. Last month, it was 27 days, which through me for a loop. So, now I don't really know when to expect my period:glare:. I keep telling myself that I'm not pregnant and that it's just PMS-like pregnancy symptoms. I mean, I could test, but without really knowing when my period should be here, the test might not be accurate. Anyone else deal with this junk:001_huh:. I slightly annoyed with myself!
  14. He was dx as having PDD-NOS when he was 4 years old. He's 9.5 years old currently. He's really having trouble concentrating. It takes him two hours to complete his math (which I held him back a grade in, so the math isn't too hard). He's always sidetracked. I have to repeat instructions to him multiple times b/c he's just not tuned in. He's a sweet, intelligant boy, things are just getting harder with him being able to FOCUS. He is currently seeing an ENT and is supposed to be getting his hearing checked soon. Ds says it feels like he needs a hearing aide. I have to cut this short. My toddler is melting down, needing to go to bed. I will check back tomorrow and add more... Edited the following evening: I am back, but I don't remember what else I wanted to say last night...errr! I do know that when I questioned him about not being able to concentrate, he couldn't tell me what's going on (or in other words, how he's feeling in his head). I asked, "Does it feel like there's "stuff" in your head?" He said, "Kind of...it's hard to explain." I hate having these kinds of issues and not really being sure of what is going on, you know? This is the kid I always have these kinds of things come up with though ;)! Any other thoughts are appreciated. I will be checking in later...
  15. With my oldest, I potty trained in the summer. One day, I took off his diaper and said, "No more diapers. You're a big boy and can pee on the potty." He was about 2.5 years old and we were outside a lot, so I just put him in a longer t-shirt and let him run around outside. He got the peeing part down pretty easily. It was the poop part that was tough. It took a few weeks for everything to come together. The other kids weren't so easy, but that's another story;).
  16. For us, instrument practice is a part of school. They do it after all their seat work is done. I haven't had any problems with remembering then.
  17. Happy birthday to a FINE young man! Great job, mama!
  18. Poor, poor kiddo. I find her statement about "not knowing how to work with children" telling. I mean, SCHOOL teachers (who are with kids day in/out) NOT knowing how to "work with children". Sad. Very sad.
  19. You mean, I'm NOT the only one?! Yay! I hate getting my hands wet b/c of the pruney fingers...hate it. I carry lotion in my purse b/c it seems to get rid of any pruneyness quicker lol.
  20. I don't think so, my mom started premen. by 34 yrs old. I am hoping for early too ;).
  21. I really just want to accept the payment since dh is laid-up b/c of surgery. The kids really need shoes! I think I will call Tues.
  22. Idk about the selling the house part, but I know if my ex actually filed taxes (he hasn't for years), I would receive anything he has coming back to him. He owns upwards of $20,000.
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