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Everything posted by mama2cntrykids

  1. We're starting August 6th and I don't want to gather materials to start the year:glare:. I did, however, go to Wallyworld and pick up supplies for the year. I guess that's something. I'm just soooo unmotivated to do anything else! How can I motivate myself?!:001_huh:
  2. Congratulatons mama! I pray all goes well. We had a suprise that was a year old June 3rd. There are 5 yrs between her and our next youngest.
  3. Hmmm...I've never given this thought. I think whenever/if my dd's decide they "need" to. I'm not forcing the issue. If they're comfortable with it, then play on...
  4. I agree with the poster's that said skip SS for a few weeks and go from there. We go to a Baptist church (don't know the difference between it and a SB church though). It's not a megachurch either. We have about 120 regular attendees. My kids would have been very uncomfortable with kids talking like that too. Yuck!
  5. The only one that I've boycotted was a gas station in our local small town that sells p*rn. When saw that on the mag stand, I knew our money would no longer be going there.
  6. With the one that's 30-45 min. drive, could you combine that with grocery shopping? That's what I do. Our nearest large grocery store is 40 mins away. So, if we have other opportunities in that town, we just combine grocery shopping with it. We only go to town once/week, ever. Yep, we're homebodies lol. I don't like it, but that's how it's turning.
  7. Oh, oh! This just reminded me: My grandma (maternal) had three older brothers growing up. They only had a two bedroom house. So, the three boys shared a room and grandma slept with her mom until she was 12 yrs. old. At that point, they added another room onto the house. Grandma's father slept on the couch (poor great grandpa). Grandma said that her father always joked about what a prude her mother was...LOL. True story!
  8. Except for the baby co-sleeping...the older kids sleep in their own beds. I don't mind them coming in our room and they know to knock first. Come this time next year, the baby will have her own room, once step-son goes to Army basic training. It's bittersweet for me. I love cuddling her in our bed, BUT I also like my space. I can't even get to sleep if dh is cuddling with me. I have to move away from him.
  9. Shoot, no lotriman. Our van is in the shop, so I can't even get to the drugstore. I've tried letting her go naked too, but no dice. I've also tried keep her out of disposibles (using cloth diapers). That made it worse. I guess we'll just have to deal until I can get to the drugstore. I've dealt with it for the last few weeks, I can deal with it for a few more days. Thanks all!
  10. You all gave me somethings to think about. I think, right now, it might be best just to finance another car for dh (he needs good gas mileage as he works 2.5 hrs away). That way we can get it paid off in a matter of less than 8 months as opposed to 3+ yrs of van payments. It's nice to think, "Ohhh...a new/nicer van. How awesome would that be!" But, in reality I REALLY, REALLY don't want to deal with years of payments. I guess we'll just keep going with this van until something happens to it that absolutely makes it a no-brainer to get rid of it. For right now, the kids have enough room. Once the boys become 14 yrs and up, then it will probably be time to look at something else. Not only will room be a consideration at that point, but by then the van could very well have had *it*. We've put over 100,000 miles on the van since we bought it in 2006. So, while we get around in it, we don't really put huge amts of mileage on it. Right now, it's at about 200,000 miles and my dh has heard that those engines are good to about 300,000 miles before they're done for. Thank you for helping me think this through. It really helps to have more than just MY thoughts on this.
  11. Wouldn't it smell though? My ds9 has yeast problems when he was a baby and it stunk.
  12. I don't want to take a pic b/c it's right on her privates, but she's had it for weeks. It's red and slightly bumpy in nature. I've tried the following: 2 different types of disposibles with Desitin cream Cloth diapers with a natural diaper cream AND with Desitin cream. The cloth also have a fleece liner in there to try and block the wetness. What gives? None of my other kiddos have had a rash for this long. I should take her to the doctor, but have to wait until I have my van back... Thoughts?
  13. and get a different one? We are getting our van fixed again, it seems like we've gotten it fix about 6-8 times in the past three years or so. Including getting the transmission replaced, the a/c fixed, head gasket done, ball-joint (I think that's what it's called). Those were the more spendy stuff. There were also a couple smaller issues too. My dh's car (which he spent $2,000 two years ago on) is having transmission problems too (and something else that I can't remember, but would cost about $300 to fix). Right now we're looking at doing one of the following: Financing a car for him for $2,000-3,000 and paying off the loan when we get taxes back next year. OR Financing a van for the family for as little as possible (under $10,000). Either way, we'll have to finance something, but with getting dh a different car, we could pay it off in about 8 months. Where as, with a van, it would take years. BUT... Our van keeps having issues. It's in the shop again right now b/c it was overheating. Something this time to do with a hose breaking, but it will cost at least $75-100 to fix it. WWYD? I'm really at a loss and dh isn't helping to make a decision (no surprise there:tongue_smilie:)...:bigear:
  14. My step son is almost 18. The only time that I manage his time is when he has chores to do around the house and they aren't getting done. THEN, I will get on him. Otherwise, he can manage his own time at this age. After all, he's going into the Army next summer...they'll help him "manage his time"...hehe.
  15. I am so glad to hear so many GOOD outcomes. I think we'll go with it, especially if it will help ds.
  16. My ds9's ENT doctor wants to do this in one of my ds' nostils. Ds has a lot of nose bleeds and the doctor said that his blood vessels are abnormally large in the one nostril. There's another reason he wants to do this (I think). Ds has had trouble hearing too. He's had quite a few ear infections over the past few years. He had tubes in his ears for three years before the doctor had to take them out b/c they wouldn't fall out on their own. Oh yes, he's had his ear drums rupture twice since he was 5 yrs old. So, the doctor looked at his ears and said there's a lot of scar tissue, so it's hard to see. He also said ds' ear drums are pretty stiff (stiff isn't the term he used, but it's close...I can't remember the exact term). Anyway, ENT wants to have another hearing test done, but wants the cauterization done before hand. I really didn't understand why and with waiting for almost an hour to be seen and a very active toddler with us, I honestly didn't think to ask WHY:glare:. Now I'm reading stories on the internet about cauterization of the blood vessels in the nose and I'm like...:001_unsure:.
  17. If I was single, sure. No way with five active kids in the house. I might even be able to do it if it was just my dh and I.
  18. one that will give you reviews on vehicles? We're looking for a vehicle that will seat at least 7 people. AWD or 4-wheel drive are a plus, but not a deciding factor. Ultimately, I'd like a website that would tell us, xyz has had many reported problems with abc. Thanks for any info!
  19. The elastic is cutting dd6's skin. I've even tried sizing up. Poor dear. It takes forever to heal (even without any undies on). Thanks alot!
  20. Yeah, I'm not sure about shots/deworming/dehorning and wethering either:001_smile:. I figure if I could make about $50/kid, it would work out. I don't see many "mini" breed goats around this area. Some Boers and some milk goats, but that's it.
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