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Everything posted by mama2cntrykids

  1. I have the perfect set up to have goats. The guy that used to own the property bred/sold meat goats (Boers I think). I really don't think I want such big goats, but was thinking of doing something smaller like the pygmy or nigerian dwarf. If you bred/sell, is it profitable? I'm obviously not looking to get rich, but having a side income would be good. Thanks for any info!
  2. Yes, he does want friends, so that's the hard part. I hate watching him feel left out and like no one likes him. I realize it's a crap-shoot if he was being sent to ps. He also says, "I went to ps in Kindergarten and didn't have any friends either." Which is the truth. It's just so hard to watch... He does, but he's always finding things "wrong" with other kids. Hardly anyone is good enough for him. He's a very negative child. So that's hard in itself. Good question. I will have to check. With the older boy, it's a matter of my ds taking what he says as gospel. Then when I try to correct the thinking ds won't listen and sees it as me trying to make his friend look bad. Thanks for sharing your experience. He wants to do Cub Scouts, but I won't let him this year b/c my dh isn't home during the week and I have no one to stay with the other kids. We have been doing AWANA, but I was thinking about taking this year off. He doesn't connect with the kids there, either. In fact, he complains:glare:. Yes, I agree that observation can be helpful as well. I also try talking him through the stuff that he has problems with. I'm hoping as he matures things will get a little better. In many ways, things are already better, compared to how he was when he was around 4-6. Man, that was a tough time. I still do have a tough time with him, but it was worse in many ways back then.
  3. Yeah, I think they'll be ok. I mean, for co-op, we're focusing on Art History in the Early American time period, Literature in the EA time period, Composers same time period, and I think Geography (?) don't remember exactly. So, next year, I'm pretty sure MFW won't be doing those specific subjects. Anything that's a repeat, we can skip and move along. Ok, I feel better now lol!
  4. Ok, so this fall (and into next spring) for co-op, we're studying Early American History (circa 1600s to about Civil War or maybe Western Expansion period). Well, I also plan on doing history for our homeschool, and it happens to be MFW Rome to Reformation. The following school year, for our hs, would be the early American time period. Should this be a problem? I mean teaching two different periods of history in a year? Last year, we studied Creation to the Greeks. Maybe next year when we're covering early Am. history in our homeschool, we can just keep it on the lighter side? I want to be a part of this co-op, for the kids' sake (social aspect and music aspect mainly), but don't want to mess up our cronological (sp?) history. What thinks the Hive? Should this work?
  5. What's a towel :glare:? Seriously, I'm forever on my boys to DRY WITH A TOWEL! They just put their clothes back on (yes, dirty underwear and all...that's a whole 'nother issue). Personally, I get out of the shower and then grab a towel to dry off. We have a rug next to the shower though, so I'm not dripping all over the bare floor.
  6. I'm talking about my ds9, who has aspergers. The only "friends" he hangs out with are ds11's friends. I mean, ds11 has nice friends and they're good to ds9, BUT they come over to see ds11 or invite him over to their house. We moved here 2 yrs ago and at first, ds9 made a few (girl) friends and one friend that was a boy. Over a few months time the friendships all dissolved. Poor ds9. I feel so badly for him. He wants a really good friend, but I think b/c of the asperger's he just doesn't click with anyone. Well, there IS one boy, who lives three miles from us. BUT, the boy is 14 yrs. old and he isn't the best role model for ds. He tells him things that ds takes to heart and I can't tell him otherwise. I'd prefer that he hangs out with the older boy as little as possible. We have some outside activities, but I'm pretty maxed out and really don't want to add more for the purpose of finding a friend for ds9. I've thought about putting him in PS this coming fall. For the purpose of having a wider field of kids to possibly form a friendship with AND because frankly, ds9 is a challenge to me. I know, it's such an "out" for me. I just don't know what else to do?
  7. Something similar happened to us a couple of weeks ago. Ds9 had been hacking pretty good for a few days, but it had dyed down some. One day, he said his ear hurts (he has a history of ear problems), so I brought him in. NOt only did he have an ear infection, BUT pneumonia too!
  8. Well, considering the teen-ager in the house is almost 18, has his own car and job...yes, he does drink Mt. Dew. But he also drinks a lot of bottled tea, so I'm not too worried. Besides, he's almost an adult:D. Now...if we're talking about the younger kids, no they don't drink caffene (sp?) at all. Have the youngers had Mt. Dew? The boys have, but they were with someone else helping do some yard work and that's what the person gave them as a thank-you. I really wasn't too bothered by it.
  9. When the baby is being so sweet and cute, I think about it. Then the older kids start bickering with each-other and the thought goes out the window:glare:. I love my kids. We all adore the baby, but honestly, it's A LOT of work to raise a family right (as you probably know lol). Most days, I am stretched to the limit. Like I've said before, I think it takes a certain type of person to raise a large family well. I'm NOT that person! Besides, dh is going to be 46 this summer:001_huh:. He loves the kids too, but lets face it, he's slowing down. He will be 62 when the baby graduates high school.
  10. Does this work or no? If it works, HOW does it work? We're a part of a co-op that meets on Mondays. In the mornings, we do music, we break for an hour lunch, then in the fall we'll start with American History classes in the afternoon for two hours. The kids will THEN want to play for about an hour and it'll be time to go home. I know that it'll be too much to come home and THEN do math and language arts. OVER LOAD! I insist that my boys (6th and 4th graders this fall) keep up with math and language arts. Both of those subjects call for five day weeks with the curriculum to finish out the year on time (which I NEED to do). Do you have any suggestions? Will this work? I'm all :bigear:.
  11. Thank you. I was thinking of trying this. Maybe it'll work. An hour nap is better than NO NAP, right?
  12. I thought that I had it figurered out, but after today, I'm not too sure. Right now dd 13 months is kind of, sort of transitioning from two naps to one. So, when she actually naps, is iffy right now. For example: Yesterday she didn't have a nap until 2pm. Monday, I don't think she had one until 12 or 1pm. Today, at co-op, she didn't fall asleep until 1pm and only slept for 30 min. Not enough time. She's sleeping again right now and has been since 3pm. She nurses to sleep and I usually nurse her in my bed. She co-sleeps, so no crib/pack n play. She's not one that I am able to lay in a bed after she's asleep, she wakes up. What do I do? If I don't do the co-op portion in the afternoon (teaching some), the older kids aren't allowed to be a part of the music portion in the morning. Music is really important to them. WWYD? I really need thoughts here:bigear:. Thank you!
  13. Hangin' out on line, waiting for a friend to pick us up to go to music. I really need to get my nose in the RR catalog SOON...
  14. We haven't started back, but one of the boys did Khan Academy math to keep on top of it. The other boy will do it on Thurs. I plan to start full-throttle the second week of August.
  15. Oh honey. I am right there with you. I will be watching this thread. Lately my aspie boy has been killing me. Seriously, I think that I'm going to lose my mind b/c of him lately. It's been a hard road and he's only NINE.
  16. From what my friend said, yes, wheat berries can store for years (if stored properly) and still be good.
  17. Ok, I'm curious. I have a friend (who I love and I am not slamming) who is telling everyone to buy a wheat grinder and stock up on wheat berries and corn. She is saying this b/c much of the nation has had high heat/very little or no rain. So...she's anticipating wheat and corn products (which is much of what our nation eats) will be through the roof. I've been trying to find some one who can give me more info as to if the above is true and I can't find anyone (besides my friend). What do you think?
  18. Hmmmm...well, there's. No, no, that won't do...then there's that, but umm, no. How about I think about it and get back to you? Seriously though, I do have to wipe down the kitchen and get my kids to find the clothes they're wearing for professional pictures. I need to wash them by hand (b/c a couple of them wore them to church lol) and our WASHER is down right now. Ack!
  19. Ah-ha! I will have step-ds17 take off the back and see what he can find. Hopefully it's an easy fix.
  20. Our machine is about 20 years old and we've never had an issue with it. I put in a load of cloth diapers and it filled with water and aggitated, but won't drain/spin. Any ideas?
  21. Heck, my NINE year old has trouble with this:glare:. I'm always telling him, "Clean up your mess W."
  22. I would suggest either Thirsties OR Bummis. I used both on my baby when she was a nb. Now, if I could only get this rash to go away...
  23. Thanks for all the great links/ideas everyone. I will check them out. I had tried google, but I wasn't getting very good matches. His reading/comp level is about 8th/9th grade. Spirtually, he has a good grasp of the basic concepts. He's accepted Christ and been baptised and understand what it all means. He's always been on the mature side for a boy his age.
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