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Everything posted by mama2cntrykids

  1. Ok, another question...if I get an android phone (net10-prepaid), would I be able to put android apps on it?
  2. Right now, I'm in the mist of trying to figure out WHAT to do about my health. I have a grade 3 uterine prolapse and a grade 2 bladder prolapse. The OB GYN that I saw recommended hysterectomy. The info that I've been reading on-line is telling me this is NOT a long-term solution. Apparently, it will "work" for a period of time (weeks, months or years), but in most cases, the vag*na and/or rectum will fall into the space where the uterus was. Thus, creating MORE serious surgeries in the future. I won't do the mesh and a pesserary (sp?) isn't really a long-term solution either. I would just "deal with it" if I could, but my prolapse is pretty bad and is uncomfortable day in and day out. What's left? I would go get a second opinion, but I really think they would say the same thing. Has anyone had sucess with the Whole Woman method? Thanks!
  3. Jesse Josiah Benjamin Abel I'm sure there are more that I'm not thinking of...
  4. My oldest will be 18 for the better part of his Senior year. Ds#2 will be 18 for a little less than half of his Senior year. Dd#1 will be 17 (almost 18) when she graduates and the same with Dd#2. All the above will happen only if they stay on track with schooling. We shall see what happens!
  5. Or is it comparing apples to oranges? I mean, just going back and forth on their websites looking at apps, it seems that apple has the better ones. Thoughts?
  6. I don't know if it was mentioned, but Baby Finger is pretty cool.
  7. For my almost 12 year old ds, 9 p.m. lights out on school nights and I really don't keep up on non-school nights. I guess he *knows* lights out no later than 10 p.m. on non-school nights, but I usually don't check.
  8. So, I take it a Fire is android and an ipad is obviously an "i-thing"?:lol: I feel like I am speaking another language:tongue_smilie:.
  9. Ok, I'm still going back/forth about what kind of tablet to get. I have a question though...say that I get a Kindle Fire (just as an example)...would apps for an ipad work on it? Or do I have to stick with the apps that particular company puts out? Sorry if this is a silly question. I honestly know nothing about this stuff, but we really want some kind of tablet and I want to cover my bases BEFORE we purchase! Thanks! ETA: We wouldn't be getting anything for a few months as we'd have to wait for taxes in February.
  10. There, I've said it. I love it, b/c, well, its CHRISTMAS. I hate it b/c we never have much money to buy our kids gifts. It's not like they get anything during the year, either. It *s*cks*. I see and hear about others getting their kids this cool toy or gaget and I'm down. I want to be able to get my kids cool stuff once in awhile. Here we are, struggleing to come up with money to make sure everyone has winter jackets/boots for winter. Just thinking about it makes my heart droop and tears sting my eyes. I know, I need to count my blessings and I do. Truly. Just sometimes, just once a year, I'd love to give my kids something that lights up their faces. That is all. Just wanted whine.
  11. for kids? I'd like to give my kids a basic understanding of the process, but am afraid I would confuse them. Any good kid-friendly videos out on the internet that are interesting? Thanks!
  12. That's an idea that I never thought of:001_smile:. The bolded IS true with my ds too!! You have many, many great ideas. I just signed up for a free trial of BrainPop. I also signed up for time4learning. I don't know if we'll stick with T4L though. He only uses it for science currently. I will have to go through you post more throughly and digest. Thanks so much;)! The bolded is true of my ds. Thank you for all the links and great thoughts. I will look into the links and really process what you have said too. __________________________________ Update: The whole science with work books thing was a flop! I had a workbook that we had tried last year from CLE and we both quickly realized why it didn't work. He has a very difficult time "scanning" for answers if he doesn't remember them from what he read. I started a new post on the generall board. I think I'm going to go more of an unschool approach with history/science. I will get really interesting books, videos, different kits (or something) and put them in a basket that he'll need to choose from. Any other ideas ARE appreciated!
  13. I feel like I could just dump everything but LA and Math and just unschool the rest. I am serious. I **especially** feel this way about my 9 y/o aspie ds. With him, I just feel like continuing on with CLE LA and Math and just buying some interesting books on history and science and "strewing" them around. It's to the point that if he decides he's NOT interested in something, he shuts it out and won't take anything in. BUT, if he IS interested in something, he will learn all that he possibly can right on the subject. Would it really hurt anything if I followed through on this?
  14. My step son is a senior in ps. The first Monday of the month is a two hour late start, but they only have a total of two work weeks off through the course of the school year. One whole week at Christmas and one and two days here and there the rest of the time. This means that they have at least one day off per month (there might be one month where they don't).
  15. My ds11 is already using CLE for LA. His brother, ds9, is using CLE for LA and Math. Now, I would like to switch to workbooks for bible, science and history/social studies for both boys. Ds9 has already said he wants to do CLE for science (we have a workbook from 3rd grade CLE science that we never even got to). So, for those of you who have used both, which is the better program? Thanks!
  16. I've given this some thought too. It may come to that with my Aspie at least. He just has a really hard time with comprehension. UNLESS it's something he's passionate about. I know what you mean on the bolded. I love the CM approach, lapbooks, fun hands-on stuff, but I've come to realize that those things aren't something that I can DO. I just am NOT that teacher/parent. I wish that I were, trust me. Yes, I totally agree. I *do* need me time. It's hard. Especially with a dh who is only home on the weekends. Then he sleeps half the time b/c he's just so tired from working 12 hr. overnights. Blah! Thank you so much for your insight, Joanne. Especially the bolded part. Man, am I looking at it in the wrong perspective. I am going to sit the kids down and apologize for always allowing PS to be the threat. To even be on the radar at all. So, a heartfelt thank you, Joanne! Oh and thanks for the book recs too. I think that I've read Beyond Survival years ago. Looks like I need to check it out again. I thought that I owned it, but can't find it. Any yes, I *am* a Christian.
  17. We're doing MFW for science, bible and history and it's NOT going well. It doesn't matter if I read to him or if he reads to himself. He has a really difficult time telling me what was read. I'm not able to spend large portions of time with him on this stuff b/c: A: He is not the only student that I teach B: I have a toddler that needs a lot of attention Ds was like this last year too and I'm afraid he really didn't learn much science/bible/history. More of the same this year, I'm afraid. The only other options that I can think of are: A: Workbooks (which he does for LA/Math). With that, I'm afraid that he will be overwhelmed with so many workbooks. B: Videos for those subjects. I think we all know how spendy THAT would be, plus, I don't even know where I'd look for something like that. I suspect he has dysgraphia as he hates, hates, hates writing anything. It's gotten a bit better this year, but if it's too much, he melts down. Any ideas as to what on EARTH I'm supposed to do with him? He's in 4th grade btw and pretty smart. For instance, he usually gets all of his LA/Math correct. He has a pretty good memory with those two subjects. I can teach him something once or twice and he'll do pretty well with it. Thanks for any help!
  18. Wow! I hope that doctor isn't passing that info on to new nursing mothers...ugg.
  19. My mother has lived with us, and at first, it was fine. It quickly turned into me wondering when she was going to move out:tongue_smilie:. I'm sorry, I love my mother and I enjoy spending time with her, but it wasn't easy living together. She's actually pretty easy to live with...it was ME that was the problem. I like things how I like them. Sorry if that's selfish.
  20. Uggg...I'm so sorry, Joanne. My ex has gone through many stints of unemployment in the last 8 years. I feel for you, honey.
  21. Nope. I get no me time, really. It's sad, but true. I keep hinting about it to dh, but he doesn't get it. It's going to come to the point where I have to just do it, I guess. Thank you for bringing this to mind. I think sometimes, we as hsers, just try to do everything. I don't know about the ps here. I'm thinking I might be trading one set of problems for another. I've thought and prayed SO MUCH about this. Uggg...he is such a challenge and has been since 1st grade (in terms of school). BUT, he is getting better (very slowly). When I'm in the thick of everything, it's hard to step back, you know? I've heard of this book! I think I might have to buy it used somewhere. It couldn't hurt. Thank you for the glimpse! You are totally right on! Thank you for your kind words. They really do help:grouphug:.
  22. I am using a mix. We use My Fathers World (and any of the books they use in their course), Teaching Textbooks, Christian Light Education, and a cursive course. I was just thinking earlier that maybe we need to use something different, like a strictly workbook approach. I just struggle with teaching, I think. It *is* nice to know we're not alone, isn't it? I would have to give this some thought as well.
  23. I am having a heck of a time. We've been hsing off/on for five years (this is the beginning of our fifth year). I have a toddler, 1st grader, 4th grader and 6th grader. I feel like maybe I'm not cut out to be their teacher. My patience is nill and I loose my temper. My 4th grader really has a hard time doing what he's told and I get sick of implementing strategies to help him do what he needs to be doing. I really am NOT enjoying hsing. I DO enjoy having my kids with me all day and that is a factor in not sending them to ps. None of them really want to go either. In fact, my 4th grader refuses even the thought of it. He went to ps Kindy and while he was fine academically, he struggled with the other kids. I don't know...maybe I'm not cut out for this. BUT, I cringe at the thought of some of the things they'd be exposed to in ps. Can someone talk me through this, please:bigear::grouphug:?
  24. Wow, really? My pldest dc will be 12 this year we'd be having a serious talk if he wanted/had a gf. I would let it go. It seems like kids in ps "date" a lot sooner than they should. Not healthy, imo. My ds' best friend is in ps and last year, in 5th grade, there was a dance. The boy's mother (who is my friend) asked if my ds wanted to go. I was like...ummm...no thanks. I was kinda put off that the ps was having a DANCE for fifth graders. To each their own. I certainly didn't have to send my ds (not like I skipped a beat saying no).
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