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Everything posted by dangermom

  1. To us, Halloween is a fun holiday to dress up and see lots of neighbors. I'm very big on Halloween as a community thing--everyone out being friendly and having fun. We don't do very scary stuff and we like candy. :) The church we belong to does not seem to have a problem with Halloween, and it's never really been an issue for us.
  2. She's not drawing ire because she's in the middle, but because she was being dishonest about her intentions. Hoping to evangelize people who don't believe in creationism by producing a 'secular' science curriculum and trying to insinuate 'wedges' into it is a good way to offend everyone, Christians and secularists, creationists and not.
  3. Glad to hear that things are going better for you! I had no advice to offer, but am glad to see an update.
  4. I have a kid like this too. I did learn not to yell--I have several things I do instead. But it takes a while! Now, when I'm upset, my voice goes quieter much of the time. I'm prone to laryngitis and have lost my voice many times--once I could hardly talk for a whole month! My kids learned to come when I clapped my hands. I can't say they were more attentive, but it worked just fine.
  5. Yes to all of those. A book should be accurately described. If it has been used, then you can't describe it as new even if it's in good shape.
  6. Fun fact: the Sherwood forest scenes in the Errol Flynn movie were filmed in my city, which has a very large park in the middle. Everyone here is therefore Robin Hood-mad--posters in the library, annual screenings in the park, toy stores called Sherwood Forest, etc.
  7. For us it's a day of rest--no money spending, no housework that isn't necessary, usually a pretty simple dinner. We consume media that is religious or classical. We go for a family walk maybe, read together, spend time with my parents, etc. Naps are pretty good too. I suppose it looks like a list of "no's" but what that really does is open up a day for thinking about more important things. We don't sit around wishing we could go shopping or watch a movie; it's nice to have that put aside. And we go to church all morning, but I don't think that's what the OP wanted to know.
  8. I'm not sure you can get good and cheap clothing at the same time. Michael's carries cheap stuff, but it's not good (and the prices are a little high for what they are to my mind). If you sew, there are plenty of cheap patterns, and remnants are great. If you have a friend who sews, she might do it for you for less. I sew doll clothing and can charge a bit less than AG, but not that much less--say $20 for a nice outfit and $10-15 for a simpler one. Fabric + time + pattern = not cheap!
  9. Now that is completely random. I mean, what the heck?? Though I do wish my ankles looked like the ones on the cover! :D
  10. No one said it wasn't as important, just that it isn't the same. Comparing something to a peanut allergy brings up images of epipens, ERs, and immediate life-threatening danger. When a sugar-sensitive child then eats a cupcake and doesn't go into immediate anaphylaxis, others will then think "Oh, paranoid parent, no need to listen to the helicopter-woman." A sugar sensitivity as described certainly sounds like a serious problem, and obviously the cupcake parents were not being polite and I totally agree with the OP. But it seems to me that describing it as the same thing as a peanut allergy is counter-productive.
  11. Many countries do have faith based public schools. The US is not supposed to be one of them, and the incident was inappropriate.
  12. I have thick, pretty curly hair. I put a lot of conditioner in it (shampoo every other day, but condition daily). Then I comb it out, put some mousse in it and scrunch it (I do this part upside-down), flip back upright, clip it or whatever I'm doing, and leave it there. I don't touch it after that. I never blow-dry. I'm not the world's curly hair expert, but it works for me.
  13. Oh! You buy a cut of corned beef at the store--it can be a brisket or another thing I forgot the name of, and it comes in a package with a bunch of spices. Corned beef has been preserved in a particular way with lots of pepper. Then stick it in a crock-pot or boil it for a long time, and have it for dinner. Hash is what you make with the leftover bits. You boil it for about 3 hours--the package will say--or put it in the crock-pot all day on low, like you would with a pot roast or whatever. It should be in liquid, though--put in some water and the juices and the spices and maybe an onion if you want.
  14. Well, the way I make it is to take some chopped corned beef, some boiled potatoes (chopped in bits), and some chopped onion, and cook it all together in a pan. You could put in some extra bits if you liked, and cabbage might be a good side dish.
  15. I don't think any such thing could possibly pass, and I think it would be ridiculous.
  16. Do you mean selecting your own pieces of literature? Using just the core book to do the program instead of the Student Workbook? I haven't done that, and I think it would be difficult. Possible, but not easy.
  17. That's my kid too, Siloam. She will make up stories all day, even write them down (no dysgraphia), etc. --but assign her to write something and she freezes. The imitation of CW allows her to relax some and work on specific steps in writing, while still doing creativity on her own terms when she likes.
  18. He's too old for Primers. You'd start in Aesop. He's old enough to get through Aesop at a faster pace, if that works for you. It might work well if you write everything down from his dictation. Does he type? I don't know enough about dyslexia and etc. to be able to say whether it would work for you. I'd advise you to go to the CW message boards and ask there; the authors usually answer pretty promptly.
  19. IIRC it's pretty clean. It's a great book, I like Josephine Tey.
  20. Oh I am so sending this to my husband. (Do I now have to point out that my husband and I are both fans of science and also believe in God?)
  21. I have a good picture of what I want to do through the elementary years, and am mentally firming up the plans for junior high (very slowly). Over each summer I figure out exactly what curriculum etc. we'll be using, but it's all "do the next thing." Every night I set up school for the next day, filling out little assignment sheets for each child. We have a loose weekly schedule (spelling Mon/Fri, History MWF, etc.).
  22. I did? I don't think that was me; can you point me to where I said that? I can't find it. If I did say that, please keep in mind that I went to Berkeley. ;)
  23. I don't really understand your comment, stripe.:confused: There's an awful lot of middle ground between the extremes, and it seems to me you're giving a false either/or assumption there.
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