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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. I haven't voted yet, I have to think my answer through before I do. I have two boys who are 21 months apart in age. We get a lot of our clothing from my brother and SIL, because they buy nice clothing for my nephew and it has plenty of life left after he is done with it. I always intended to use those clothes and whatever else I needed to buy for my oldest and then hand them down to my youngest, buying him a couple of new things so he didn't feel like all he ever had were hand-me-downs. I've had a bit of a wrench thrown into those plans, though! Nik (age 6) is at about the 50th percentile for height. Nate (age 4) is only a couple of inches shorter than his brother!!! So Nate has been wearing Nik's size 5 hand-me-down pants, but I have to buy him the same size 6 shirts as his big brother is wearing! I have a feeling that in a few years Nate will be handing his clothes down to his older brother. I guess I'm an "other" vote.
  2. He would not step foot in MY house! Honestly, I wouldn't even be comfortable with my husband meeting with him. That's just going to invite him into your lives, which is something I would avoid at all costs. (See below for the reason why.) If this situation was happening to me and my husband insisted on spending time with his brother he would stay at a hotel and they could go out for dinner or something. He would not see or speak to me or my children. I have a great uncle who rates very high on the creepy meter. I know in my heart that this man is a pedophile. Growing up my parents tried to keep him away from us, but at family reunions he would hug all of the young girls ("Come here and give your uncle a hug, girl!" Never giving us a chance to escape.) And the pictures! He always wanted to take pictures. We had to slink around family reunions trying to stay away from him and his camera. He had a way of looking at us that made our skin crawl. When I was a young teenager he moved to a nearby town and used to drop in unexpectedly. If my siblings and I were home alone we would lock the doors, turn off the lights, and hide. He would knock and knock and knock. My parents never let him into their house, but just having had contact with him at family reunions was enough to make him feel like part of our life and he kept coming back again and again and again. Do not risk the safety of your family so that a man like that doesn't feel bad. Like JoAnn, this is a hill I would die on.
  3. I could have posted this! I had excellent grades, graduating with honors, but if you met me today you wouldn't know it! :lol: I may test well, but I didn't learn much in school. And it was one of the best school districts in the county. *sigh* What a waste of 12 years of my life! The one thing that sticks out in my mind from most of my school experience is that I could finish an assignment/test in a fraction of the time it took most of the other students but I was NOT allowed to grab a book and read for the rest of the class period. (I guess it had to do with cheating concerns? I have no idea. I was not going to cheat, but I was bored out of my mind!) I had to sit there with nothing to do (but draw on my jeans with blue ink :tongue_smilie:) waiting for everyone else to finish. I would estimate that I spent half of my high school education sitting there waiting, with nothing to do. While I hope to do a much better job with my children than the schools did with me, my main reason for hsing is so that my children don't waste their childhood years. At home they have hours to do whatever they want, and experience I never had. I read the classics and encyclopedias for fun. Think of the things I could have actually learned if I had been given the chance!
  4. Nate had a true knot. He was perfectly fine, but the doctor was really shaken. He had been an OB for over 30 years and he said the only things that scare him are true knots. He was very happy that my babies come early, because he wasn't sure that Nate would have survived if he had waited the extra 3 weeks before arriving. I get chills every time I think of it.
  5. It looks like we will be spending a week at a condo in Sandbridge Beach in May. We'll spend plenty of time combing the beach and we definitely want to visit the aquarium, but what other attractions are not to be missed in the Virginia Beach area? I'm sure my brother, who owns the condo, will send us some ideas of places to visit, but he has loads of money and we're just poor folks. :tongue_smilie: We're not interested in amusement parks, but would love some other reasonably-priced activities besides the aquarium. Any recommendations?
  6. Thank you! The pics on your blog are very helpful. Melissa's son's handwriting does seem very good! Which makes me feel the need to add an addition to my request for future responders. Do you feel that your child's handwriting is poor/average/exceptional?
  7. We've had an amazing year learning together and I'm very happy with all we've accomplished. However, not being around a lot of other kindergarteners or 1st graders I have NO idea if my son's handwriting is acceptable or not. We haven't used a formal handwriting program up to this point and I'm wondering if I need to add one for next school year. Does anyone have samples of their children's kindergarten or 1st grade handwriting on a blog or somewhere online that they are willing to share? I would greatly appreciate a chance to view some samples!
  8. Ok, I looked it up at various sources online and they all say the same basic thing. Owls lay their eggs over a period of several days and the egg hatching is staggered. Scroll down to the fourth paragraph from the bottom on this page from owlpages.com and you can read why the hatching is staggered.
  9. I missed that thread. I did a board search for Molly+owl but came up with nothing. Sorry for the duplicate! Phoebe was sad. Did you see the alligator lizard? *shudder* That's very interesting! Off to do some research. The bird of prey expert who installed the box and is available for answering questions once in a while hasn't mentioned anything like that. Not exactly, but close! :lol They call it bonding, and it's more like hugging and kissing than what you're thinking. It's a way for them to reconnect and recommit since they've been separated for so long. Or something like that according to the experts. :D
  10. You won't! Even if one starts to pip while you're away cooking, it can take up to 24 hours before it is completely hatched.
  11. Have you been to ustream to watch Molly the barn owl yet? If not, I highly suggest you do! It's live streaming video and I (and to some extent, my boys) have been glued to the screen for days. She is a wild barn owl, nesting in a box that a couple in San Marcos, California installed. They have a camera in the box, so you get to see Molly's every move. She is sitting on 5 eggs and the first could begin to hatch at any time. Her mate McGee visits to bring her food during the night. We have seen her eating, turning the eggs, preening, and bonding with McGee. We have learned so much about barn owls watching. Go watch her! But don't blame me if you fall in love and spend too much time at the computer over the next few weeks. :D
  12. I'm wondering this as well. I received mine last week (or maybe the week before). I read it and understood that I was supposed to fill out the form on April 1, so I set it aside to do then. I can understand filling it out before then so that you don't forget to do it altogether, but why mail it before you should even be filling it out?
  13. We've been watching, too. You might also be interested in The Franklin Institute Hawk Nest live cam. There are also the Wild Earth TV channels. We watched earlier and saw an African buffalo, a momma and baby elephant, and what I think was a greater kudu. Very cool!
  14. I love Ingrid Michaelson! The song that is stuck in my head most of the time lately is Water Cycle by Steve Songs. (You'll have to scroll down to find the song.)
  15. I agree! I had heard the same thing so I e-mailed last week to see what was up before I placed an order. I never heard from them. :glare: Now I'm trying to find the program for sale used, because I really think it would be perfect for our family.
  16. I am curious as to why he isn't on pain meds now? You said he was doing better and now that he's off them he isn't. Would putting him back on pain meds give him more time? Or is his quality of life really bad now, even with pain meds? If you do think there is a good chance he will need to be put down tomorrow, giving the time to say goodbye is very important. I'm sorry about your dog. :grouphug:
  17. Another New Yorker here! :D Have you joined the NYHEN-Support Yahoo group yet? If not, I highly suggest that you do! You can find sample IHIPs and quarterlies, etc, there and a really helpful group of people with years of experience who can answer your questions.
  18. You're welcome. It does look like fun! I think we're starting on Monday.
  19. We're very unhappy with Explode the Code. It's busywork with little retention. I think I'm going to give them to my 4-year-old for coloring books.
  20. We started using it this week . My son keeps telling me that math is too boring and he hates it, so I needed to make some changes fast! He seems to like it much more than the other programs we've sampled. But only 5 lessons. :(
  21. It's called Family Math for Young Children: Comparing and is for ages 4 to 8. The other Family Math book is for ages 5 to 12.
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