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Everything posted by mommyto3

  1. I'm thinking about starting dictation with my almost 8ds. I'd like to make my own rather than buy something also. How much is too much?
  2. My kids have never been in school. They all do very well with taking orders from other people. They participate in SS, Awana, soccer, ballet, PE, science classes, as well as spending time with other family adults who are in charge. DS6 has horrible social anxiety issues and in some situations does have problems separating from us. But honestly, I don't think school would help. I would rather work through each situation and see what his deal is, why he's insecure, and help him learn to deal with it and work through it on his own. My others are fine with separation and pretty much always have been. As far as I know, DS7 has no problem getting along in a give and take situation. As for the college thing, I went to a local college mainly because I didn't want to live in a dorm. I knew I would get homesick and be miserable. I wasn't HSed, but went to private and then public school.
  3. With my first, I lost all my pg weight and was back in a size 6 by 6 wks pp. Continued to lose weight while BFing and made it to 10 lbs lighter than my pre-pg weight. Second I also lost while BFing very easily. My third I didn't lose as easily, but I still lost most all of it. I am now the heaviest I've ever been, I weigh almost as much now as I did 9mos pg with my others, thanks to meds that I took over 2 yrs ago that put weight on that I haven't gotten off. I haven't gained any pg weight. I am hoping that once again BFing will prove to make me lose and that I'll be able to get the medication weight off. But for right now I have to concentrate on gaining since I have lost and not gained at all during this pg.
  4. I'm doing it this year with my 7ds who will turn 8 in Feb. He's enjoying it, I'm enjoying it, and the younger sibs are enjoying tagging along. I wanted a real informal intro to see if Latin is something we'd like to pursue or not. It's working for us.
  5. My 11 yr nephew likes Tech Deck skateboard stuff - the little mini boards. They have some sets at Target for like $10 - $15. I'd probably do something like that with a gift receipt.
  6. Mine will be 8, almost 7, and 5 when this little one is born. This pregnancy wasn't planned and I've worried about the spacing, but not much too do about it now! I'm sure it will be just fine. DD4 is the most excited about the baby and DS7 is excited about helping.
  7. I'm 16 weeks and *think* I have been feeling things for a few weeks now, but nothing that has stood out as totally obvious. I'm still waiting for a big tap! LOL
  8. I'm pretty sure ds7 has jumped or fell off the top bunk before, but wasn't hurt. Course he wasn't clever enough to make his own landing pad! LOL
  9. We have a turtle and never kept the light (which wasn't really a heat lamp, but just a light) on at night. But we live in FL and our house rarely gets to 65 so that may make a difference. "Tiny Turtle" - who isn't so tiny anymore LOL - now resides in our garage and does fine without a heat lamp or light at all.
  10. My kids have, on their own accord, decided Santa is dead. Even the 4yo. So I took the opportunity this year to teach them about St. Nick and where the legend of Santa comes from. We don't lie to our kids about anything, so we've never done the whole Santa thing. I do tell them to not talk about it, especially when ds7 blurted out Santa's dead! to my friend who has small children who do believe. Thankfully the kids didn't hear, I pulled him aside and explained some kids do believe and let's not talk about it.
  11. 6 weeks, except for the dr or a relative's house. I am SO looking forward to that with this baby. I am definitely using the excuse and hibernating for a good while. :D
  12. #1 weaned at 8 mos #2 self weaned at 10 mos #3 self weaned at 12 mos #4 planning to BF but not sure how long
  13. If it were me, I'd only be concerned about weight loss, not slow or no weight gain. My dc are all small. I have a great ped who appreciates the fact that dh and I are not big people, he told me we're not going to have big babies. My dd is probably the tiniest. She self-weaned at 12 mos and then didn't drink anything for about 3 months. She wouldn't BF, but she also wouldn't take a cup. Ped wasn't at all concerned, said as long as she was getting plenty of liquid from her foods and didn't show signs of dehydration, not to worry. We never did and she did start using a cup and drinking milk and water. She never lost weight, but she's always been a tiny gainer. I'd have to look, but I don't think she's hit the 30lb mark at 4.5yrs. If my child continued to lose weight, I'd look into all possibilities, including whether EBFing was a factor or not. I wouldn't automatically wean just because the dr said to. But I wouldn't be so adamant about BFing that I would ignore my child's health. I would consider all possible causes.
  14. I'm still pretty tired too. I didn't get my nap today and I'm falling asleep now at 6pm. I like casual school though so schooling from my bed so I can lay down doesn't really bother me too much. My oldest is only 7 though so that probably makes a difference.
  15. mine's a video this week http://homeschool-stories.blogspot.com/2009/12/wordless-wednesday_16.html
  16. I'm bipolar also and until this pg have been on Prozac and Lamictal (mood stabilizer) for the past 2 yrs at least. Before that I tried Lexapro for a few months and before that I took Zoloft for a few years. I also take Xanax as needed for anxiety attacks. My psychiatrist used the diabetes analogy with me in order to explain that if you're sick, you need the meds and it's no different than any other disease. And I know I need them. When I got pg, I went off and have been off for almost 4 months now. I've done ok, but these last few days have been bad. To the point where Monday I'm calling the pysch to ask about med options because right now I see it as the benefits to me are outweighing any risks to the baby. If you need the meds, take them. Staying healthy is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family!
  17. No, we wouldn't. I use http://www.pluggedin.com for movie reviews and the language in that movie alone would be enough to deter dh and I.
  18. We're not Jewish either, but we started celebrating Hanukkah a few years ago. Tonight we read a book explaining the miracle and some of the different festivities, lit the candles, and prayed. We plan on making latkes and playing dreidel for the first time this year too.
  19. Kleine, what are the signs of dyslexia? My son often leaves out letter sounds or says them in the wrong order. I say often, but it may just be me getting frustrated and thinking it's more often than not. I honestly think that he struggles to sound out every letter to make up the word, it doesn't flow, and sometimes they come out in the wrong order. He also adds sounds when that letter isn't in the word. Should I be concerned? He's 6-1/2 and although he's doing well with Abeka Phonics, I would say he's barely reading. DS7 was reading Magic Treehouse by this age so yes, it's a very different experience for me!
  20. I need all the advice I can get! LOL Ya, looking back, I shouldn't have pushed it this morning, for my own sake. It was just a simple book, 6 words per page max, and he's so different than ds1 so this is new territory almost. If you were working on that type of book, that is so short and easy, would you read for 15 mins and then just stop where you are at without finishing? Would you try later in the day or the next day? One of the reasons I think he is so bad is because I haven't made him read enough so I have the guilt of not doing enough. Thanks so much!
  21. The rule is to call if you have more than 4-5 an hour. I have an irritable uterus and what most people consider BH contrax starting from about 16-17 wks on. These "BH" dilated me to 8 cm before labor with #3. I always go with frequency rather what they feel like in regards to knowing when to call the dr.
  22. thanks, I needed that. I'm in tears over having spent 45 minutes with my son trying to get him to read an easy reader book. It can literally take 5 minutes for him to read one word, between trying to sound it out, looking at the pictures, moving around, etc. Thanks for the encouragement!
  23. The kids made Who-pudding (green banana pudding) for our Grinch-themed unit study this week. http://homeschool-stories.blogspot.com/2009/12/wordless-wednesday_09.html
  24. there is a distinct difference between dd4 and ds6 in coloring skills and it shows in their handwriting. DD4 can write much better than her older brother. I do think it's a fine motor skill issue and it affects coloring and writing. That said, he also has the attention span of a gnat and may never have the attention span necessary to sit still long enough to color nicely. His sister loves to color. I do believe it's important, but not enough to force him to do it. We do color pages with our unit studies, he does some with his Abeka phonics, but I don't push perfection. I do think his motor skills are a tad bit lacking and I am looking for some exercises, besides coloring, that will help.
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