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Everything posted by lapsetmom

  1. I chose other because we are Christian, but we use whatever we best feel suits our children's needs (and our budget). We also use public school for part of our children's education so I am not opposed to secular materials. I do prefer to use Christian science curriculum however because I feel like nature is such a reflection of God as Creator that I hate to see it taught without reference to a Creator, and I tend towards a belief in a young earth; however, I am not a stickler about it since His handiwork is evident to me without any overt mention of Him.
  2. I like this too! Teacher intensive at first as far as learning the method, but for older students, could be done in a shorter amount of time. Dr. Vavra, who wrote it, teaches the method to college students in a semester, I believe. That makes me think a comprehensive version of his method could be taught in one year to a nineth grader.
  3. I like that book--so much fun!
  4. My husband and I have been dreaming of moving to Ireland ever since our visit last year. Don't think we'd get a work visa, though, with our occupational experience. <sigh>
  5. My heart goes out to you and your friend. I've sent up a prayer.:grouphug:
  6. I am a public school teacher, and I am noticing that it seems that kids have less and less self-control, sense of responsibility, and time management. I have many behavior issues, and I think it appears worse because many of the parents who truly care about their children and their education are now homeschooling. Most homework in my class is work that is incomplete after class time is wasted by students who would rather socialize, play with pencils, and stare into space. I am then lucky if those students even complete their homework. I am trying to think of a way to completely eliminate homework without eliminating classwork altogether. Homework can be just as frustrating for the teachers. Just to give another perspective!
  7. I have six daughters so believe me, I have asked this question many times. This is what I've done in order to keep my sanity. We have only one or two rubbermaids for out of season clothes. When we change seasons, we go through clothes, getting rid of clothes they don't like or that have rips or stains, and then throw every child's clothes in the same bins. Then, when that season comes back around, we go through the bins, and we see what fits who, and who likes what. We then make sure that everyone has what they need, see who is missing certain necessaries, who has more clothes than they really need, what fits whom, and what children like or don't like. I always pare some down because with Christmas, birthdays, and hand-me-downs from friends and relatives, we always seem to get more clothes than we can handle. And if I am expecting another baby, people always seem to get new clothes for the baby so I only keep very special or favorite outfits to hand down to the new baby. These can go back in the out of season bin too, for reevaluation next season. I say, forget complicated labeling. You can always go through the bins and reevaluate needs and sizes next season--especially since different children grow differently.
  8. I am reading it right now. Am halfway through the Signet Unabridgeed edition. Even though there is a little slogging, it is good!
  9. Try KISS grammar. On his website, Dr. Vavra has a book that I think is excellent.
  10. My heart goes out to this girl. Having horribly crooked teeth myself as a young teenager (who was fortunate to have a parent that could afford braces), I understand how self conscious a teenage girl could be. To think that she might be desperate enough to make cookies and sell them door to door earns my sympathies.
  11. Deep thoughts. . .hmmmmm. . .sometimes we need those ruminations and times of soul depth.
  12. I am reading the Signet classics only unabridged paperback version. I feel pretty happy with it so far. Even though Victor Hugo does have a tendency to digress, I do have to say that many of the digressions can be quite interesting and add flavor, interest, and background to the piece. If I knew more about Waterloo, I might have enjoyed that section more. I think reading the unabridged version gives me an appreciation for a more slower pace of literature and depth as opposed to constant action. The hardest part about it however is reading details about wars, the streets of Paris, French phrases, historical politics, and other topics I know so little about. I keep thinking that if I had a little more background knowledge, those sections would come alive.
  13. I am currently reading Les Mis for the first time right now! :001_smile: It is the unabridged version however, and it took me awhile to wade through the chapters on the battle of Waterloo. I guess I have a section on Paris sewers to look forward to however. . .:001_unsure:
  14. Have you ever regretted your other children and wished they weren't here? Does your family truly wish they weren't born? Of course not! Have baby fever all you want; don't worry what others think. :001_smile:
  15. I have a job interview at a Classical Charter school in Phoenix next month. If I get the job, and we decide to move, I may have to look some of you up since we have no family or friends in the area!
  16. My memory may be failing me, but it sure seemed difficult having my first! Going from no extra responsibilities to the new experience of parenthood was not easy for me. She was my most difficult, and I chalk it all up to my inexperience with parenthood. I am preparing to add number six, and I don't really expect too much difference. I have some big helpers now, and I am much more comfortable with parenthood.
  17. I have had all five of my girls via induction. One was 39 weeks, two at 40 weeks, and two at almost 41 weeks. Mine have never come on their own, and after my first child was almost 9 pounds, I've never wanted to wait longer than 41 weeks. I am scheduled for induction two days after my due date this time. I am now 38 1/2 weeks and waiting for baby but just assume she will come through induction like the others. Oh, and so far (which I hope will continue), I have not had a c-section.
  18. I know I am revising an old thread, and I ask pardon, but I am a schoolteacher having to teach with this method, and yet I am not familiar with the classical way of teaching writing. I would love to know more. The writing at our school is the subject area where the students are performing the lowest.
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