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Everything posted by Becca211

  1. I think you have gotten great advice. Although I would struggle with it, I have recently learned the hard way that it is important to confront these issues, and not sweep them under the rug. I have a book suggestion for all of us that HATE confrontation. It is called Crucial Confrontations. It is so good, and really helps get your thoughts together to confront someone. It is actually a management book, but is very appropriate for interpersonal relationships as well.
  2. I had 2 implants in my front teeth 3 years ago and I love them! No problems. I had a bone graft also, with no problems.
  3. We have one and we use a bedding that is made of recycled newspaper. The cage never stinks! It is the best stuff. The guinnea pig is a good pet, but I agree that I had no idea they made as much noise as they do.
  4. I am so glad the ct is clear. I hope she is able to get in with the endocrinologist tomorrow!
  5. I read that book when my 12 year old was very young. I really enjoyed it and need to re-read it. My youngest got harmed this summer when I allowed my self to ignore my intuition and to not speak up because I didn't want to hurt someones feelings. I will never make that mistake again.
  6. I had a friend who put her son on accutain. The first son they waited for a year or so trying other options. After the accutain cleared it up so quickly she said she was sorry they waited so long. The second son they didn't wait. He was very happy to not have to suffer with the acne for that long.
  7. At the hospital where I worked they wanted you to have 2 doses, 4 hours apart.
  8. Obviously, this is an unusual summer, even for Texas. We have had our blinds closed for over a month. I usually can't stand that, but we are doing everything we can to keep the house cool.
  9. My son blinks a lot when we are having a serious conversation. We try to bring it to his attention and he can curb it immediately.
  10. I can't speak for an e-reader, but I can say that our laptop was in the shop last week and I used dh's iPad all week. It is NOT a replacement for a laptop. Obviously a laptop is going to be more, but you will get more options with it as well.
  11. I knew that is what you were going to say! We lost everything 3 weeks ago. The only thing I had backed up were my pictures, I backed them up in March. I am still sick about it. We are not getting it back. We still haven't bought anything to back up too, but now we don't have anything to back up. :glare:
  12. Thank you! We are doing General Science this year! This will come in very handy.
  13. You can make them on homeschool buyers coop. On the sight it says they are 6.95, but I seem to remember making them and printing them out and laminating them myself instead of buying them.
  14. I agree with you completely. Good for you having the strength to not try to rescue her. It is really hard sometimes to let them fail.
  15. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/07/how-to-land-your-kid-in-therapy/8555/ I thought it was an interesting article.
  16. Had it 3 years ago, don't regret it at all. I still have a period, but it fixed what my problem was.
  17. I like OLLY, because non homeschoolers may want to use it to keep up with there assignments. It would broaden your market.
  18. I looked at iRemember and I didn't like it for some reason. I don't remember now, but I think it wasn't a full scrapbooking program. I ended up getting My Memory Suite. It is fine. It is cheaper than most programs and pretty intuitive. I am sure it isn't as good as Photoshop, but I didn't want to take the time to learn Photoshop. Creative Memories has a Mac version now too.
  19. I would help her to avoid processed foods and sugar. If she eats real foods, she should be okay. Lots of protein, fruits and vegetables, and only whole grains. I wouldn't limit portions, just types of food.
  20. What did you serve it with? Crackers? Small toasted bread? That sounds delicious.
  21. Are you coloring yourself, or going to a professional? My sister has hard to dye grey and she has to go to a salon. Apparently they can get stronger dyes that work with hard to color grey.
  22. I have a canon imageclass. I love it. It is going on 4 years with no trouble at all. It isn't wireless, but we got an apple router and dh says he can set it up on the modem and make it wireless, he just hasn't done it yet.
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