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Desert Rat

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Everything posted by Desert Rat

  1. A $4 media mail package turned into a $12.87 package because flash cards along with the foreign language curriculum aren't media. I am so flipping angry right now. The wonderful (sarcasm there) man at the post office said I'm not allowed to put the post-it note thanking the buyer for the purchase. No notes, no letters. "That's the regulation, Dear. (DEAR )(*&*^%)" I said, "That doesn't mean it's right." So, be warned. I learned the very, very hard way.
  2. Good, sound advice. Just chiming in that I have 2 boys also. My oldest will be 13 in a month or so (how in the heck did that happen?!) and is my very sensitive kid. He finally got control over the tears about a year ago. He still does tear up when very frustrated. We've taught him that tears are fine, but there are times and places for them. In other words, not in public. I'm the only female in a sea of males. I've given up on trying to cull the potty humor. I just say, "Guys, your mother is right here!" Ugh. I lose. On the plus side, the master potty is all mine. I have a no-little-boys rule. :) I succeeded with that one. I do let dh use it though; only because the room *is* half his. :)
  3. Man, you guys are busy tonight! Dh played lacrosse. My boys aren't interested yet. And aside from a British grandmother, I know nothing about cricket (okay, a little from movies like Narnia). I have never, ever heard of fundies not believing in environmentalism. I'm kinda shocked really. I'm considering wading through the grocery bag thread to see what all the hubbub is about. (I use the plastic ones on account of cleaning houses. I need them for trash liners, etc. Just in case you were wondering.) And I also cannot believe y'all have had PMs from people who are praying for your heathen hearts. Overstep much? Oh, and hi, Bill! Nice to see you around again. :)
  4. First, :grouphug: . I'm sorry your dh lost his job. Been there, done that, have the worry lines to prove it. We purchase our insurance from a broker who found us the best deal with a major insurance provider. I'm over 40; dh isn't. We have 2 boys. We have Sierra Health (United) for $290 a month. We used Cobra for a year. I wish I had known of that option. If you'd like more info, let me know. I can give you the number to our guy here in NV and maybe he can direct you to one in your state. Oh, and our policy strictly states I cannot get pregnant. Well, I could but they won't cover a penny of it. That was the policy we chose to keep the costs down. HTH
  5. Oh, no! And she seemed to be in the clear! Sending good, healing thoughts your way, KK.
  6. Toenails. Particularly losing one. *shiver*
  7. Great news, KK! I can't believe you took the time to throw some science at me! Thank you! Sending good thoughts your way, Dot. And everyone, thanks for the curric. suggestions! I'm looking into them soon. You've given me hope. That's so important to me. :) Oh, and both boys picked fun science projects that they are jazzed about (and that Mom kinda understands) this afternoon. I think my angry mom face worked.....again. It's the "don't give me crap over this or your life will be miserable" face. Y'all have one too, right?
  8. I love my floormates! Yes, I have 2. I have one that I use for work (I clean houses) and one that I use for home. Actually the one I have for home is a big, beefy one that has the attatchments and I don't like it was much. The cheapy one is a work horse! I use it on 2-3 houses every single week. And I haven't had any problems with it. My big one needed a new hose which I bought on line for $12. Make sure you change your filters. I buy them on line also. I recently got a steamer (one of my clients doesn't like the way the hoover streaks her wood floor). I like it for hardwood, but not for tile or vinyl. My floormate that I use for other homes is 3 years old. I can't say enough good things about them. And I think they do clean much better than steam mops.
  9. Thanks for the update, Bill. You and your dad continue to be in my thoughts.
  10. Hi. My name is DR, and I hate science. There I said it. I hate everything about it from messy experiments to confusing concepts to helping my boys do their first science fair project. They can't even pick out a topic. Everything I suggest is a "no". I have a degree in English Literature. It's nearly the polar opposite of any science field. I even have a hard time with most science fiction that doesn't involve a werewolf, vampire, or faeries. I love the *idea* of science. I love Hawking, Einstein, Tyson, Sagan. I love watching science shows. I can't stand the actual learning. I think it's the (lack of) curriculum. I want something that easy to teach, organized, with teacher's guides that are easy to use. I want something with a script. Here. This is what you say. This is what you ask. This is what you discuss. We're using CK12 right now. It's *OK* better than anything else I've used. But, I still feel stupid. And thank goodness my oldest is freaking brilliant. He teaches himself and knows far more than I do already. I throw the reading at him. *Try* to do some experiements with both of them; show the younger vids on Happy Scientist and read library books with him. I just go to sleep at the end of the week feeling like it isn't enough. I feel like I'm failing. Sure, I rock literature, history, writing, art history, grammar, even Latin. Math I handle up through algebra and hire out for the rest. My chest is tight. I'm sweating. I'm feeling panicky at the very idea of this science fair in 6 weeks. I know my kids need this experience. I don't wanna. I just don't wanna. The whole thing makes me want to puke. And I'm freaking out about even looking for next year's curriculum. I'm usually done by this time. Everything is purchased and I'm starting to get organized. Not this year. I do realize some of it is depression. I just lost my dad. My oldest is going to be in 8th grade and we're not homeschooling for 9th. So, I'm sad it'll be our last year and subconsciously I figure if I don't get the curriculum, time won't move forward, right? Right?! I don't know the point of this post. I guess I want someone to talk me off the ledge. I want an excellent curriculum that does not teach that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time. And I want someone else to teach it. And I need to figure out how to get my kids excited about this science fair. I'm great at faking it, but......
  11. It sounds like you're looking for a partial bustiere? If so, try looking for more classic styles (think 50s). Added: Yeah, go with the longline bras.
  12. My brother is a professional house painter. 2 coats always.
  13. Ugh. We have similar problems at archery. Drives me nuts. I'm sorry this happened to you. It just sucks.
  14. :grouphug: It's such a tough lesson to come in last place. It's a valuable one though. How tough for your family. Congrats to the winner though! (It's so important not to down play a victory. I've made that mistake.)
  15. :grouphug: :grouphug: My wand is at the repair shop and my cape at the drycleaners. But, I would so love to make things easier for you. You're at the end of your rope. It's time to tie a knot and swing for a little bit. I hope you can catch your breath soon.
  16. Dh was laid off for 16 months. Bartered and traded whenever possible. I started cleaning houses and still do. Stockpiled, couponed and cut down on expensive food-no snacks, good cuts of meat, etc. Used curriculum, upped our library usage. Cut down on trips around town. Carpooled with relatives to combine shopping trips, etc. Sold extra toys, games, collectibles on ebay (Christmas is the best time for toys.) Sold big stuff on craigslist. Accepted all job opportunities people were willing to pay us for: yard work, clearing out garages, organizing pantries, errands, house sitting, babysitting. We even helped liquidate an estate. Graciously accepted gift certificates and offers of financial help. (This was, by far, the hardest.) That's off the top of my head. We still barter and trade quite a bit. I have a useful skill that people love. I clean houses and make mean baked goods. We trade computer help, plumbing, etc. for my cookies (small jobs) or house cleaning (for the biggies).
  17. Yuck, Angela. I take a warm shower and that helps. I love watching lacrosse but not when it's that cold. Ugh.
  18. Db, it's gotta get better soon! Easter baskets are done except for a small order from Amazon. Dh and I dropped the kids off at pokemon league and headed to Walmart. I'm doing a basket for my momma, too. Dad used to do it. I'm finding lots of little things that Dad used to do that are now on my plate. I don't mind, but I'm so scared I'm going to forget again. I forgot Valentine's Day. We don't celebrate at all here. I took Mom grocery shopping and she was distracted and very sad. I didn't get it. I dropped her off at home and as I was leaving, I gave her hug. She said "Happy V Day." ugh. I felt like poop. So, now I'm paranoid that I'm going to forget something. Having dinner with a friend tonight and one of my favorite restaurants. Then, I'll be home watching the last Twilight movie like the nerd I am. (No bashing Twilight, please! I gave up lots of other vices. The crappy vampire habit isn't going anywhere.)
  19. I just use cream cheese and green onions. I add a bit of sour cream or mayo to thin it a bit. I use a food processor to cream it smooth. Love it!
  20. Lots going on, Audrey! You have my sympathies with the inlaw thing. I wish you good luck. I have I laws like that and they gratefully disowned us or moved far away. Your ds's speech sounds awesome! And when your dh is done with the bed, I'd love to commission a loft bed please. ;)
  21. Fiction, but still incredibly amazing, The Book Thief by Mark Zusak. A definite must read.
  22. Might be worth a call to an attorney. I don't think they can do that. At least they shouldn't. Of course, if you're a whistle blower, there may be no job at all. That's why so many people remain silent. (Which is what we've always done. The silent part.)
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