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Everything posted by Mom-2-7

  1. We have a Chevy 3500 12- seat passenger van. It's not real pretty to look at but it gets us from here to there.
  2. I have left ds10 and ds9 home for 30 minutes occasionally when we had sport schedule conflictions. I probably wouldn't leave them longer than that though.
  3. My girls belong to a running club. It's specifically for girls age 6 - 11. Each session is 6 weeks long. They meet once a week for 1.5 hours. This is a religious club so the first 30 minutes is a devotional designed for girls. Then they warm up with exercises. They run a half mile course as many times as they can in the set time period. The coach and assistants run with the girls encouraging them and herding stragglers. After that they meet back together and coach gives each girl a charm for their necklace based on their bible study that week. She also collects the kid's exercise forms that they fill out during the week. Each child who logged an hour of exercise each day got to pick a prize from the treasure box (little, cheap toys). The 6-week session ends with a 5k. The cost of the 5k was included in the price of the class.
  4. I am looking for an online math drill where the kids log in to do the drill. Then I could come along later and log in as teacher to check their progress. Kind of like Spelling City but for math drills. Anyone know of anything like that?
  5. This, exactly. One would think that I would be used to. God coming through for me and expect it, but I guess I'm just hard headed that way. So glad you got the blessing of seeing God in action!
  6. I have done that. It works to a point. She still follows me around with her arguments. Eventually I have to send her to her room because she won't let it go. I will look into that book. Thank you!
  7. Wow! This is EXACTLY like my 7 year old. That girl would argue with a stop sign! She drives me bonkers. To make matters worse, she's naturally a very negative person. And she digs her heels in until I end up yelling at her and telling her how it's going to be. Then she ends up in tears and I feel like a terrible mom. Hoping to hear about a better way.
  8. My son is just finishing up 5th grade. He has about a 3rd grade reading level and a 2nd / 3rd grade comprehension. For example: He cannot read and understand his Apologia Astronomy book. He cannot read and understand Mystery of History. When I read to him, he understands. He does ok in other subjects. He's a little behind in math - maybe a half year. But he is a very young 5th grader. He does well in Language Arts - grammar, sentence structure and the like. Not so well when it comes to writing. Seems as though he cannot translate the things he learned into real life application. He does have a speech issue but no known learning learning disabilities. I want to work with him over summer break but not sure where to start or what resources to use. He may need to go back to phonics but I don't want to make him feel dumb, Kwim? Any ideas? Thanks.
  9. Time4Learning Time4Writitng BJU Abeka Apologia has online classes for high school
  10. What does this look like? I keep trying to go vegetarian but want to do LC at the same time and not having success with either! Thanks
  11. You're not alone. We live like siblings rather than married people. Very few compliments or hugs or anything else unless I come out and request them. I gained about 40 pounds in the last 9 years. I'm not attractive. We have increased our family size by 7 kids in the last 9 years. He's tired and overwhelmed. I know he loves me but I really think he wishes he had a "do-over". Hmm. Never said that out loud before.
  12. This is what I want too. I get way too serious. Fun is not usually in my vocabulary. I seem to get bogged down in the care and feeding of the fam and forget to enjoy them. However, driving my kids batty is kind of like revenge but only in a fun way. I might be able to do this!
  13. You people are instigators! I now find myself looking for ways to make my kids crazy! Today at Walmart, I made the kids walk like a penguin through the parking lot (thanks for that one to a pp!). Then when we were leaving the checkout line, I had the kids walk and talk in slooooow motion while we waited for dh to finish up. Ds10 walked ahead of us and pretended not to know us :) Then on the way home, we were driving down a fairly steep on ramp and I put my hands in the air and pretended to be on a roller coaster (I wasn't driving). All this before noon. My work here is done!
  14. When the kids say "guess what" I say "Oh, I love this game!" and start spouting off whatever ridiculous thing comes to mind. Today when dd6 fell asleep on the couch, I couldn't wake her up. So I got some peanut butter,dabbed it on her face and called the dog! It was hilarious. I got it on video and am debating posting it on facebook.
  15. We are. We've taken a lot of time off this year so we're pushing through so we can have a little summer vacation. My kids feel picked on as well.
  16. I'm not sure what is in it either. My whole family did the Color Me Rad run last fall. We had a blast! Yes, we had strange colored boogers for a while and it took several showers to really get our hair clean, but none of us had trouble breathing. The party atmosphere was great! My kids have been begging to do another one. If you are running with kids, just grab hands as you go through the color stations then you won't get separated. Here's all I could find on the Color Me Rad site (I imagine they use the same thing). Still not answering your question though. What is the “color†in Color Me Rad? You’re probably asking yourselves, “Is this really color being thrown at us or are the rainbows we’re seeing just God’s signal that it’ll never flood again?†Well I’m glad you asked. This isn’t just smoke and mirrors. This is non-toxic, non-rash-inducing, Kroger branded, colored corn-starch. Subsidized by the government and processed in the good ol’ US of A, these blasts of starch will change your color, and your demeanor, but never your level of wellness.
  17. I had this same problem a few years ago. Turns out that they were out touring the conventions so nothing got shipped. I don't know if they left someone else in charge and they dropped the ball or what. My order was several months late. It took many phone calls and emails to get it.
  18. Hi everyone! I kind of wandered off after the last thread got too long for me to follow. Can't wait for the groups to be fixed. I have a prayer request please. My eldest daughter is pregnant. She is currently living with her very controlling and very jealous boyfriend. They are planning to get married. While a baby is never a mistake, I think marriage at this time would be a terrible decision. Please pray for....not sure.....the guy to change, for her to see him for who he is, for them both to come to know Christ. Dawn, I'm so sorry for your friend. I will pray for them.
  19. I really thought my 6 year old was the only one who chewed her toenails. I feel so much better now! This is a very funny thread! :lol:
  20. This made me cry! I'm so happy for you and your daughter. :hurray: :hurray:
  21. Funny! I bet it would be cheaper though!
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