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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. So, while not technically Covid-related, I don't think I would have felt this so deeply if I hadn't been trapped in this house with these people for this long, lol.
  2. Ok, since you kept it general, I don't know if this is actually helpful, but maybe it will trigger something else for you even if it isn't. Do you have any common ground? At all? Favorite coffee brand, even, if you have to go that small? I am self-admittedly low on the listen-to-me-for-marriage-advice list, but one of the fastest things that helped return a sense of hope to the situation was focusing not on the positive traits (because then I would drift to thinking about the traits I *wish* he had or that he *used* to have) but on the things that we could still actively share together. For us, it was video games, movies (and talking about them afterwards), and soundtracks. I am not exaggerating when I say we spent probably 8 months doing one of those things every night together, and sometimes all three things (and sometimes taking a whole day, even though we had the kids around), just to foster the connection. It didn't make the other problems go away, but it helped with my perspective and ability to cope. Eventually you have to address the actual issues, but this may give you a better common ground to start with, so that it doesn't feel always confrontational or different sides. In the end I also changed my expectations, but it didn't feel as much like I was "giving up" or "giving in" or "settling", as much as accepting a new reality and finding for myself the best way to live in it for me. I probably wouldn't have been so accepting of the new reality if it did not include a lot of common ground with DH. eta: Also, if this is a general feeling unloved thing and not something "more serious" (not to say feeling unloved isn't serious), have you guys done the 5 Love Languages and are your correct languages being used?
  3. Yes and we have been* * is fresh groceries, recently I've been going out for fresh groceries once a week since our fridge is small. But I have enough dry that if I *needed* to stay in the house 14 days we could. (Re: the other thread, I will be asking my parents to quasi-quarantine. That means ok go for groceries and probably church. I think if my parents were onboard with reasonable precautions, I wouldn't ask them to do anything. )
  4. I think though this is practically because since they cannot guarantee they would have enough masks for everyone, in order for the rules to work, they tell you to assume there will be none, ie: the church will not provide them. As dmmetler said, the individual parishes are probably handling the actual dispersal of masks to those who need them through charities and community outreach. I don't think official documents from a bishop would be the best place to address this, since each parish will have their own needs, problems, and solutions. Other than generalities, such as "Call your local parish to discuss attendance options and support for your particular situation" or something of that nature. It sounds like this particular parish and the larger VA conference are finding ways that work for them that keep everyone as safe as possible and also be welcoming to all.
  5. For those of you doing this, how are you learning to edit? Are you just kind of doing it on your own and figuring out how to make what you imagine? Did you take a class or buy specific software? Did you watch youtube videos for tips? eta: and how to make thumbnails, etc.
  6. Okay ... I think the disconnect I see is that the person is making the choice to disregard the rules of the church (not just the law of the land) and they are choosing to value something else above their attendance at the service. They are *choosing* to refuse attendance *to themselves.* They are just forcing the church officials to enforce it (or more likely, expecting to get away with it). I can agree from a theoretical standpoint that as a house of God all should be welcome. I also see that some basic requirements are generally understood to using the space -- like, staying clothed.
  7. I say note. After someone passes, especially if it was unexpected, it's nice to see that others have not forgotten them and also are thinking about the lost loved one and the person grieving. It can be a comfort. And passing it through the brother, who knows what is best for his mom's personal mental state, hedges the bet enough for you I think.
  8. I'm probably going to ask my parents to cool their social activities a couple weeks before Thanksgiving and go into a quasi-quarantine. In exchange, I'll make the entire dinner and they can have the kids for a long weekend. If it works on Thanksgiving, I'll suggest the same for Christmas. If it doesn't work for Thanksgiving, I'll have to think of a different approach before December. I want to see them, I want to do the whole thing, but my parents have started to become militant about this whole hoax thing and I'm responding by taking a harder line on the quarantine-before-kids thing. It's unfortunate, I know they aren't taking me seriously -- not a new thing -- but this time I feel like it's the hill I'm going to die on. Already this past week they agreed to do the quarantine to see the kids next week, but then have gone out (and told me about it!) throughout the week. So tomorrow on phone call will have to "reschedule" the visit and then explain (again) why it needs to be moved back and no, going out to lunch with your friends at an indoor restaurant and staying for over an hour without masks (all "coincidentally" are scamdemic believers) is not quarantine. eta: if we don't see my parents, they will see no one. We are 6/8 of the family. 😞 Maybe they will invite friends who are in the same boat, though.
  9. Fair enough. I would say though that when it is on church property, a church probably has more responsibility in how they approach the situation. I won't make a judgment about what they "should" do (each situation/law break/reason is different, anyway), but being clear that people need to wear masks on their property is giving the person a choice, it is not the same as saying this particular person is not welcome on their grounds. I recognize the example in-thread was a bit more explicit about a one-week ban. But I saw it as a temporary ban, a slap on the wrist, more than an and-stay-out situation. And if the congregation knows about the rule beforehand, it should be understood as such. it is not singling out a particular person unjustly or giving an unjust or permanent punishment. Communities and spaces such as churches have at least some responsibility to everyone who uses their facilities, I do not see it as unChristian to ask people to mask or come back when they are ready to. It'd probably be Christian, however, to put the potential needs above one's own temporary comfort.
  10. I agree that many times in history the Church has not followed the law because it was obviously wrong to do so. To be accurate, I believe that most churches agree that their attendees should obey just laws. Or, perhaps, laws that are not immoral to be followed. Now, if you want to say that a law is unjust or immoral, that's where you have I think a justifiable grey area about how to approach compliance. But I don't see how a mask mandate is unjust. edit to take out redundancy, oops
  11. Cold water no ice, mostly this Hot Mint tea Cold Mint tea The tears of my enemies Cold coffee with milk, with or without sweetened condensed milk but usually not. Decaf, if it matters. Chocolate milk Used to have Root beer once a month. But I don't like the new Virgils and can't find a good replacement.
  12. If it wasn't a secret, we wouldn't know about it! according to my top shelf conspiracy logic lol
  13. Was born in a hospital, in Tucson, on a Sunday, and I don't remember the experience so I can't give many more details than that, lol. Other people are reported to have been happy, though. My first memory is the day we moved into the house I grew up in. Me, being almost 3, and I guess new to stairs, decided I would fly down them. I do remember that I really, really wanted to fly. Hit my head on the tile landing. I remember being picked up and carried outside as I was crying and my parents said thanks and goodbye to the realtor. Coincidentally, many many years later, my then-4yo decided to try the same thing with the stairs. After his fall he laid down stunned for a few seconds, then got up and went and sat down at the kitchen table (I was doing the "pretend it's not a big deal and maybe he won't start crying" thing in the room right next to all this). Then quietly I could hear him say to himself, "No, I'm not a superhero." I felt for him, and made sure we both had extra ice cream that night since neither of us could fly.
  14. So cool! When I'm on my personal account I'll subscribe for sure. Currently setting up 2 Youtube accounts for business. Hopefully will have them up and starting a regular posting next month or so. (So if you like fonts or composing music, hit me up and I'll send links to the freshest bestest content on the subjects, lol. Assuming I ever start working instead of visiting the board...)
  15. I saw an ad for free art classes for a month and signed up for my kids. We've done it for 4 or 5 days now and the kids are enjoying it a lot. At the end of the month (really mid-Sept), you can opt to get a year's worth of classes at a fairly good price (to me). There are a lot of different arts and crafts topics covered for different levels and you can watch replays of the classes you miss. Sharing in case anyone is interested; at the very least the free ones for the next couple weeks should give kids something to do on the weekend! Creativity School with Arree Chung disclaimer it's a referral link, or you can just google the name 🙂
  16. And besides, 2020 is the year of vision, yes? Seems perfect timing to me!
  17. Today is our wedding anniversary! ❤️ Translation = I'm looking forward to buying a pizza so I don't need to make dinner, LOL.
  18. Woman of the earth, of biblical fame, and one other thing, the second oldest name. So I was a "surprise" baby. My parents had been married all of 2 months and it was assumed my mom could not have more children, which was fine with my dad as he didn't want any (and they were in their 40s). So she was very nervous to tell him the news. Thankfully he took it ecstatically and then spent the rest of the evening and into the night planning my life, lol. He was going through various names if I was a boy or if I was a girl, etc, that first night as they were lying in bed. My mom handles pregnancy HORRIBLY, so she just wanted him to shut up and wasn't paying attention much. He was asking her, "What about this?, What about that? Does this sound good?" etc. And when he asked her for her own ideas, she said it was like my name appeared in the darkness in front of her and forced her to say it. "Eve." And then she went to sleep. The next morning the first thing my dad told her was that if I was a girl, Eve was definitely the best and only name that would work. Tada, it's nice to meet you 🙂 I had a plaque on my wall growing up going into the meaning of my name: "Life, or the Mother Of All Living". It made an impression on me from a very young age. It's influenced me in that I feel a deep personal call to be a better steward environmentally (Eve and the garden) and to be a positive force to protect others and help people/things grow. Not perfectly, obviously, but sometimes I ask myself if I'm living up to my name. (Also, if you saw the frivolous thread, you may understand why I chose the tree of life ring). There is a lot of teasing that has come with it, but it was nice growing up not to meet very many others. Now it seems there are a bunch of celebrities using it as a stage name since it "stands out." And, it's cute meeting little Avas and Evas. I love meeting Adams and commiserating with them. I always start the conversation with, "Do you get a lot of Adam and Eve jokes?" and they always are guarded in their response until I tell them my own name, and it's always been instant connection, lol. I did take my husbands name socially for about 2 years after marriage. But I filled out the marriage paperwork wrong so it wasn't legal, lol, and it sounds *really* bad actually with my first name (it sounds like a donkey bray, honestly), so I switched back to my maiden name socially and only really respond/intro myself with it at child activities just to avoid confusion about mismatched last names. (Ok guys I'm coming off completely egocentric here but I swear I'm just procrastinating and no one has ever asked me this question, not even DH. I only get asked "Where's Adam?" LOL)
  19. Yeah apparently DH just logged into our Amazon account and it recommended nut-harvesting equipment. He told me he doesn't know what I'm doing, it just better not be a nut farm. (I told him he already lives in one) (He hasn't laughed yet.)
  20. If you don't have enough, it's probably because you're still eating avocado toast!
  21. A ring! So way back when I had 3 or 4 rings on each hand, not glitzy, but all sterling silver type of things that had meaning to me. Over time and ask they broke or wore out or whatever, I just didn't replace them to the point I only have wedding rings. One of my 2am internet searches brought me to a jewelry store that was going out of business. If you bought X things you get X free. So I bought my daughters some jewelry for Christmas/birthday, and grabbed myself a ring (Tree of Life) that immediately meant something when I saw it. I don't wear it every day but I do get a bit happier when I do 🙂
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