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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. So following this logic, I think if I wore a bikini on the beach it would then be considered a moral service? Bop any male brains that may have gone awandering back to their wives. Maybe I could get paid by certain wives to block their husbands' views.
  2. I'd imagine it'd be easier to load kids in as well, with a more open area in the middle. And, the icing on the cake: the window that goes up between the back and the driver. Bliss!
  3. You have just found the most convincing argument for having another kid. BRB, gotta go talk with my husband....
  4. So, I personally think this is the worst news we could have at this point. This isn't good for the USA. I could not, do not, wish anyone to get sick with Covid-19, regardless of if it's mild or not. I think that the POTUS getting it does have a sense poetic justice to it. To take an analogy to describe my thoughts: we hold people to a higher standard with the more responsibility they have, or the more knowledge. I hold teachers to a higher standard about explaining their position. I hold priests to a higher standard in living in a Christian manner. I hold my mayor to a higher standard in terms of showing support to community events, etc. When we see people held to (fair and fairly) higher standards, we do get a stronger reaction of "justice" when they disregard the standard and suffer consequences that could have been avoided. The POTUS's COVID response has not lived up to my standard. It's not that I *wanted* it to happen, but I am not surprised that it did and it feels more fair because of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander": he thought "it is what it is" about the goose getting infected, so it should be good enough for him, too. It shouldn't be the people not in a position of power that have to pay the price of a decision, it should be the decision-makers to bear the brunt of things. This isn't normally how it happens, but seeing a glimpse of this possibly occurring in this one instance and recognizing it as such doesn't make someone a bad person. Reveling in it would be taking it too far; but if you have lost a loved one I can see how it would be easy to place your anger there. However, I say again, I do not wish it on anyone, even him. And I feel like this is the worst thing that could happen to the country at this particular time. Even if it is mild, it is disruptive during an already difficult election time, in really the last possible moment. If we had to choose a time for this to happen, summer would have been a better time. Assuming mild symptoms, a summer infection vs an election-month infection would have been much better. And I don't see anything "good" coming from this: either he dies (really bad), he is incapacitated for a stretch of time (really bad), he gets mild symptoms and then disregards that any other option could have happened or that others are lesser for having worse outcomes (really bad). This is not a good thing. Nothing will be learned from this, no true justice will be gotten from it. But here we are.
  5. I don't know about affordable, but my "real cowgirl" friend recommends https://thecowboyshop.com/ Also, Boot Barn may have something for you.
  6. I'm building from the ground up since I don't have Alexa, and I have been less than impressed by Pandora's playlist for me when I ask it for this, it just doesn't understand me like you guys do 😉
  7. SOS!! I'm not getting anything done!! I need energy. I need determination. I need to work. I need to take on the world and WIN. I need the soundtrack for my underdog-becomes-winner montage scene, a la Rocky. Suggestions? I'll take all decades, hype is the key. I've got Eye of the Tiger.
  8. omg, totally off topic, but I just figured out who you are. I'm ridiculously dumb, lol. On topic, nice list 🙂
  9. I'm actually pretty content just to speculate about most of these people and find the biography or two to read. I am afraid I'd ask dumb questions like, "So, what's your favorite color?" and then after dinner, "I want to know what your inspiration and thoughts were behind the addition of the small mouse in the woods, was this a veiled reference to the ..." and then realize everyone had already left. So this list I make because my husband will talk these peoples' ears off, ask the best questions, and I can sit back and relax, learn cool things, and hopefully eat all the desserts while they discuss/argue art and principles and so forth. I'm assuming there will be yelling (though it may only be Beethoven, who knows). Tolkien John Williams * da Vinci Beethoven Aristotle *holding a seat for him, I suppose. He's not dead, and I hope he lives much longer, but I know I won't meet him in this lifetime.
  10. I know that I can trigger an action on my mail service that if someone hasn't opened my email in X days, to send another email. And I know my email service can track how many times you've opened the email and if you click on anything. I don't have tracking for "deleted" but I don't have a high-ticket service so that may be an option to others. So, I wouldn't be surprised if someone could set it up that way. From personal experience: I have 11,073 unread emails right now and they keep sending me things (sometimes multiple from same company daily) even though I'm not deleting, lol.
  11. No, sorry, I'm trying to keep this as general as possible and say I don't see it often. I actually can't remember too many people+their politics from thread to thread. A lot of what I talk about is also based on my IRL experiences.
  12. The big problem I'm seeing (here, and real life) is that people will softly condemn their side "I wish he didn't say that" or "I wish he had chosen different words" or "I disagree with a lot of what she has said on a and b topics" and then follow it with a "but" and either talk about what they've done right, and-or a whataboutism on the other side, such as "At least it wasn't as bad as THIS guy over here" or "but the other side has done that for years" or "and it's not as bad as it could be." I'm getting irritated at claims of "the other side" breaking the rules and the claims of victimization and suffering for years and years and now what "the other side" gets is their own fault and they had it coming. I could copy+paste whole paragraphs from both sides of the aisle that are exactly the same on this count and you can't tell who it's from. Both sides see themselves as just so right that anything they do is justified now, because what-about-this-thing-the-other-side-did. I'm waiting to see someone condemn their side without the "but" following it. I see it sometimes and it's refreshing, but the time between these nice moments is getting longer and longer.
  13. whoops, quoted instead of Edit: here's my edit nw edited to this post eta: I'm serious, all my Google found was a much more nuanced thing from Hillary Clinton about how Biden shouldn't concede until all the results are in. So I'd appreciate the links.
  14. I know you didn't reply to me. I have no particular view on Dan Rather, I'll have to look into his background since you mention it. And yes, generally, when someone says they will not concede an election if they legitimately lose after ballot counts (not just election NIGHT), that is a dictatory thing to do. If you want me to get mad at "the other side", too, please give me a link where they say the same thing. These "insider comments" are vaguely interesting to me but a bit exclusionary. I'd accept either Pelosi or Biden (or I guess Harris) as the best sources to be equal grounds for outrage, not just twitter bots. I don't care which side says it, let's call it out.
  15. So, actually, I figured any media hype about the president not accepting results was just hype and I dismissed it outright. I was more concerned about some different "insider reports" about contingency plans depending on the results (both sides, btw). Generally though I've decided for my mental health and for the business's progress (which translates directly to the wellbeing of my kids) I can't look at political news much, so I hadn't looked much more into this. Since you both brought it up I went to look at his particular remarks and (assumed) be outraged with you for the miscontruance. Guys, I am now alarmed because what I just read (and saw, because I then went for the video to see if it just "read badly") is not a "misunderstanding" or a mischaracterization of what he said. The thing I saw wasn't about just election day at all, it was about the full results. That was a pretty blatant red flag to me. I actually haven't decided how to cast my ballot yet, so I guess I need to start tuning in more thoroughly and checking things, not dismissing because it's too crazy or inflammatory to actually be true. This did not give me warm fuzzies.
  16. Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to push you like that, i was just lamenting (to paraphrase Boromir) that we should suffer so much for so small a thing. The small thing being a petty person and the so much suffering being you had to take drastic measures to curtail what might happen. You did the correct thing imo, just disappointing it had to be done. (But, now to counteract my protestations, I'll look forward to anything you post as usual, even if it's a few months from now, lol)
  17. My condolences to you on the whole ordeal. As a mom to a math-math-mathy kid, I'm kind of still figuring out what I should be doing for him, and so your posts gave me a better insight on how I could feed his need better. I missed out on using the puzzles and it's disappointing they had to be deleted over such a pointless reason. Obviously makes sense to nuke your account and I'm sorry for you especially both for the loss and the stress, and it's also a loss to all of us.
  18. As just a general note to people's signs disappearing or being vandalized, you can put a note on the sign (stapled, taped, whatever) that points out that every time you have to replace the sign it's a $20 donation to the candidate's campaign. This should slow the sign disruption. (Won't save other property from being vandalized, though, if that's a concern as well.)
  19. So, political unrest and civil unrest come and go, it's how we change things, I don't like some of the effects but this seems to be the human nature way of sorting things out. I try to keep it in perspective. What's been worrying me more is the political parties (or I should say, the reports that political parties) are undermining the confidence in the results of the election so that if it doesn't go their way, they can foment enough of the unrest to force the opposite result. I'm also concerned with forces tampering with our election, either with misinformation beforehand, intimidation, or outright fraud. So, I'm worried about the country. Just because it may not come to civil "war" where there are tanks in the streets and people suiting up in uniforms and states seceding, does not mean that the country is safe from losing itself.
  20. Ok, I've held off on this one for a couple weeks, cuz I don't want to get political, but I just thought it was funny. Completely lighthearted guys, hope it helps someone laugh.
  21. *cries in quarantine, where everyone is home all the time*
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