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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Shall Not. My son wasn't able to watch the movies. He read the books after we read The Hobbit. We've got the extended edition of all 3 movies. He watched the first half of Fellowship and just kept complaining about how it was wrong compared to the book; the book was so much better. I don't think he'll ever manage the Harry Potter movies. :lol:
  2. I mostly agree with this. You know your friend, so go with what you think she'd prefer. I kept my name; my son has my husband's name. I don't mind mail to HIS LAST NAME family. I would be ticked at Mr & Mrs his first name his last name. It's the first name that is a problem for me. Mr & Mrs his last name wouldn't bug me. I think Tree House Academy's suggestion is best though. We do have fun with phone calls though. Anyone who asks for Mr MyLastName is automatically a telemarketer as is anyone asking for Mrs HisLastName :)
  3. Good thoughts or prayers appreciated. My mother-in-law has been in the hospital since Monday. Lots of stuff has been going on. She's currently scheduled for surgery on Tuesday to remover her stomach (tumor found) and also a gallstone that's in the small intestine. They still haven't been able to speak with the oncologist. They live on the other side of the country. My husband's just bought tickets and is flying out tomorrow. He'll be gone about a week. I don't have family here but some good friends are helping out with appointments I've got scheduled. Father-in-law had a heart attack about 3 weeks ago. It's tough. We're lucky that my husband is able to take leave and we're able to afford him getting out there... but it's a bit tough & scary right now.
  4. Oooh... ouch. I love our library. I don't know if you're close enough to another town to make it worth paying for their library access... For instance, the library we have access to lets people out of county pay for access (think it's $57 a year?) but we also have downloadable books for the kindle now too :) I pay to also have access to a neighboring county ($35/year). The more books the better. Both have Mango online (but again, I don't know how it does for languages).
  5. Our public library has Mango software for free. I don't know how good it'd be for actually learning, but you might see what resources your public library has. It could be a good starting point for exploring languages before picking one.
  6. The Tests do have scoring built in. Generally they're out of 10 or 20 points. For a grade, I do the placement tests from the Singapore site at the end of each book.
  7. It's going to depend on how much extra practice your kids need. I'm using Standards. In 3, I really felt we needed more practice and had the Extra Practice book. It didn't give enough extra practice on the topics we needed. We have the EP book for 4 but we don't use it. For 5, I got the tests instead of the EP. There's a test for each section in a chapter... roughly 10 problems. There are two versions of each test: 1 open ended, 1 multiple choice (different problems). At the end of a chapter, there are 2 review tests (one m/c, one open ended). I don't think I'll use the tests much, but when we need extra practice, they'll be available. We're also using IP and CWP (old version) but my son has needed some extra drill on some topics. (Spectrum workbooks do an okay job for this as well.)
  8. I'd think it'd be fine. You may want to be sure it comes with the cables. I don't think the manual is very useful - and you should be able to find it online or just look for videos on how to use it. I've heard there are a lot at pawn shops in our area :)
  9. I'd go with a separate eraser. I like the Pentel Clic Erasers. You can get them at Walmart, Target, office stores (probably grocery and drug stores).
  10. :iagree: And I appreciate the friends I have who call me to keep in touch :) I will rarely make outgoing calls. I love email though!
  11. I have used Bayside for the CAT (although they have the TerraNova now too) and Triangle for the ITBS. I believe for both you do need a college degree. I have administered both to my son and am pleased with the service both places. Bayside is run by former homeschoolers (kids grown... one my BiL ;) although he wasn't homeschooled). I think you gain something by having someone else administer the test in that your kids get more experience with a traditional testing environment. For the first couple of tests, giving it yourself though lets you see what they know or don't know and helps them get accustomed to standardized testing.
  12. I can recite Mouse Soup. :glare: My son also loved Mr. Putter and Tabby and even now will check them out of the library if he finds a new one. He also really enjoyed Dav Pilkey's dragon books.
  13. I think I might have handled that better than bugs. :) Glad I didn't chance it.
  14. :iagree: I was offered it but chose not to try it out of fears of flashbacks. And I just knew I'd see bugs everywhere rather than something entertaining. Figured it wasn't worth the risk.
  15. :iagree: I can understand how working on something can actually help with attention - but the danger is that it can be a distraction to others. If you're going to crochet or knit during a service, I'd be sitting at the back (or balcony) and in an aisle... basically wherever your actions aren't going to distract someone else.
  16. The original - adult version. Children's spin-off. Picture book with nothing offensive. We saw this yesterday at the bookstore: Twenty-Odd Ducks. Another children's picture book. And checking on amazon... it looks like there's a new picture book on apostrophes: The Girl's Like Spaghetti.
  17. Not a lot. I think the most were in 6 and I think they've got those errata still up.
  18. If it's the old CWP, the errata for them are down. From the main page of singaporemath, errata is at the bottom of the page: direct link. Definitely check at their forums. I've also gotten good responses from Jenny. And yup... nasty to get negatives :)
  19. :hurray: Glad you updated... I need to pull ours out!
  20. I think this is the infamous thread that started it. Good for a review every so often :)
  21. COOL!!! That also explains why ratios are done with a colon. I've never gotten why that was :)
  22. Base 10 blocks are great for showing what's happening.. then speed picks up with the algorithm. (Banning is generally on the general board.)
  23. Yeah. I was astounded. She said she asked the teacher (privately) what she'd do if there were a variable... 3(x+5) rather than 3(4+5). The teacher said, "Oh! I hadn't thought of that!" :001_huh: Hopefully she made the change. But my poor son is going to LEARN the math REALLY REALLY WELL!!! I tell him he gets punished for actions of my students. Poor kid. :D
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