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Everything posted by Dana

  1. I think it depends whether you're using the mobile version. I see sigs on my iPad. I like how in the ignore setting you can set it up so you don't see signatures at all.
  2. I think it depends whether you're using the mobile version. I see sigs on my iPad. I like how in the ignore setting you can set it up so you don't see signatures at all.
  3. It's the dot in the same place the check was on the old forum. However, I think we lost our place in the upgrade from old posts. It is working for me with posts I've read since the switch.
  4. If you're using Interactions, they have the activity book and the Teacher's Guide still available, according to what I'm seeing online. I can't imagine working just from the text. I use the TG because they recommend additional websites and additional activities/experiments to do. I also use our library and get books and videos on the topics covered in the text.
  5. They have the list of the titles of the classes on the site. Learn More for Operational Systems gives the topic description. They develop these topics using formal math (for instance, in Ch 10 - algebra with operational systems, they develop the topic of a group, ring, and field. This is stuff you see in a upper-division college math class. I don't know if they'll transfer over the books I have entirely to the online work. If they do, I imagine with Ch 10 the prices for courses will go up significantly. But if the online work matches up with the textbooks and the work when I took these classes, getting through Ch 15 would definitely have you ready for calculus with your next course. Operational Systems Learn more » The Integers available January 2013 Sets, Subsets and Set Operations Ordered Lists Mappings The Rational Numbers Decimals and an Application of the Rational Numbers Probability I Number Theory I Algebra of Operational Systems Algebra of Real Functions Geometry: Incidence and Isometries Geometry: Similitudes, Coordinates and Trigonometry Probability II and Statistics Number Theory II
  6. I just don't have TIME!!! Maybe tomorrow... Oh, I hope nothing is lost....
  7. They have an aptitude test that you have about 2 weeks to take. It looks like you need to enroll in the course within those two weeks. So I'd wait and register towards mid-December if you're going to be starting to spend time in January. The aptitude test is pretty cool. You only have 30 min to take it. My son took it today. I'll sign him up for the first course around Thanksgiving. I used the EM books (Bk 0, most chapters, and Bk 1) when I was in a MEGSSS program in middle school. They are absolutely wonderful. I don't have my copies any longer. The books are so good though that I bought them when I was able to find who held the rights. (My husband still isn't pleased at how much I spent.... Oh well.) I've been torn between using them or AoPS. I've been leaning EM. I'm a bit frustrated since I have the books and now I may end up paying again for my son to do the online work, but the materials are just so very very good. I'm very curious to see how the online work meshes with the texts. I'm sure things will have been nicely updated (not talking about debt in the 70s and USSR :) ).
  8. :grouphug: You might ask about quality of life. If surgery is done, what is lifespan prognosis? We had a cat with a heart problem. He only lived 4 years.
  9. Just a heads-up from the Singapore site: MPH Science is now on clearance sale. Titles in this series not listed for sale are permanently out of stock. MPH Science will be replaced with MPH Science International Version. The new version will be available in late November 2012.
  10. I don't trust that things won't have changed significantly by the time my son's taking AP exams etc. I'm fine spending under $20 on a scientific calculator for him now, letting him use my TI-84 if/when he "needs" a graphing calculator (or to demonstrate things), and then getting him whatever is current when it is a need. The 84 has been constant for a while, but the N-Spire seems to be taking its place some. Until that settles down, I don't want to spend over $100 for something he won't be using regularly. That's why I chose the 30XIIS to get for my son and why I'll wait on a graphing calculator until he's in high school or has an absolute need for one. If he only needs a graphing calculator briefly, he can use mine.
  11. Cool. Thanks. When I was in grad school, the graphing calculator wave was just starting. At my cc, the TI-84 is a requirement from Algebra II onward. However, the department doesn't have common agreement on what students should be doing with the graphing calculator. :glare: I've got my son doing most of his work without the calculator, but I do let him use the TI-30XIIS for some of the CWP problems and IP problems if he shows work very clearly. Started doing that last year in prep for the Explore.
  12. My son took the Explore last January and he was just in Singapore 4 at the time. I wouldn't think you need to wait longer. :001_smile:
  13. Is it no calculators at all, or no graphing (programmable) calculators?
  14. My son has just started guitar at age 10 and hasn't taken any piano lessons.
  15. I agree with getting the TI30XIIS. It's under $20 and is a two line model so you can catch if you mistype something. Keys are in roughly the same place as on the graphing models of TI, making a later transition to a graphing calculator easier.
  16. Under Site News & Discussions: here.
  17. Very encouraging... but I think I had one from Daniel earlier this week. It wasn't Cardholder Services, but it sounded similar....
  18. :grouphug: Food allergy and anaphylaxis network is a good resource. Google them. I'd avoid all the foods he ate when he had the reaction until getting results. My son is allergic to dairy and nuts, so the hazelnuts and doritos would have done it for him. You may want to keep a food diary for a while to help figure things out as well. Food allergies are particularly nasty and testing has false results which can be very frustrating. Keep medications with you at all times. If there's a reaction, medicate. You're at the toughest part right now. I would avoid all nuts for now, but I also would keep a record of all food eaten and any reactions until you can get to an allergist. Good luck! :grouphug:
  19. Depends on the school. The cc I teach at has policy that they don't want kids under 16 taking courses. I don't know if they'd make exceptions. Check on the website of your cc. Also, check policies on dual enrollment. From what I've read, some courses are very hit or miss on getting into.
  20. http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/15654/blizzard-of-77-travel-game Looks like it may have been off a 77 blizzard. Enjoyed the game though :)
  21. We had friends who had a board game based on it, so that's how I know about it. :lol:
  22. Current info and the code for credit monitoring can be found at wistv.com and thestate.com. Unfortunately both sites are rather heavy on pop up ads, but info may be better than hanging on the call line.
  23. My son has just read the books from the library. They don't have the cards, but that hasn't stopped him from enjoying the stories. I haven't seen the cards, so I don't know how much they'd add.
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