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Everything posted by Lawyer&Mom

  1. I think listening in the car is a great idea. Most of the courses I own are DVDs and it's really tiring to watch the (relatively) static image of a person standing behind a podium... In future I plan to do audio only unless visuals are absolutely necessary.
  2. Absolutely. You could do it with just a bible, a math book and a set of encyclopedias. A whole library? Decadent. :)
  3. Hang in there! We are rooting for you!
  4. I hadn't looked at the FB page since you brought him home. Wow, what a cutie! Thinking of you today.
  5. http://mobile.puydufou.com https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puy_du_Fou Puy du Fou. Historical reenactment theme park in Western France. Truly remarkable live shows. Doesn't matter if you don't speak French. Can't wait to go with kids.
  6. I know there has been interest in Ancient Greek resources. Just saw that Great Courses has a new course that covers the material in a first year college course. http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/greek-101-learning-an-ancient-language.html
  7. Well, I do practice law full time for a living, but if I was looking for a new career I have thought about it. I do wonder if I would have the patience/empathy to explain something that comes so naturally to me to people who don't get it intuitively... I'm not great at all tests. Can't do a LSAT logic game to save my life. But the bar is aimed right at my strengths, and it's thrilling to excel at something you are really good at.
  8. Training for a marathon was as much a mental challenge as a physical one. And the race itself is a total peak experience. Train with a group and you meet new people too!
  9. Do you get summers off? There are some awesome summer intensive courses. Berkeley has summer Latin and Greek workshops that sound thrilling. I really loved bar exams. A three day test that was both a marathon and a sprint, covering a huge body of law. That's when I felt I was truly firing all cylinders. I may have taken a few more than I really needed, just because it was so much fun. I'm not sure I'd recommend law school just to take the bar, but I wonder if there are some other sort of test you could study for? Aren't there French certificates etc?
  10. I'm so not past the intensive parenting stage. I am so jealous of your life! So many activities. Please tell me you were not this active/productive when you had littles. I need something to look forward to. Today I'm home with a sick baby and feeling very much stuck on the couch.
  11. I was born out of wedlock, raised by a single mom who worked crazy long hours to support us. I was super paranoid about having all my ducks in a row before I got married and had kids. Maybe slightly more than strictly necessary... Europe with a newborn sounds both awesome and terrifying. Glad it worked out for you!
  12. These are basically my rules for marriage, so I think she's on to something. I married at 32. After college, after grad school, after establishing myself professionally. I'd gladly advise my girls to do the same. Pretty sure I don't want them to be 32 year old virgins... Like I said before, not sure what my advice will be. They are still so young, I've got some time, but I'd like Dh and I to have an agreed party line soon. I think what you tell kids when they are young really matters.
  13. Awkward title, I know. Let me elaborate. What to you tell/teach your kids about when they should have sex? No sex until marriage? College? Until you love someone? My parents didn't have much to say about this, and I often wonder what I will tell my girls. I imagine there is a huge range on this one and I'd honestly love to hear all opinions.
  14. Mom told me everything, starting when I was small. (It was the eighties in Northern California. Very "Free to Be You and Me."). We had to use the proper scientific names for all our parts. She'd have neighborhood parents and kids over to watch my baby sister's birth video! I wish there had been more about relationships and expectations, but the grown-ups in my life were making that up as they went along... What were they supposed to tell us?
  15. Way back when I was a freshman in CA, they told us this rule was to take pressure off freshman year. Some kids need time to adjust to high school level work.
  16. Lawyer&Mom


    I have a dear friend who was gay in college and is now very happily married to a woman. He and his wife both have very close gay friends, so it certainly wasn't a rejection of homosexuality. I don't really know what happened. People are complicated. People change. I'm just glad to see him so happy in his current relationship. They are a great couple.
  17. Also. Majoring in pre-law just seems silly. Round your self out a bit first! You will learn more than enough law in law school.
  18. Keep your GPA up. Major in whatever will keep your GPA up. Find a way to ace the LSAT. (At the very least take a prep class.). Your GPA and your LSAT basically determine what schools accept you. At the top it is very lockstep. Definitely avoid undergrad debt. Law schools have jacked up tuition in the last decade. Finally, make sure you want to be a lawyer. I absolutely loved law school. Loved it. But you don't want to take on the cost just because you don't know what else to do after graduation.
  19. I had to cut out wheat and dairy at 25 to finally make it go away.... If dietary change isn't a good option, definitely try medication. Self esteem is important!
  20. Selfish? You are a rockstar doing what you need to do to support your family. That's the opposite of selfish.
  21. I wonder how many homeschool candidates satisfied the eligibility by examination requirements, perhaps even unwittingly. That route requires high test scores, but such scores aren't unusual for successful UC applicants.
  22. Buses in Marin are great at one thing, going into and out of SF during commute hours. Transit within Marin? Not so much.
  23. Likes math and foreign languages.... Logical thinker. Programming? Has she done any?
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