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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. I'm sure there's a Facebook group that'll have a lot of ideas. I'm not a big user of FB at all. But when I was diagnosed w/ a rare thing it was comforting to "talk" to others on FB. Also, just sharing. I follow a blogger who has EDS. She's a fashion blogger but very open about having EDS. Hang in there. ♥
  2. Narcissists are weird about gifts. The ones they give. The ones they get. They ones they have to return. The ones that will only clutter their home. It's a narcissist thing.
  3. I do actually think it covers gray well. I must have a lot of gray by now. I haven't stopped long enough to know.
  4. Here's what I do: I color my whole head at home and then get highlights at the salon (which I only do twice a year). My hair person taught me how to cover grey without messing up my highlights. 🥰 But here's the problem: the "at-home box" hair color permanent dye was seriously drying my hair. So I went back to using what is called semi-permanent (which means it may only last 10 to 20 shampoos.) It's gentle on hair. Also, because it's semi-permanent -- and doesn't contain anything harsh, you can save what you don't use. The bottle has lasted two months. There's a lot in there. Plus if you don't like the color, you can wash it out. This is what I've been using: Clairol Semi-Permanent in Chai Brown (I'm brunette too). Actually the color I want is called Toasted Almond but they're out right now, so I used the Chai. For some reason they just send a packaged bottle. No directions. No gloves. I googled the directions and just bought a small box of disposable gloves. Good luck!
  5. Just bumping in case anyone else is into it. 🙂
  6. I saw this fun opportunity and thought of you guys. Or if it's not your thing, maybe for a friend? -- Wendy Good Morning!! If there’s anything that 2020 taught us, it’s that life is too short to not do what makes you happy! That’s why HighSpeedInternet.com is scouting the nation to find the best candidate to fill the role of CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) on our team. The job? We’ll pay our CHO $5,000 to do anything that makes them happy - so long as they use an internet connection to do it! The perks? Our Chief Happiness Officer will set their own schedule, work from home, and get a year’s worth of internet on us. == Job Description: We want to know how you use the internet to pursue your passion, and how a faster internet connection could improve your experience. Whether that’s decorating islands in Animal Crossing or setting trends on TikTok, the day-to-day is up to you. We just want to make sure you’re doing something you love. Responsibilities and Requirements: The job is as easy as 1-2-3! Our CHO will work with us to (1) upgrade their home internet connection (2) take speed tests before and during the dream job (3) spend a week pursuing their passion online, and then tell us how it went! Eligibility: Our Chief Happiness Officer must be at least 18 years old and eligible to work in the United States. Compensation: Our CHO will receive $5,000 for pursuing their passion online, plus they’ll get a year’s worth of upgraded internet on us. Dates and Deadlines: Applications are open now until July 30, 2021, at 5:00 pm MST. We’ll be announcing our new CHO on August 2, 2021, on our website and social media accounts so be sure to follow us or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date! What is HighSpeedInternet.com? We are a group of internet & tech experts working to help consumers find the best internet options in their area. If you're interested in covering this dream job opportunity, you can find graphics, a video, and a press release in our media kit If you need anything else for your coverage, please feel free to reach out to me. Have a great day, Whether you’re an online entrepreneur, a connoisseur of Netflix’s most binge-worthy shows, an online shopping maven, Soundcloud’s next hit artist, a true-crime podcast junkie, or an avid social media scroller, this job was made for you! You can find the application form and all the information needed to share this with your readers on our website: https://www.highspeedinternet.com/
  7. I'm a dog fanatic! Your babies are all ADORABLE! ♥♥♥ This is my River. He turned 10 at the end of May. No health problems yet (knock wood).
  8. I agree: opposite sex. I once had two females. I had NO idea that gender mattered. They'd be fine together, but every six months or so they'd have a truly frightening dog fight. It was scary and awful. Thankfully nobody was ever seriously ever hurt. I"m not sure about two males though.
  9. Hi Everyone, I just want to share my friend's blog that supports homeschooling efforts. 🙂 The blog is linked here: The TV Professor It's about specific learning-moments found on various shows like; Anger management tips from calm TV characters Parenting tips from some of TV's best fathers Cooking tips from TV characters in the kitchen I hope it's helpful. ♥
  10. This book was such a game-changer for me. So important.
  11. Thanks Amethyst! I think I once heard that Cher could hold a plank for like thirty minutes or something crazy, and I felt pretty lame!
  12. Re: being attracted to intelligent people. Does anyone remember Margaret Hoolihan from MASH? When her boyfriend/doctor -- Frank -- would talk surgery to her she'd respond with passion, "Oh Frank!" (Totally confusing him.)
  13. Just great! Everyone knew about this but me?? My kitty has a pottery bowl, but I only change every two days. But I add ice cubes each day. Now I feel terrible. Thank you for the help everyone! Very appreciated.
  14. My cat has acne. "Cats get acne (or would that be catne?). Feline acne usually looks like small, black, dirt-like spots on the underside of your cat's chin or on the edge of the lips. Your cat has sebaceous glands in these areas that help lubricate the skin and play a role in territorial marking." Don't google it, the examples are gross. Thankfully Max only has a small black spot on his chin.
  15. Cool! So did you take classes or just set out on your own? Which state are you in? I didn't know that you're from Germany!
  16. Wow! Can you share how you got into kayaking? I'd love to do it, but need training. Great photo!
  17. I agree w/ Amethyst -- this group is seriously dedicated. Well, I don't know what magic this group wields but just reading your posts daily has got me back on the straight and narrow. It's not a lot, but I'm back to 30 minutes of riding my indoor recumbent at level 6 and then doing floor exercises on my bat wings and my tum. And I do a plank. (That I can only hold for 70 seconds, but I'm trying.) Since I don't do a lot, I'm trying to work out every day in July. Dh's brother's family visit at the end of July and I just thought that would be a good marker. Any advice? I'm all ears. I need to get a pedometer.
  18. Took your advice! Watched a new episode of a favorite show -- and I won't finish the show until I'm back on the bike tomorrow. So, Pose is good? Okay! Cool that he has a recumbent! I have a recumbent trike. I love it, but my dog is 10 now and if I'm outside I want to be running/walking him. I'd love to pull him behind me in a kid-trailer, but I don't have muscles for that (he's 80 lbs.). I haven't tried audio books, but I will now. Thanks for the idea! @Laura CorinThanks for starting this thread in July! I'm going to post here daily. I rode my indoor recumbent today for thirty minutes, then did arm and stomach exercises. It's not much, but it's a start. My goal is to work out every day in July. Wish me luck.
  19. Jenny, that is a superpower. I'm not kidding. I've heard that people who don't require as much sleep have a specific gene that builds them that way. Being able to get up at 5 would give me another lifetime! I would love it! Sadly, I don't have that gene.
  20. Holiday theater!! That's funny!
  21. I am so impressed that you get up so early. I have to ask: what time do you fall asleep at night? I'd love to get up earlier, but I'm afraid I'll be a zombie.
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