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Everything posted by MaryCatherine

  1. My Father's World is perfect for us. I add math and foreign language and follow MFW's lesson plans. Complete.
  2. Hershey's works great here. Maybe my standards are low.....but it sure is yummy in coffees.
  3. In honor of the now-deleted thread about boys, I bought my guys some manly body-wash. I guess I never thought too much about it. Now then, I don't buy fruity or flowery scented stuff, but that was as far as I went. I bought Suave for men body-wash at the store this morning, my older son promptly showered and that's what he said to me after. :lol:
  4. Do you think you can work your way through the CWP series without doing the entire Singapore program? I understand that SM uses rod diagrams for their word programs and I plan on working on that this summer myself so that I can teach it to the boys. I'd like for us to spend the next couple of years working through a couple of CWP books, but we haven't used the program. So basically, if I can get the bars down pat, well enough to teach, will that be enough? Thanks.
  5. My boys have two older sisters who make sure they look "cool" and that their hair is stylish. Whew - so I don't have to. Plus, I kinda like watching Melissa moosing up Jack's hair - they're bonding, right?? That said, though, I will probably look at that book!!
  6. Hi there! Yeah, it's easy to sell and someone would love to have it. The used curriculum board moves pretty quickly here. Good luck!
  7. I think so. With a goal of aviation, I think a year of advanced physics as a senior would serve him better than general science in 8th grade. And looking for creation based and independent, I think Apologia is pretty good science.
  8. It resells VERY well, close to retail, and quickly.
  9. Cold ham (not your average side dish :)), cold fried chicken (same), baked beans. Add bacon and cheese to the pasta salad. Baked sweet potatoes. Fried okra. Broccoli. Asparagus. Sliced tomatoes. Deviled eggs. Pimento cheese sandwiches. If you'll excuse me now, I am suddenly hungry.....
  10. please tell me "NO." (unless I've already paid you!) Good grief - it's like an illness.....:tongue_smilie:
  11. If it were me, I would buy the CDs now so that they match. And good job snatching up a great deal!!
  12. I agree with every word of this. Especially the last sentence about all options being ok for you. Really, whatever you choose here will be fine.
  13. When we did Epsilon and LOF fractions, we completed MUS before starting LOF. For my oldest son, the curriculums are SSOOOOO different that he didn't like waiting 6 days before coming back to LOF. We had originally tried LOF just on Fridays, but he had forgotten the math concepts from the week before. It was easier FOR HIM (just our own experience) to do one program completely and then the other for reinforcement.
  14. Yes, after core 1 w/int, you'd go to core 2 with adv. And no, it isn't a problem AT ALL skipping advanced readers. Core 3 is a beautiful next step after int readers.
  15. This would indeed be a great place to start. The intermediate readers have some short/easy books as well as some longer/harder books. If you child reads through them quicker then scheduled, just add books from the library. They are great books, though. Seconding this as well. The advanced readers used to be called "grade 3-5". They ARE harder then the core 3 books. Maybe not necessarily harder but the reading assignments are longer. There are very few, if any, pictures. The type is smaller and someone who isn't a strong reader could easily be overwhelmed. My older son did the advanced readers his 4th grade year. He read all the Harry Potters and Eragon and it's sequel during 3rd grade and the advanced books were perfect. It really sounds like core 1 with intermediate would be a great start.
  16. I'll preface by saying that I haven't researched this......I would start by looking at Apologia's Advanced Biology for anatomy and physiology. I'd also look at the community college for psych classes. A foreign language would be helpful as an RN. Maybe looking at what pre-requisites are required for the nursing school that she's looking at, and then seeing what she can take at a community college for college credit. It's interesting to me about the previous poster suggesting an associates degree first. I was so thankful that I got my bachelor's instead. It only took one more year then the associates, and I only went to school once. Of course, a benefit of the associates first is that while working as an RN, your employer will usually pay for further education. So there are benefits to both.
  17. I would suggest a strong foundation in chemistry and anatomy and physiology. I would suggest psych classes, developmental and abnormal. They will probably be covered in college, but they're good to know really well. She'll be writing LOTS of papers, if you need to work on that any more. Regarding math - surprisingly little. I've discovered that pretty much everything can be figured using ratio and proportion.
  18. My sister has a set, and like everyone else, I love using them. I ask Santa every year for a set, but he has yet to comply. I'd certainly buy some if I could.
  19. I've never been outside of Tx, so I can't answer. But I love everything about it, except our beaches. The Gulf of Mexico isn't exactly beautiful. In other words, I've never, ever, seen blue water.
  20. I agree. I think she should move to the DFW area, and we'll meet and become friends, and her dh can introduce me to another Whole Foods manager. But that's just me. :lol:
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