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Everything posted by MaryCatherine

  1. When did they redesign? I'm trying to sell two units instructors guides and people ask if they are classic or redesigned. They are copyrighted in 2007 $ 2008. Can someone help real quick? Thanks
  2. We're doing physical next year. Personally, I'm yahoo-group-challenged. I really appreciate his presence on FB.
  3. Redwagon Tutorials is also on facebook and he answers lots of questions promptly there. Just an FYI.
  4. Yes. Comparing their TOC, pre-algebra is practically an entirely new course. And algebra has added about 15 new lessons as well. I understand they're upgrading alg 2 and geometry as well.
  5. There are fraction in the new pre-algebra. But less of them, less review, more new material. The TOC is up on their site. I'm on my phone, otherwise I'd be happy to type more. But I'll go nuts if I try.
  6. Wow. Just compared tables of contents of both older versions and newer. So glad to see TT making these changes. Pre-algebra especially is practically a whole new year. Less review, new and more material, and technical terms. Thank you TT. Algebra also has about 15 more lessons.
  7. Didn't realize that about BJU. It does sound much better after your above explanation.
  8. Well, since you're just asking opinions... I have two. One would rather sit in acid than write. The other is a great writer. I wouldn't do that much. You've got two complete lit programs plus another writing program. Plus wanting more with science and history. Maybe doing some from each of those. Something each week, but vary the source. I'm finding myself wanting to schedule a lot to get "ready" for high school. It's daunting if I think too much.
  9. I'm just researching conceptual physics and wondered if these questions might be addressed. I also wondered if Apologia's Physical Science not cover conceptual physics. Thanks
  10. Yep. My kids have washed their own for years. Teach them, then lower your standards slightly regarding wrinkles. In other words, we mist and redry before visiting certain family members or church.
  11. I don't think it's a history or a science. I'd go with elective also.
  12. M selfishly bumping this because I'd love to read a discussion about it. I personally love the idea. ETA. This documentary is at Amazon for $127!!! Anyway I can see it cheaper?
  13. We've gone in the past and will go again. Homeschool day in Arlington is awesome. Weather is great. Lines are nil. Kids are great. Love it. Yes. Go. Definitely.
  14. A while back, Kathy posted in pretty good detail what all her kids did for high school. I searched her name and got ten pages - I don't even remember when it was - maybe a year or so. And I certainly don't remember what thread it was in. Does anyone perhaps have it copied? Or maybe, does Kathy have it copied so she doesn't have to retype it? I'd love to pass it on to a friend of mine. Thanks for any assistance.
  15. Can't you just show her MFW? Show her all the lit analysis. Show her all the writing instruction. Show her the depth that's in MFW. Show her all the threads here that gush and gush about it. And you don't really need to explain the differences to her......maybe you could just politely explain that you and your child LOVE what y'all are using and you're thrilled that she feels the same way. Surely she, a good friend, won't push you beyond that. For high school, we're going to use MFW. We"re using SL until then, from core 1+2 through core 7. So technically, I can't give details about either just yet.
  16. This thread http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252716 has a lot of really good info about MFW for high school. I'm pretty sure your answers would be here. Looking forward to our high school with MFW!
  17. But for a company to do something, purposefully, that's inconvenient for me just so I will be forced to purchase a full core from them - well, I don't appreciate feeling manipulated. It really turns me off to the company.
  18. This has been interesting to get so many views. Since I started this thread, and also asked on one other forum, we've decided how we're going to handle this. I currently have all four kids at home. Oldest is working part time and going to nursing school. She should graduate in two years - she's here until then unless she does something crazy, like get married. Her boyfriend is fabulous and that would be great, but I assume they'd wait until she was finished. But who knows. She and second daughter have their own rooms while the boys share. We're going to take second daughter's room, put some of the furniture in storage, add the desk, bookcases, the second TV, the family computer, the game stuff and all the fun stuff, and it will become the man-cave (or family room, or living room, or whatever). Her twin bed will be used as a couch and the room will be hers during her visits. She has agreed to all this. This way, the boys will have more space, though still sleeping in the same room. Eventually, oldest daughter's room will be open and that's when the boys will get separate rooms. If second daughter does move home while in college, everything can just go back to how it is now. We're all excited about this plan and I just thought I'd share it here. Again, I appreciate everyone taking the time to share their experiences. I wish I did have room for everyone to have their own personal space, but that's a luxury I don't have at present. -Anne
  19. I was wondering how long you leave the room as *their* room after they go off to college. My younger daughter is going off this fall about 2 hours away - not terribly far and she plans to be home often. Of course, I know that she probably won't be back as often as she thinks now. But I really want the boys to have more space - either seperate rooms or a man-cave type room. Of course, I'd have a place for dd to sleep when she visits, but she's rather appalled that I'm considering using her room while she's gone. Am I supposed to leave it for her the entire time she's in college? That would be four years - my boys would share a room until they graduated high school?? Just curious as to how others have handled this. Thanks Anne
  20. How much biblical is there? Can it be passed over or will it make me crazy? I'm wanting to consider these for all four high school years. Thanks.
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