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Everything posted by HeWillSoar

  1. I was down about five pounds and didn't lose any that next week even though I did try. But at least it's holding steady, I guess. I'm having company this week so I'm taking this week off but I'll be back at it next week. Also school starts for us next week. Good job, Ifonly! That's steady progress.
  2. This looks interesting. Did anyone see what the pricing is? I am not seeing it.
  3. We moved around a lot because of the military also. My favorite time was when we lived in Germany--so many fond memories. The people, the town, all the different things we did, our little base school....it was just magical. I even had the best teacher I've ever had two years in a row (I found her on Facebook). She took us on the best field trips. It is a place I long to go back and visit some day.
  4. I get the Penneys ones. Thanks for reminding me about it. It's buried in my purse.
  5. I have one and it is furnished nicely but we never use it. I would be fine not having one in the next house.
  6. Just thought of one. Cashiers who lick their fingers when bagging. Ewww, I don't want your spit on my stuff.
  7. I don't like the heat either (and the mosquitoes...and the sun because I burn) so I am always inside. Between summer and winter, I figure I'm inside at least half of the year. How can that be good for you? Sometimes I think we should have just stayed in San Diego.
  8. I'm still at it. Scale showed two pounds up this morning but I want perfect either this weekend. I just need to try to be really good with the low carb this week. Bacon wrapped chicken for dinner tonight and scallops for dinner tomorrow.
  9. I have never heard of that. I'll keep that in mind if I need something quick and easy.
  10. Dinner was cajun chicken sausage sauteed with kale and cheesy broccoli on the side. Lunch, a McDonalds salad with grilled chicken Breakfast was just coffee Now I'm having dessert which is ricotta cheese, lemon juice, lemon zest, stevia and to make it taste better, I added some sugar free vanilla pudding mix. It's actually pretty good. Oh, I also had a slice of swiss cheese. And I'm making good progress on school planning now. I was kind of overwhelmed at first which makes dieting that much harder.
  11. Last week was my first week of low carb. I did great but went to the movies one day and had popcorn and a coke and another day I went out to PFChangs and had fried rice as part of the meal. Today I'm back at it. I still want to go out and enjoy the things in life. I'm trying to not be all or nothing but really make it a lifestyle. So I'm down a couple pounds from last week still and hopefully another couple this week. Feeling good about it!
  12. I am using an S4 still and have no plans on getting a new one any time soon.
  13. How long did it take to complete? Does anyone happen to have a schedule? Also, I was thinking that if it's not enough for a full credit, I could add in some Earth science and call it "Earth/Space" for that years science credit. Does that sound about right? My state does not have specific requirements.
  14. These sounds good and what a nice variety! I'll probably try two a week. Thanks everyone :001_smile:
  15. Trying to eat healthier. One I like is cod with lemon butter and capers. Mahi mahi with a creamy lime sauce for fish tacos. What else? How do you like to prepare fish?
  16. I just started--I'm on day 3. Trying to lose the weight I lost last year and then more to go after that. I'm not even thinking of the total amount I need to lose. I'm doing South Beach but I will probably keep going with stage 1 longer than the two weeks they recommend. Stage 1 is where you consume the least amount of carbs before you start adding them back in. But since I know that diet like the back of my hand, it's one I can do without thinking about it.
  17. Bag of frozen ravioli with sauce, bread Cheese quesadillas Rotisserie chicken, sides homemade waffles--recipe card taped inside the cabinet for easy viewing deli meat and hard rolls Those are probably my easiest meals, and also ones that I've made so much everyone is sick of.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  19. I just made this today and it was so easy and delicious! I would have never thought to use Miracle Whip. The one and only time I use It is for leftover Thanksgiving turkey on sourdough bread. Thanks for posting your mom's recipe. Normally if I make macaroni salad, I just use Marzetti's cole slaw sauce that comes premade in a jar.
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