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Everything posted by Supertechmom

  1. Would it be like the Hangover movies? Wonder if we could find a kilt convention selling cupcakes in crockpots?
  2. Just how do you add tags, especially the first tag?? I never see a box when I scroll over but if tags are already there, then I can see the box and add tags. But if someone else hasn't added tags, I can't find a way :leaving:
  3. It is funny but I am so super organized it is hard to believe we skipped an entire semester of math and nobody noticed. Of course it was hard to believe when i was pregnant and beyond death's door, I decided one of the kids was an entire year older and gave him material accordingly. That was a frustrating year of school until his birthday when he admantly argued that he was turning the age I thought. That's when I figured that one out!poor child! I had skipped him a year of everything and couldn't figure out why he could not handle the work when he had done so well before.
  4. UHG!!! I've been in school and have had help with my kids schooling this quarter. (So saying I am beyond busy is an understatement) I was just going over the first grade Singapore (old edition where you had two textbooks and each text had 2 workbooks for the grade.) that my first grader has been doing. Somewhere along the way, I thought we were covering an awful lot of math awfully fast. Today I figured out that not only did grandma make my little first grader complete all exercises according to the text - the text may say cover exercise 40-45 which I would do one a day and then take up a new lesson in the text but grandma would do ALL those lessons in one day and move on the next day ( Fainting smiley). But she skipped all of the A book. So somewhere along this quarter, we jumped from Singapore primary book a and jumped into book b. and are nearly finished with book b both parts!!! Arrg!! Why did I not catch this earlier??? I even went right along with it and didn't even notice. Smack forehead to desk! My child never seemed to have an issue with it but golly, one would think me, the teacher would have noticed we freaking skipped half a year of math. I even marked it complete in HST and never noticed I was marking book a completed and she was actually doing book b. no harm done I suppose other than I feel stupid for not figuring it out when we made the jump. (Where are the smileys????). Just needed to vent.
  5. This a thousand times! I liked the post but that is merely an agreement nod of BTDT! PTSD is an understatement. I knew before i could even test I was pregnant from the sheer amount of puke I produced and by the time we had a positive, I was puking blood. By the fourth time around, things were so bad (some pregnancies were better 2 were "lite" Hg and 2 were "bad" HG) that if they would have sterilized me then and there, i would have agreed without hesitation. Very close to losing the last one and my health is shot straight to hell from those pregnancies. Took close to 2 years after each one to get back to any resemblance of normal health. I have to even control the urge to punch happy pregnant women because I never could get up off the floor long enough to pretend to be happy and they make my eyes twitch LOL. Just the thought of getting pregnant makes me shudder !
  6. http://www.everydayminerals.com/store/productkit/mineralmakeup/free/ They have very cheap if not free sample kits you can try. I love their stuff and have found it to be not as pricey as other brands.
  7. OH!! I just discovered if you go to the right of the title across the screen, a little arrow will appear. click it and you will show you the first and the last post in the topic. They appear like a drop down menu. and you can then choose to go to topic or move on.
  8. Oh gosh! Those are so cute! What type of felt did you use? I love that apple. Was it really time consuming as I have about a week to redo the kitchen and make up some food. If it is one of those things that will take me hours to turn out a piece of fruit then I won't have time for it. How well do they hold up?
  9. on here? I am looking at some and thought perhaps a busy bee here might make them. I can't decide to try my hand at it and make some for a Christmas gift or just buy some made up. I'm redoing a kitchen set for one of the kids and wanted to add some food that was a little more grownupish as she is not 2 anymore and cheap plastic and hard wood is not quite.... thrilling me :laugh: .
  10. Ha! I didn't realize there was a day for this. I just unfriended a ton of people from the kids various things they have been in that we are no longer involved in. I felt so guilty but I had friended them just to get the info for the activities. So many groups now just post and update through facebook and then when it is all over......you have 20 or 30 people you will never see again on your Facebook site. I wish people would use a different method so I wouldn't have to friend and defriend just to be a part of a kid activity. But I could have waited for the day! I didn't know it was a set day. :001_smile:
  11. Yep, the fire plan is not for the family to escape together. It is for each person to know the safest way out of the house from wherever they discover the house is on fire. Parents should have a very clear sense of who they need to rescue (babies/toddlers/preschoolers) and how they intend to do that while any child old enough to crawl under the smoke, to break a window, or out a door should do so. If old enough to safely grab a sibling on the way out, do so but don't be a hero and wander around looking for someone. Just get out! In a fire, you may not have time to collect kiddos into one central area and get out. The fire might be between you or blocking your logical route. you might die of smoke inhalation before you get to them. Most of our kiddos sleep in the same room where a fire is most unlikely so they know to make sure they all get out together but no waiting for the other side of the house (split plan) to come get them. We and the others are on the other side and it is a real possibility that the fire will be between us. I plan on each side going out the windows on their ends and we'll meet up at the mailbox. If you have doubts as to how to get everyone out, call the fire dept to come help you set up plan for your house. Then practice it with a timer. The kids have a blast climbing out the window or using the rope ladder thingge to climb from the upstairs room.
  12. I may have a set of book of knowledge (blue edition) if you need that replaced.
  13. :grouphug: I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I've lived with this most of my life and still debate every single time if I should give myself the Epi pen. Even just last year, I called my hubby and said " hey I was stung but I think I'm okay. I'm just going to lie down for awhile. I took some Benadryl. I'm feeling fine." Hypoxia sets in quickly Lol! Fortunately he works nearby and came and took me to the hospital where they promptly gave me a iv drip and a shot and kept me for the entire day and pumped with stuff throughout that time. :001_smile: It is just hard to know especially if you have reactions that have some time to them. I'm not one that immediately drops but has issues in a few minutes instead of instantaneously. My mom always struggled with do we take her in, is she gonna be okay, are we wasting a trip this time, wasting the drs time for something we could have handled at home? Once Epi pens came out, the allergist was very firm in use it as soon as you can and don't worry about what it will do. Just use it and get to the hospital. We will handle it from there. If it wasn't necessary,we can take care of that too. So don't feel bad. Even us old pros still go round and round.
  14. Please use the Epi pen. I get very jittery, restless before I pass out within minutes of a sting. If I get the Epi when I am restless and anxious, things are much better in terms of outcome. I don't pass out, I am still breathing and my BP stays up instead of bottoming out. If I take that Benadryl because I think it is not worthy of an Epi pen, I still continue to have breathing issues and still pass out and my bp drops. Some times it may delay the time giving me a little more time to get to the hospital but it has never stopped me from having the reaction. When my body is going into shock, Benadryl is not going to pull me out of it. When I was little and epis were not doled out like today, my mom had a massive amount of Benadryl (way more than a double dose) she was told to give me just to get me to the hospital to try to give us enough time to get the Epi shot. And it was a liquid and a hell of a lot to suck down in the car heading to the ER. It might give you some time in the sense of slowing the swelling but it isn't going to take care of shock. You've gotten lucky. Especially if he has delayed reactions. I have an initial reaction and then a delayed reaction and sometimes a rebound reaction. Those can be worse than the initial. Please use the pen!!!!
  15. BINGO! Wouldn't get a dr's note. I've posted before, I would call the state dept of Ed and contact their legal dept and have them contact the school with the info that they can not punish students for the bathroom. I would send a note back that using the bathroom once a day and twice one day is absolutely allowed and my kid would not serve detention and would not be punished for it. I would be such a bad school parent. I never understood in school how going to the bathroom is such a disturbance. Put the pass by the door and let students know to slip out quietly and without making a disruption. They don't need to ask permission or beg to go.
  16. Gosh! Call the Dept of Ed in your state and ask for the attorney's office. They all have their own attorney. Speak to him that there are new rules in place in your school concerning the use of the bathroom and that children can being denied access to the bathroom. They will take care of it pretty quickly especially if you have anything in writing like on syllabus or on class policies or such.It was even written that due to new state laws, bathroom use would be at the discretion of the teachers now. When the attorney picked himself up from laughing so hard, he said he would take care of it and it would be handled before the day was out. I wouldn't waste my time with the teacher or the principle. Anyone who thinks they can regulate bathroom "privileges" are idiots that you just don't waste your time with. The lawyer and I also went into details about how as a mother I would be hauled up on charges for this type of behavior, how prisoners are granted this right and I do believe we discussed the Geneva convention guarantees pows this right even! Teachers and principles in a local school are way out of line and need some redirection from the top. DOnt' bother to work it out with them.. They will only give excuses.
  17. Chronic constipation could be a sign of celiac. My oldest's constipation issues went away gluten free and my youngest's a thousand times a day diarrhea stopped. I would try that. It can also make them very picky eaters
  18. OHOH!! And it always helps to PUKE on them. Yes, I threw up everywhere 22 times in the drs's office (they so nicely counted for me) even gave me my own supply of little blue bags (like a whole case that we took home) Puke bothers Obs when it is on their shoes and regular clothes. But when you lose 20 pounds in a few weeks,are only 11 weeks, have a blinding headache and can't pick yourself up and laid in your own puke on the bathroom floor until your hubby came home, puking on someone just no longer bothers you. Don't hold back. Throw up everywhere.
  19. :iagree::iagree:I received treatment because my hubby took me in and delivered me to the dr and said "I'm here to see you do something and do it now or we are going to the ER and getting admitted now" People jumped. 2 blags of fluids, standing orders for more as needed. he was big help in getting treatment for me. OBs blow this off for some reason until someone else says "she's sick and I picked her up off the floor and brought her here." Get hubby to take you and take over the whole appointment. They listen when hubs is there.
  20. Another for ignoring the test results and going gluten free dairy free for at least a year! The growth my children underwent that one test year was more than enough to convince the ped and my hubby that gluten and diary causes some kind of problem that current testing can't detect. you simply can't justify a growth of 5-6 inches in 2 year old or 6 inches in a 10 year old not in puberty as anything else. And we do have petite people in my family. My response to the ped was always what if it is because they have this problem too?? Their height is 4'10 because they never grew. NOT because their genes topped out at 4'10 Food issues do so much damage to our bodies without us even realizing. Kids don't grow, they have rashes, itchy dry patches of skin, crazy attitudes, just a number of things that just go away when the food bothering is taken out. I can't recommend enough a gluten free diary free diet to start with , detox their bodies,and let them heal.
  21. due to a strange twist of fate, my rather uninvolved MIL decided to help us out this semester and watch my kids twice a week while I was in school :svengo: :blink: She thought homeschooling them was going to be easy. :D And it is! In the course of two weeks, she has solved all the problems with getting homework done by offering a smile (some kind of apple slices with peanut butter and marshmallows that look like a mouth),refusing to let him have lunch until he finished it all (he was finished by 1:00 See how well that works!!) informed my 6 year old that her math was too hard and she didn't need to do it, and completely cured the 2 year old from running around naked just by telling him not to. And she gets everything picked up and cleaned the kitchen! it really isn't that hard Oh the joys of having all the problems solved and in the first few visits!! Super Nanny she is!!!! Because in 15 years of parenting, I had no idea it was just. that. simple. Hubby is just shaking his head laughing. Since he grew up with her in a dirty filthy run down home, was allowed to do as he pleased and nearly flunked out of high school due to her brilliant parenting and educating skills, she is showing me how to do it!!!! Sigh, The kids just finished filling me in today with all the details of last week. If we were not desperate, this would not have even be happening but it is what it is. The reality of the day? I came home from a ball busting day of school (freaking all day school not just a class!) to fix dinner, do the laundry, and force the child to do his homework that he never ever did that day but said he did and wonder why in the world the toddler was going to the bathroom every 5 minutes (apparently he refused to pee or poop since she told him not to take his clothes off). And let's not even get into making my daughter understand that the math is not too hard for her and she can do it just like always. :tongue_smilie: I'm going to need a lot of coffee this quarter.;) But at least the kids are taken care of and I don't have to worry and take out a loan to pay a stranger I don't know. But gee whiz.... What other parenting issues should I get her to solve? I'm sure the HIVE can come up with some issues that she could solve that we just can't get fixed.:001_smile:
  22. That's the problem I have run into. Being in a state that defines homeschooling and has a legal definition of one and different ways to do that AND a virtual school that is not a public school AND a host of online charter schools that are public school in which at least in the upper years requires no more involvement for the parent than any well meaning public school b&m parent, it is a dang mess. The mixed groups are always running into issues with scheduling. It gets frustrating mostly because the parents are down right nasty about it."well my child has to be in school during that time, can't you change it to afterschool time. I don't Understand why you can't accommodate me? ". And they get really offended and put out tons of posts about how horrible it is to belong to a group that doesn't work with them and are excluding their children. No,I'm just trying to schedule a time that doesn't put me in crowds of people or rush hour traffic. That's why I homeschool. I like to schedule my field trips after the public school morning visits and before the after school visits. Why does that make me the bad guy?? It is less stress for me to know my olds can see the exhibits, take as long as they want without losing my toddler. It does sound like virtual school is very different elsewhere or different in the early years. But again,here is the problem. So far that hasn't been enough. It is not good enough. I set up a couple of homeschool only competition team meets to develop a team for some science/math stuff. I also had some that the legal labels didn't matter. So in my eyes I was trying to provide and get going two teams (different things one was science and one was robotics) that would allow everyone's kids to be involved somehow in something. I finally said @&8$ it. And dropped it all. The fuss was more than I wanted to deal with. It eventually wound up with the online school group that could not compete with the homeschool team insisting that I should set up two teams and follow both through competition. HMM??? I gave all the info and said I would more than glad to help walk you through the process and you Can coach one, I'll coach the other and we can cheer each other on.not good enough. Lots of bad feelings over that one. Cause I was being so freaking hard core and mean not to coach everybody just because of what system they used. Uhm, no.. The competition declared that and my old self declared I couldn't do two high school teams and a middle school team for my younger and homeschool a first grader and chase a baby. Sorry I'm not supermom! No amount of explaining, showing the rules, helped. All I heard was the whine of why I was being mean to their kids by not coaching a team they could participate in. And the other team that they could participate in? Not interested in it. I just gave up. It has just been a mess and I fully understand any group that is trying to do educational things not allowing those that are legally public schools. I also don't understand groups that are just a social outlet type group banning them if we just talking about some parties and playdates. But at least in my state , it has been a very rough start for the support groups when online public schools came out. It is getting better but still lots of hurt feelings over why someone would post a meeting about a competition team that is only open to kids who school under this particular state law. There just is no good way to post that if the people on the receiving end are going to be easily upset. So now I never post.
  23. :iagree: in house only. Practice for college when that is the jist of what they are going to get. I hope it will keep the culture shock that first semester rather low.
  24. :iagree:Oh yes, that thread has been a big help for me. that system has made it so much easier. Except I printed the list on paper and just stuck in the envelope cause i couldn't find tape. :D what I put on a syllabus YMMV: course title /description of course - what it covers/what we are going to learn in some sort of education speak credit awarded and when taken reference list of books/resources used grading (or how we judge the course covered) - papers, projects, quizzes,tests, etc and how much each affects the grade anything else deemed "important" for that course list of assignments to be completed.
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