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Everything posted by Supertechmom

  1. Have no answer but thought I would find out how cookies keep reappearing in your house. In my house that usually means they have been lick tested and then laid aside somewhere like *MY DESK* no, not a tasty present for mommy just a nasty licked cookie that taste like it was licked:tongue_smilie: Wanted to warn you!! Don't eat the reappearing cookies!
  2. Or she may have that really picky MIL that picks up the small dot of paper on the floor that the vacuum left and makes sure her face tells her disgust at her dil's woeful housekeeping skills. Or she may be doubly blessed by having a sister who makes it very clear that the house is just too messy because Sister got up every morning at 5:00, did a load of laundry (folded and put away) ran the vacuum, the mop, made a hot breakfast, woke the kids and got them to school and then went off to work to come home to a spotless house that required another mopping, dusting and vacuuming before bed because of the mess.:glare: And sister makes no bones about the fact that little sister can't clean house. ( though the house is dusted weekly and Flylady blessed all. the. ****. time.) So she may be rather, hmm, paranoid about letting people in her house because no matter how many times the floors get mopped, the place dusted, mirrors shined, carpets vacuumed, laundry put away, kids rooms cleaned, kitchen eat on the floor clean.......it is not enough for some people! (no not one ounce of bitter dripping from this post!:D) So the "my house is a mess" is a preemptive strike! You were warned it was a mess. It is not going to be up to par. Don't talk bad about the "mess" She may come to your house and think YES! My kinda gal! :lol:
  3. :iagree: and given the riots on campus when Paterno was fired. ... the attitude carries across. A message drastic and severe and world shattering needs to be sent not just to the officials but to the whole entire community. Preserving your football program and reputation while children were raped in the locker rooms will never be acceptable. And no amount of "do good" will change that or override the wrong. Yes, many innocents unaware of the wrong doing will be hurt. But when the school, many officials, student rumors, the DA, the police and even the local schools turned their back......Penn State needs severe punishment as a whole. And perhaps the message will come out for the innocent to be more aware of their surroundings and not stand on the side of wrongdoers even if that support is simply silence or ignoring the elephant in the room.
  4. Drs lie point blank to your face and hospitals have procedures that they initiate just because...... That is what they do. With my last, I got to see a resident when I went in for an IV for dehydration ( puking for 9 months does that. Ivs had been a normal course for that pregnancy). I was 37 weeks and 3 cms ( had been dilated for 3, 4 weeks? 4 th baby ) The resident marched in said they would start pit and I would have a baby in about an hour and left. Never looked at me or examined me. I laughed at the nurse and said she had better ignore every single order she just gave because I would not be doing any of that and i would go home once my IV had finished. They brought in the chief dr who calmly told me I was in preeclampsia and it was urgent that we get the baby out ASAP. I asked her where were the labs?? Since I had not been there long enough to have lab results, my BP was almost my normal level non pregnant, the baby was good and strong, and I was there for dehydration which my labs would support that conclusion and I named off which values. I then proceeded to tell her that if anybody had asked, they would have discovered that I have bad reaction to pit, can't do an epidural because of severe issues and have bad reactions to the only other pain med they allow, that I would have a natural child birth. She was stunned. I told her to come back in 30 more mins with the labs in her hand and we would discuss her conclusion that I was in preeclampsia. instead, I was checked (for the first freaking time) and had progressed another cm or two, so I agreed to wait around and see if contractions started. She turned out to be nice dr but I would have had a different outcome had I simply done as told. They lie. And people who don't know medical info and jargon, get taken advantage of.
  5. IF I had any extra time in my life right now, I would read that one! Just to add a little more punch to the kilt picts. :lol:
  6. We're doing the WTM acne remedy and it is working. i didn't have any green tea and put in several drops of tea tree oil and it is still working. THe biggest difference right off the bat is the redness and inflammed look is gone and he's just left with the actual pimples whihc are going away. ;)
  7. My children LOVE to vacuum with that dyson. LOVE IT. one in particular is disappointed if I get to the vacuum before he does. Turn them lose!
  8. Every. single. time. my mil heads off on another cruise to a great location, she comes back with souvenirs made in China :confused: ( and she didn't go to China) I enjoy the presents but it leaves me wondering if nowhere on the face of the earth can you get location made souvenirs. Are they all now made in China and sent out around the world? IF she ever goes to China when they still read "Made in China" or will they be made somewhere else:D Just random thoughts as I sit here wearing my St something or another island necklace made in China. :lol:
  9. I have purchased Harmony Fine arts for 6th grade and was wondering if starting in artistic book 2 was good or if we should go back to 1? Thanks!
  10. Yes, oldest's nearsighted was caught at well check Daughter's celiac caught at 12m because of the lack of growth from 9m. The issue took several months before we solved it but the ped labeled it at 12m before I even thought there was any problem at all and the ped was right. For me, nope, I dx myself, research it to death, and tell them the issue.
  11. :iagree: And we spend all this time letting them know it is not okay for people to touch you or hug you without permission but they stand there and watch their brand new baby sibling get pawed over by every jack a doodle that comes by. Because it is okay to paw all over a baby.:confused: I carried mine in a sling and still had to tell people to step back. No you can't touch my baby's head or cheek resting on my bOOks. Why?? Cause I don't like getting all second base with whatever random stranger strolled up to stick their hand in the sling to rub a little baby cheek. You might just get more than baby cheek! :lol: Always irritated me when I took the babies out.
  12. :iagree: I've been in three rec leagues around here and names are NOT allowed. And the memo comes out in coach training to make sure that the Team mom not take it upon herself to add names to the shirts. Only teams that put names on are the JV and High school sports team. Rec does not. So one would certainly sign up around here not expecting to plaster your child's name across the shirt. And we are asked to not cheer for individual kids by name. The referees are supposed to call you down for it . And no, I don't know why. I'm not in charge. I don't ask questions when presented the list of rules when we sign up. I just make sure I can agree with the list. IF not, we don't play. But I expect the rules to be followed and the OP's rec team seems to be one that doesn't do names on shirts and an overeager beaver wanted to look "cool" and do something above and beyond the other teams.
  13. Well maybe there's the disjoint. I do think it's a good educational model. I don't say figure it out yourself. But we most certainly guide the child in how to understand the words they just read. I don't see anything wrong with that. And now that i am back in school and having to do that for my classmates who can't understand a sentence they read and wait for interpretation, I believe even more firmly that the most crucial skill i can give my child is the ability to read and to understand what they read as early as possible. And yea, I did use Saxon for a couple of years with Singapore and it is entirely possible to do so. It's not like you let your child go along until they are missing every problem. Evey single math problem must be right before they progress to the next lesson. Doesn't take long to find the sentence they misunderstood that way. But we are pretty hard core on math around here.
  14. So not true Bill. Here's a direct quote to a question from the website. And we as parents must be willing to let them solve problems without being their 'teacher'. Point them to where it is taught in the textbook (and it has been), fine, have them read the instructions and work it out orally (for a beginning student to the parent), fine. Education is learning, and learning is hard work. they must solve the problems. And he started his kid at 5 or 6 because he was able to demonstrate the concept of addition with manipulatives or I think he calls them concrete objects. :001_smile: He advocates starting children on those flash cards after they master those concepts and then starting 54. He doesn't advocate starting a child in 54 until after they have learned the math facts.
  15. Unschooling from my understanding is child led and such. This is allowing a child once you have taught basic math and reading to follow a prescribed course of study on their own. They work up to 2 hours of math, 2 hours of reading( a rather serious list of books and classics) and 1 hour on writing everyday from about 10 12 years of age to graduation. The elementary years are spent slowly working from a few minutes every day( i believe they start with 10 minute increments and start advancing the time from there as the child matures) to the prescribed amount of time above. A child could easily get behind if the parents are not on top of it. You do everyday checks, you lead the way by making sure the child is working on school work and doing it. They don't get to slack off. But for all the ones that I know IRL and online using it,the kids are usually advanced. Really and truly if they can read well and understand what they read, they can learn whatever they want with little involvement beyond stay on task and resource locating.
  16. But I do follow his model other than dropping Saxon which was pretty much the only math around when he was educating... I'm not helping my child anymore than he does. He follows the same pattern. If they have a question, he turns it back to them. he doesn't give them an answer. He promotes the idea that if a child doesn't understand have them do it out loud. That came directly from him. He promotes teach them how to find the material and has several essays, lectures, answers whatever form they may be in on how to show a child to reach for another resource when they don't understand. I took what I described directly from one of his links on his website on how to have a child understand the material without doing it for them. He, I believe or used to back in the early days, even has a download on how he taught one of his kids to master some concept using this approach above. Or maybe that stuff is on the cds. My material may be different but my approach is what he himself said he used with his kids. We are implementing the same way.
  17. strange because I learned that technique from the Robinson curriculum. But perhaps that comes from actually using it and not from reading a website, eh? I've used it, tweaked it as I saw fit, and have been pleased with the results. I do far less teaching than anyone I know and my kids are voracious learners and tackle whatever strikes their fancy. And do it well with little input from me. (though we've had our ups and downs with the kiddo and his learning disabilities) His math teaching advice doesn't bother me as my kids worked their way through Singapore math with nothing more than my overseeing their reading comprehension(once I knew they understood math facts), NEM 1 and 1 as well as Doliciani (SP?)algebra books 1 and 2, Jacob's geometry, and now Larson's calculus book.And we still have 2 years of high school after Larson is done. Kids two, three, and four are on target for the same type of math education. I just think you should be upfront and admit that you have a deep seated dislike of the man and that your opinions are slanted to reflect just how much you dislike him. You are contemptuous of him, consider him a fool, and have the utmost disdain for him to the ninth degree. If not, your posts portray that attitude. And like all such attitudes, makes it hard to conduct a conversation. To clarify as I just realized Spycar thinks i teach concepts daily and send them off for independent work. NO! the only concepts I teach in math are basic math facts and all the normal preschool things like colors and shapes and time and such. Once they can read and I know they can follow directions and can understand what they read, they do actually pick up a math book, do a lesson and bring it to me for correction. I do not teach them say two step multiplication. or long division or anything else. I let them read it themselves and figure it out. Sometimes they have trouble iwth it and then they read it out loud to me. And explain out loud what they just read. IF it is still a mystery, they get the counters and work it out according to the lesson. IF that still leaves them in the dark, we get another book to see if a different approach dawns the light. I rarely ever have to go that far. Normally, reading it out loud immediately corrects the misunderstanding and they go back to work. I do not teach math beyond those first initial basics. And no one can say it has stopped my children's math education. Their test scores are too high to say it would never work. So,no, I am not radically different from RC's explanation of how to teach math.
  18. I'll answer this for you and then I am :auto: For a struggling reader, the material will be hard. I had one. We're not sure his exact issue, (dyslexic or visual perception issue) but it took along time to overcome. I didn't give up with the material though. the books are oldie goldies like Tom Swift by Appleton, The Five little Peppers and others of that time period. I really always thought the reading list was more suited for 3rd grade and up unless you had a really strong reader. However, we worked through each book with my struggling reader until now in 5th grade, he can read them with no trouble. but they are not fluff and he will need to have figured out his unique reading issues and how to over come it. The books are similar to Thornton Burgess books, Andrew Lang etc. I just had to sit with my reader and let him read some, then I would read , and then he would read, using whatever techniques we needed to to get him to read ( strip of paper under the line, a cut out box to focus on only one word at time, different colored filter paper etc as was needed ) You could get a similar reading list by using a kindle and downloading the free classics they have. A struggling reader is going to have trouble with anything really until they overcome. Time wise is hinged upon your child's discipline. If your child is used to you telling him what book to use and turn to this page everyday then you will need to spend a lot more time on this until he can follow a check list and do the work listed there. If your children are used to taking a list and completing x,y,x, while mom works with other kids or does the laundry then your time will be much less. My kids are 2-15 so I spend probably an hour-2 in direct one to one with teaching, explaining, or training among them with most of that on the youngers. Then some more time in going over the papers they write. More than Art R did but he started this with only one child who wasn't already well on the path of well prepared and beyond the basics. Preschoolers and those who need to learn to do the work take more time than those who have learned to read, do basic math and just need accountability and discussion time. YMMV
  19. :iagree: Which is why you do your research and find what will work. which is what the OP was about in the first place. This method works with a certain dynamic between mother and child. Much like TOG and Sonlight work with certain groups and not others and usually not with each other :001_smile: But we have to find the method that works with our unique little group, don't we?
  20. you are wrong. He clearly states multiple times that he teaches the child the concept with manipulates, showing them how to work it out until the child gains understanding. Then instead of showing him ever single math fact and every type of problem, he has the child repeat what he has learned with a different problem. Very much like Singapore that expects a child to jump from two digit multiplication to three with no instruction. The concepts are in place, the child has to learn to apply it in different situations. the controlled environment is no different than many a school room by many parents here. A place where the child has a desk, limited distractions and a mom near by expecting them to finish their work. The rigorous education is the fact the fluff is left off and the child actually learns material at an early age because there is no distracting fluff. Every year, we have the topics of "how do i set up a school room" "how do i keep my child from being distracted" How do I get my kid to do his work" what is the best planner and check list" Is the RC way really any different? The child knows what to except, what he needs to do, and does it. If he doesn't, he doesn't do anything else until he does. is that really any different than the advise given by so many here when moms ask what to do to the child that won't do his homework?
  21. We know. You chose public school. The fact that their methods completely and totally contradict his method is not lost on anyone. Please stop comparing those who do use this as neglectful harmful parents because you have settled on a different path. The implied insults are a little much and do not help your argument. Especially in a conversation started by someone asking for clarification and input that can only come from those who USE IT. :chillpill:
  22. Teach him how to use it. Over and over and over. They should have trainer pens at the pharmacy. Muscle memory goes a long way when you are blacking out and need to get that shot in. He will be way more sensitive to a sting for awhile now, so any new stings for the next few months, would mean an immediate trip to the ER without hesitation. Even now, I get stung, get right in the car with someone and head to the ER even before I use the epi pen. Keep one on you at all times, one on him at all times and back up at home. OH and watch out for rebound. Some people will have a similar or worse reaction several hours later and need epi all over again and more medical care. I do that when i get stung by a certain kind of wasp and bee but not ants or hornets. Go figure! So monitor for the next 24 hours to make sure things do seem to keep getting better. It's scary! :grouphug::grouphug: to both of you.
  23. OH! Apparently I've had mine for awhile.;) I even had an update! Flashcards deluxe. It does have a free version that I started with called Flashcards deluxe lite. Boy are there a lot of flashcard programs.
  24. We're covering Medieval times, 10th grade this coming year. He also wants to cover most of his classes in a semester and not drag them through the year but hit them hard and do a block schedule. I'm just not sure if I have enough work scheduled to count for a full year credit as I have never done a block schedule before. (and striving for honors as well)We'll add in a few papers in each subject as well. just is this enough to call it a full year of credit for each grouping or do I need to add some more stuff? So for history, I have: SWB Medieval times book Great Courses Early/High/late Middle ages note taking on the lectures and book timeline along with some basic map work For English: R&S grade 8 IN the land of invented languages From Elvish to Klingon The Language Construction Kit MIT openware linguistic course Great course set Study of human language and Science of Linguistics. For Lit (is this separate from English or can I include it with History or can it stand alone????) The City of God Confessions Aquinas the dumb ox Beowulf : a new verse translation Monsters and the Critics Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings (Penguin Classics) The Magna Charta Murder in the Cathedral The Inferno by Dante Sir Gawain and the Green knight Piers Plowman: An Alliterative Verse Translation The Canterbury tales The Song of Roland Le morte d'Arthur / Sir Thomas Malory The Prince Utopia A Shakespeare unit: § Midsummer Night’s Dream Othello Macbeth Hamlet King Lear Much Ado about Nothing Julius Caesar For the required Gov unit (1/2 credit) The Roots of American Order Readings of the American Documents following of the election this year with a project (power point?) reflecting the whole process Can I break it out as laid out? Should the lit course fall under English or can I call it Medieval Lit ? Are the Shakespeare plays enough to actually make it a separate unit and still give it full year credit? ( of course adding in papers and and written work) Whatcha think?? Honestly I normally just roll it all into one and call it good but that's not working to well with the transcript and showing the needed credits. And for some reason it's not working for me like it did last year. :001_smile: Thanks!
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