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Everything posted by Supertechmom

  1. Flashcards. I like it because it allows me to use quizlet.com to find sets all ready made or allows me to make them there and download them onto the iPad. Or I can make them on the iPad. Very nice app.
  2. I always wash my rice so I never worry about it. I do prefer the bags to say gluten free but I know I am going to rinse the grains off.....so that one I don't worry with too much.
  3. No clue but I found this website that might help: http://www.angelfire.com/ga3/pigeongenetics/lostbird.html that will take you to one of these groups that has a list of band explanations and codes toward the bottom along with an email to contact if you come up with a band that doesn't fit the ones listed. Good luck!
  4. Gosh what a trooper! Hope it turns into a good score. Mine said the SAT was easy and he feels really good about it. One can hope. He said he had several finish early and take short naps while waiting. Hopefully good test scores for everybody.
  5. :bigear: I dropped mine off this morning. He looked so tiny compared to the seniors (he's 9th). He was fine until he went in and had to maneuver his wallet and snack and pencils and dropped his drink. Then he was flustered. But the school people were nice and called him sweetie and made sure the "helpers" helped him :lol: Apparently homeschoolers are becoming the norm on test day and they were better prepared for clueless and lost homeschoolers than a few years ago. No vague "go to Ms so and so's class". actual room numbers and signs where those rooms might be this time around. No kids wandering around the square and then arriving back with :confused::willy_nilly:on their faces as panic set in at not figuring out which hallway to take to get to So and So's room. I had forgotten how unnerving those high school buildings are and why they have orientations every year for the freshman. I can only imagine how it feels to be a homeschooler, dropped off for a major test ,and then left to figure it out all by yourself. At least in office buildings, names and room assignments are listed by the elevators usually! High schools not so much :D So yea for improvement!
  6. thank you very much. :hurray:I knew the Hive would have the answer. Thanks a bunch!
  7. too late! :glare: I realized I needed a homeschool code for the Ap test on Monday morning. They are closed and wont open before i have to drop him off for the test. The place we are taking the test said we are to bring our own codes. I found some old codes that said the PSAt code was the same for the AP codes. Does anyone know this is true or happen to have a SC code for the ap test? :willy_nilly:
  8. thanks for the links to the boards. :) And why are these tots getting into Mensa?
  9. LOL You guys are great. :hurray: My hubby keeps having a dream that the child just spills forth a paragraph and it takes him a few minutes to realize the child spoke much less several sentences. I do trust the evaluations but I do wonder if there is anything else that one might have overlooked......... Is there anything physically that could cause this? something the speech and ped may have just not thought of? They ruled out apraxia because he can make the sounds and mutism because his speaking or lack of it doesn't change based on people or situation. My gut does tell me he's a gifted kid whose refusing to talk until it's perfect and to back off of trying to do sounds. I think I could get him to learn the sign language alphabet as well as a host of other signs. Any good recommendations??
  10. We have a perfect little darling who had been checked out physically for everything. He seems as fine as one can say about a 2 year old. he doesn't talk. He has some babble, some words but has been extremely resistant to speech. He will even move his mouth as if talking but won't let the sounds come out. He's been in speech (2x a week with 1x Early intervention.) for a year now. They all agree that nothing is wrong physically and they don't think anything is wrong like auditory processing (his older brother has that and we can't test for that anyway for another few years). Autism is out and so are any and all spectrum disorders. His receptive language is quite high far higher than one his age, in fact everything is far higher than "normal" except his ability to speak. That is more in line with a one year old if that high. He started therapy with a picture board to point to what he wanted. He picked that up overnight it seemed. We added sign language to it and once he made up his mind to sign (getting him to make a sign took close to 4 months), he picked up sign language easily and rapidly moved to 4 and 5 sign "sentences". In like 2 months tops. He astounded the two speech therapist with his ability to slap out a sentence in sign. ("want more candy please, thank you" and want more drink and banana please) And he could do that without prompting once he learned. One thing we had to do in therapy to get him to participate was to make him mad. If he gets riled up, he will go on a signing spree or start screaming sounds with several words sprinkled in them. But if you didn't push him to that point, he would just ignore you and do without. then they decided to add sounds to the signs. Like say the sound m when he asked for more. and to encourage him to vocalize in any way with the signs. He's balked. 100% quit. He still does some signs but completely shuts down if we try to do anything else in therapy. They've tried everything. his favorite toys, microphones, recordings, using the siblings, just playing, nothing..... He won't do anything for them. For us at home, he will still give signs for drink and various other foods and will attempt to say sounds if the mood is right. But mostly he's quit. The consensus has become that they think he is showing perfectionist tendencies and because his speech clearly doesn't sound like the rest of us has decided not to speak. Given the other kids, their IQs and some of the things we've dealt with that is entirely believable . He wouldn't be the first perfectionist in the family :glare: SO long story short, the therapists absolutely don't know what to do with him. Everything they research, all the other professionals they speak with about him, are all clueless. The experience and scope seems to be with autism and spectrum disorders and he doesn't fit any of that. I'm at the point of just quitting and letting time take it's course since everyone form the ped to the EI therapist to the evaluators to the speech therapists believe he is physically capable but chooses not to. Has anyone ever dealt with such a kid and what worked?? Is there something we may have missed physically that I should ask about? There are no swallowing difficulties, no drinking difficulty, no hearing problems at all (and they have been all over that in a multitude of ways), no issue understanding, no issue with having something to say or communicate. He's highly expressive, very attentive, looks you in the eye, screams at the top of his lungs when he wants, can and has been recorded making pretty much ever constant and vowel sound and a multitude of combinations. He'll even participate in reading lessons with the siblings and attempt to make sounds sometimes. The head speech therapist is coming back tomorrow to reset goals and she admits ( and she's at least my age so she's no spring chicken) that she has never dealt with such a kid and that when they find out what works, they are writing a paper about him. ANY IDEAS??? Anything no matter how small or tiny it might seem? The ped says it is 4th child syndrome( has too many talkers for him) with a dose of perfectionism and highly gifted rolled into one. Plus,he's so darn cute and expressive,you know what he wants the moment he looks at you. BUt we do want him to talk (yeah I know silence is golden especially when he's in the middle of non stop yaking 24/7.) His daddy is a quiet one and says it's about time he got one like him. :D
  11. you can also find him on craig's list and flag him. Selling stolen property I believe violates Craig's list.
  12. HURRAY! IT's there today. I may have just tried too quickly last night or had to many internet flakes for everything to work last night. I'm excited too! I hope we can make this grow. It would be great to have a place to talk shop as my friends IRL aren't there yet so I am alone :001_huh: And we have two classes in common next year. We're doing CAL BC as well. See ya over there!
  13. I didn't have any problem. I'm not a teacher on any level. When I applied to get approval for a syllabus just the other week, I submitted the syllabus under the homeschool_my state option. No one ever asked for credentials, there were never any spaces or lines asking for teaching credentials or anything of that sort. There is a workshop that i saw offered to teachers to learn the requirements for AP classes and how to teach the AP class and handle the labs better but I never saw anything that suggested it was a requirement. And I have had 2 syllabi approved in the last month or two. If it is a requirement, I don't know about it and have never been asked to show proof of it. Maybe it is something that pertains strictly to regular classrooms???
  14. Another question...will the students be able to set up self study groups? We aren't taking any classes, just registering the syllabus with the Ap board and then studying the material.
  15. HI! how do I post stuff? I went online and registered and received an approval but I can't make a post. My internet is flaking out so maybe it's that.:confused:
  16. I hope to have one before the end of May. Send me a pm with your email and I will send it to you when I get it done. You can change it up however you want or if you like it, I believe you can share it on the AP site. But I do intend to make one.
  17. PM me with your email and I will send my AP Calculus BC to you. It's not a detailed list so much as topics that will be covered and my time frame. Now AP Biology was a detailed list of everything from videos to labs to whatnot but not the Cal. (And don't laugh at it! I'm not a professor and I'm sure it's not the caliber you're used to seeing :D) The biggest thing I found was putting those CR's in for easy identification that you covered what they wanted.
  18. :iagree::iagree: with everyone everyone helps out. The boys old enough run the vacuum, clean the bathrooms, wipe done baseboards/trims, clean windows and blinds... They see that housework and chores all have a common tie in and that it takes everyone to do it. And every kid that leaves this house will have the know how to manage one from top to bottom regardless of sex. I might run the vacuum while one empties the dishwasher while the other puts up clothes. Each kiddo but the youngest two do their own laundry. Daily someone swipes the common bathroom, vacuums, dishes, kitchen, sweep and mop ( Yea, we are nasty people for some reason or maybe it's the white floors :tongue_smilie:)and someone is always running the washer/dryer. each makes their own bed. The way I look at it is I can cook, clean and take care of your nasty self or we can all pitch in, do it together, get it done and go have some fun afterwards! But if I have to do it all, then I won't be up to having fun, watching movies, running to the park, reading books, name their favorite activity because I am busy picking up your dirty socks and shoes and am tired! I do have pick ups three times a day. Lunch time, right before daddy is due home and bedtime. We go to bed in a orderly house and try to leave it orderly. One toy out at time (with 4 kids that is still a lot of toys across the floor) Everyone has an assigned section to tackle and we time it to keep the laggers from doing nothing. i can only hope they will understand when they are adults and walk into a disaster zone and know to just pitch on in and go to work. 'Cause some days are like that! But i am finding that simply making everyone participate and just understanding that it is a reality of having a place to live (even if it is your car) you still have to clean it makes them( when they are upper ages) help out. I nearly fell over when the teen began taking out the trash without nagging and figured out he could unload the dishwasher and put the sink of dirty dishes IN IT with out prompting. It does pay off ONE DAY. (now he's about to the point of leaving in a couple of years but hey..... take what we can get right??)
  19. It's varied over the years. When younger it was the stabbing going to die pain like the pp above said. then it changed to I was hit by a mac truck flu like. (i was dx really late though I had symptoms all my life) I generally now get a severe headache, joint pain, and severe fatigue. My kids -one gets violently ill with stomach issues , the other has stabbing pain. The kids both had no growth and failure to thrive as well.
  20. HI DEB! Would love to see your AP Physics syllabus. We are going to do that his junior or senior year. Thanks
  21. Thanks for the input. I believe I could do it if I just know what was needed in the way of getting speakers and vendors that people would want to see. I'm organized and at one time was paid for my ability to figure out what was not right and how to make it right. My hubby was an av tech (school and all!) and is well known to the venues around here. Such a job wouldn't cause him to blink as he could do them in his sleep. I could try it local and line up people IRL who know how to do such things and let them be the speakers/workshops and then grow it from there. I wonder what speakers who are feeling the demands of recent conventions would think if some crazy homeschool mom said "hey! I don't' care what you think or believe, we just want you to come and talk about how to implement your program into our home school. Dress in comfortable clothes, wear what you want, and keep your comments to your product" No statement of faith, no background checks beyond the product and its reviews, Just keep it to the product at hand. :D
  22. Just what would it take to put on and host an EDUCATIONAL convention? How would one go about it? How do you get big names in the homeschool world to attend? Do you start small like in your support group and put on an educational day and then expand yearly? Just how would one do it?:confused: When I finish up with my degree and actually have time to again, I’m seriously considering starting a conference strictly pertaining to education. I’m sick of seeing homeschoolers drop like flies at the high school levels because there is little help to make that scary jump. I’m sick of seeing more than one discouraged homeschooler give it all up because they know nothing about the different curriculum that could have helped. After all, the conferences we’ve been attending have made it clear - we don’t pray enough or to the right God or have the right understanding of the bible. If only we had, homeschooling would have worked. And I am sick of my kids being lonely because everyone went to school and now they are forging ahead alone.:glare: I want a conference that has “how to make a transcript for each different philosophy “ How to get into college†How to do the Ivies†how to handle music/art schools†How to teach “fill in the blank†How to do unit studies†How to judge a textbook and make it fit your philosophy†“how to do a AP class†without wading through all the junk. Basically every question I have had to come here and find out, I want a conference that would have workshops and speakers to answer that. I know many like SWB and many others have mp3 and videos explaining many of these things all ready. How do we get them all in the same area with the understanding that we really don't care about their religious leanings but just want their educational offerings? How do we do not agree with these other conventions began to make our voice heard? If we don't become vocal soon, we may find ourselves without a voice. And I have too many going through the ranks to tolerate any more being shoved out the way and into the corner. When the curriculum wars are over, I want my choices to still be valid and out there. Just how would one go about it?
  23. Love this! now to figure out how to make it happen in our group.
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