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Everything posted by HeartString

  1. I’ve been wondering if some of the extra cleaning might stick around. Why aren’t grocery carts cleaned occasionally. Why aren’t kiosks wiped a couple of times per shift? I’m not looking for sterile, just plain soap and water type stuff. Just clean. I’m hoping the temperature checks at airports and hospitals stick around. And hopefully better sick leave policies. If we keep some of these precautions around we might have less flu and other deaths every year going forward.
  2. If either sets of parents gets this I’m pretty sure I’ll be needing to go back home to do funeral preparations and settle estates, unfortunately. Both sets are very high risk for something like this.
  3. I had never considered the whole idea of emotionally preparing in advance, but I agree whole heartedly. Thanks mostly to this thread I stocked up the day before the CDC made the “it could get bad” announcement. I stocked up reasonably, about an extra week worth of extra shelf stable stuff and topped off our cold meds, not hoarding level. Basically whatever so could get with a $100 budget. I’m glad I’m prepared and I’m just watching for what comes now. I’ve thought through some emergency situations, such as driving across the country on a minutes notice if parents get hospitalized. Im as ready as I can be, but not panicking in any way.
  4. NPR, Slate, VOX, and The NY Times have been talking about COVID in a factual, prep but don’t be crazy, kind if way for weeks. At least as long as this thread has been going. I haven’t seen any sky-is-falling hype, but I’ve seen a LOT of downplaying on Facebook. And a lot of complaining about the media hyping it up on Facebook too.
  5. I’m hearing people complain both that the media is over hyping this virus and that it’s sugar coating it. I guess it’s different outlets. Or maybe different interpretations. It’s a weird thing through.
  6. Everything that I have read says that the Chinese government “strongly encouraged” employers to provide full pay for quarantined workers. Which in China is more than just a little encouragement. It would be far different in the US. You can’t collect unemployment if you aren’t “willing and able” to work, which you wouldn’t be during a quarantine. We’re looking at people really hurting. That’s before we get to the reports of testing costing individuals between $1000-$3000, or the fact that a 2 week hospital stay, with isolation protocols would bankrupt most families.
  7. Someone mentioned the performers touching themselves. Not to dive off into a political area, but I have seen several people interpreting that as being political commentary on, hmm, a certain phrase a high powered individual was recorded saying.
  8. Just quoting this as a jumping off point. Looking at the costumes, they were both covered from the waist down by flesh covered lycra. The top part of both outfits actually cover more skin than a typical cheerleader outfit.
  9. We use ours to do all of our streaming, YouTube, Netflix, amazon, Disney+. It has it’s own internet browser so it’s basically the same as a computer. I didn’t know about the messaging, but I’m not surprised. You can set up parental controls to put PINs on the apps you don’t want them to use. It’s under settings. You’ll want to create a second profile for him then password protect the adult profile and make sure you sign out of it. It’s usually uses your email or Xbox account password so you’ll need to make sure he doesn’t know those and can’t guess.
  10. This is where I’ve been hearing the uproar. He gives the gift “that gives back”. What he gets back is a hotter wife bc she’s been working out for a year. I’m not going to watch the ad so I’m not sure if that interpretation is correct, but that what I’m hearing about as far as the outrage.
  11. I found something called “You’re grounded sheets”, I might have learned about them here. They really helped with my very strong willed oldest. Once grounded he had to do various chores to earn certain points. Once he hit those points he was ungrounded. These helped because it left things up to him. He could pout and be mad as long as he wanted, but to get back his privileges back he had to master his attitude and do the chores. It took me out of the bad guy role and put the responsibility on him. This technique actually worked so well that we stopped needing them. About a year after we started them I realized that he hadn’t had a punishment in months. And he hasn’t since. Here’s a link to an editable version. I had to add addendums to ours because he would look for loop holes. http://diy-for-teens.our-home-decor.com/living-laughing-and-learning-congrats-youre-grounded-free-editable-and-printable-chart-for-disciplining-your-children
  12. The grade level equivalencies on the CAT mean that, for example, she did as well as a child in 6th grade, 6th month taking that same test would score in the spelling. Or that she scored as well as a 10th grader taking that same test would score. So since she just turned 12, I’m guessing she’s in 7th? Thats not bad on the spelling, and really good on the other stuff.
  13. I’ve seen one, which promptly got dropped from our list. Radford University in VA, requires a transcript from a college showing an English and math grade for homeschoolers. It was the only one out of a dozen or more that I looked at. https://www.radford.edu/content/admissions/home/application-guidelines/freshmen.html
  14. My 6th grader really enjoyed The Impossible Quest from Usborne. He requested the rest of the series which has only happened two other times in his life. One of those other times was another Usborne series called Axel and Beast, which is sort of sci-fi and has a homeschooled main character. I don’t sell Usborne, my kid just really liked those books!
  15. Good Morning. Hello. They might all be going through a prickly phase.
  16. We’ve used it as the base for several classes. Cultural Geography, Mystery Novels, Chemistry. Maybe another 1 or 2 that I can’t remember. Sometimes I’ve paired a textbook with it, sometimes not. I’ve used it a lot to supplement too. Skeptics Guide to American History, King Arthur, and something on American military battles. They have several art and music courses that would make good fine art credits. The guide books that come with each course are great.
  17. I have 2. People who are eloquent and always say just the right thing. And never put their foot in their mouth. People who are outgoing and make friends instantly.
  18. My most used oil is eucalyptus. I put a few drops on a cloth and stick it near the pillow of anyone who has sinus congestion. It’ll dry you up as long as you’re breathing it in. I’ll add tea tree oil too it if the congestion and head ache are from being around cigarette smoke, that seems to help.
  19. I’m just not sure that it is “culture” as in the whole culture. The vast vast majority of people are nice. The number of shootings is going up, but it’s still tiny. If it was the culture wouldn’t you expect much more? Its something about this tiny subset of young white guys.
  20. The thing that is different now is the internet. The boards these guys are on encourage the violence. The synagogue shooter and the Christchurch shooter frequented the same website/message board site. Where 30 years ago the guy that felt like a misfit listened to bad music and wrote bad poetry until he grew out it, now they go on those sites and find others like themselves, encourage each other to commit violence and cheer each other on. The “lone wolf” is finding his pack online.
  21. Tetanus is caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani,[1] which is commonly found in soil, saliva, dust, and manure.[2] The bacteria generally enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or puncture wound by a contaminated object. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus Rabies is caused by lyssaviruses, including the rabies virus and Australian bat lyssavirus.[3] It is spread when an infected animal scratches or bites another animal or human. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabies
  22. I think you might be thinking about rabies here, which comes from animal bites. Tetanus comes from wounds, such as getting cut on a dirty rake or stepping on a rusty nail. It lives in the soil.
  23. Reading the Logic of English was very helpful for me when it came time to teach my kids to read.
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