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Everything posted by Ausmumof3

  1. I saw that, glad to hear the dog and owner are together now.
  2. I'm no expert but could you try labelling your and his emotions earlier? Like when you first feel irritated say "that sound/ action/ behaviour is irritating. Please stop". Instead of just putting up with it till you feel like exploding. Likewise really pay attention to his signals and try to identify the emotion before it builds to anger point. He needs to learn recognition of the beginning of the emotion not the full blown state. I have an intense one though no diagnosis or anything and from the outside it probably looks like I'm micromanaging but I prefer to think of it as teaching 😆
  3. That's like a once a month or more event in our house although we don't go out. We just eat a bit more veg and dessert and the chooks eat well that day.
  4. Ok I see your problem. Also to be fair to the snack parents it may be that they aren't happy with the church situation but can't change it. So they are voicing an opinion where they think they can be heard. Or maybe they are just being difficult. Snack time at our church has caused problems here and there as some mums want it just fruit time and others want more substance so bring biscuits popcorn and crackers but then they might not make a healthy moderate choice. Then dentists aren't a huge fan of kids snacking on fruit either. These kind of discussions always seem to cause problems. I am mostly a fan of - these life threatening allergies exist - please do not bring these foods but otherwise everyone packs for their own kids. It's sad and food should be about community but with allergies, and hugely varied approaches to food it seems to be the only option.
  5. But isn't that the age group you are talking about? The ones that get a snack? I wouldn't mind packing snacks for kids, I wouldn't necessarily mind my older kids going that long but one of mine will definitely whinge. Actually he has a snack during church even though it's fairly short. It's less about the length and more the timing. Church runs right through his normal lunchtime so if he has a snack earlier he doesn't eat well.
  6. I keep thinking about the risk of infection with all that dirty water 😟 Thoughts with all of the people affected
  7. For me we are 30 minutes drive from anywhere. So a three hour activity would mean four hours between meals. My littlest could survive on fruit but would be best with something slightly more substantial but healthy depending on timing.
  8. Soup and non diary smoothies. It is painful for the first little bit though it will settle down in time.
  9. Have you ever tried logging what you do all day? I did once when I was feeling like that and when I did it all made sense. There's often a huge number of tasks or interruptions. I'm like you. Low energy. No desire to go out. I think it's helpful to remember that for those who are out all the time that it is actually relaxing for them. So when they get home they are all recharged ready to go not needing to rest to recover.
  10. I think carbonation changes the ph. If you are drinking carbonated water with your meal it's fine but dentists don't like kids drinking it all day because it keeps the mouth more acidic increasing the risk of cavities?
  11. There have been a couple of food poisoning scares with bagged produce here - salmonella from bagged lettuce and something nasty from frozen berries as well. I'm sure the stuff happens with home kitchens too though it just doesn't make the media because one person giving themselves food poisoning isn't news worthy.
  12. Ha... Normally I'm a night person. But clearly I can only be one or other
  13. I redownloaded home routines and set up my routines again. Yesterday I followed the morning stuff to the letter but was absolutely had it by bedtime so the evening went out the window.
  14. I can imagine it as an awesome movie setting for something like the sound of music. Imagine how much fun a house like that would be with about 20 kids and a fun new nanny/governess. There are individual features that are nice it's just so so much altogether!
  15. What a great idea! Wish I thought my kids would go for it...
  16. Hugs... You still have two littles at home so I wouldn't expect miracles of yourself, plus all the care aside from homeschooling for the others.
  17. I grew up with breakfast lunch and tea but DH had dinner instead of tea so the evening meal goes by either.
  18. Fly lady stuff is really not happening here right now. I can school or house not both 😕
  19. Doesn't sound quite right - have you checked for fever etc?
  20. Coupons really aren't a thing here unfortunately.
  21. I test Intp sometimes and infp others. I think Intp females are fairly rare and I wonder if the computer type careers appeal to the men more? I know that's stereotyping but hey... That said I did end up in an it job briefly by accident and really enjoyed it. For teaching, I sometimes think I'd like it but the reality is four hours teaching my three each day burns me out. Seven with 30 kids would kill me. I'm like 100pc introvert though might be better if you are more borderline.
  22. This could be a part of it - I haven't shopped at this store for a while. I also need to cut the bills for a few weeks so spent more time on price comparisons rather than just buying our favourites.
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