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Everything posted by Ausmumof3

  1. I just had another thought. If she's in her 70s and caring for her maybe she feels she can't safely bath her by learning over the side or she can't bend over to help if help is needed. Maybe she doesn't want to admit to that level of physical limitation (some oldies are funny about this stuff). Still doesn't make it ok, either way she sounds like someone who shouldn't be caring for the child but might make sense from that viewpoint.
  2. I think it's a bit odd. Up to 2 or so with a parent is ok. But the fact that she overreacted so badly is even more concerning.
  3. I find 3rd grade is peak age for math dawdling. I use a mix of strategies like sitting next to the kid and reminding them to start the next problem, limiting time spent, dividing longer lessons. It seems to get better and by 5th my oldest just gets it done now.
  4. I think something on the brain associates higher pitched voices with childhood. Also I vaguely remember that lower pitched sounds travel further and through stuff better than high pitched so maybe that explains the news reader thing if they are outdoors.
  5. I don't know but I have noticed that compared to European tourists over here Australian women tend to have significantly deeper voices. I think we can end up modifying stuff like that unintentionally based on what we hear and see around us.
  6. I didn't finish it. I assume if it's asking for household income, number of children and email addresses they are just after data.
  7. Yes definitely. I regret skipping it for grade 1. It's helpful to read it before you start the lesson too 😕😆
  8. I've been caught before so I might slip a gift in that you can give or not as people wish. Because I'm one whose been caught at a no gift party where everyone bought gifts. It feels awkward. So now I always have a backup plan.
  9. Her hair is pretty cute. My dd has wild hair and many of those same attributes of not liking washing etc. she won't wear hard headbands but will wear the sort type. I used to tell her a story to distract from the brushing. A small amount of conditioner diluted with heaps of water makes an OK detangling spray. Swimming lessons help with the washing if it's a putting the head under water phobia. Also you can get them to play around soaping up the hair and making wacky hair styles with bubbles. But the best thing is just time. Eventually they can brush their own and cope better with it in general. Also your dd would look really cute with a trendy cap if it's really bad and you need a quick fix anytime.
  10. Pets: dog,cat, budgies, cockatiel, lizards and 8 chooks. The budgies and the dog and chooks were intentional but the others just turned up in our life one way or another.. Most recent vet trip was for desexing the dog. It is the weekend here but DH is working and I'm procrastinating about going grocery shopping because the weather is yuck out there.
  11. We did a month long inner city stint and I lost a couple of kg. It was all the walking I think. Suburban areas could possibly .capture the walking advantage if they were better designed. I also think the wealth correlation helps though. I notice some farming/rural communities seem to be tending to obesity here. I suspect two things - one is that the exposure to sprays/pesticides is potentially disrupting something hormonally. The other that many of the jobs have shifted from very manual to mechanised but the adjustment in eating hasn't happened at the same time. And of course there is the crazy level of stress and unpredictable income for farming communities.
  12. Most people here only have a five shot.
  13. Nothing wrong and everything right about helping right now.
  14. I don't actually have an answer but I feel like this from Romans 2 may be relevant. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.
  15. Just as an aside I had a bit of the same reaction to the good and the beautiful too. But I think partly I don't want anything that's overly preachy. I feel like the value of good literature and art if it has a message is in conveying the message without preaching. That's something I really want to get away from. So I would have to do a lot of modifying to use the curriculum. I also have an ick reaction to character training mostly. I seem to have seen it used to produce compliant obedient convenient to the mother children instead of developing ways of living that will be helpful to the child long term.
  16. I re read the article and it sounds like the comment made was based on the amount of an explosive called Tannerite he had. The article wasn't very well written so it's a little unclear bit BBC says similar so I'm thinking someone involved in the investigation must have said it.
  17. Yeah I don't know why they are saying that but I guess they have more information than we do. The security cameras maybe. But that could be the kind of thing a guy could come up with given enough time and he seems to have had plenty of time.
  18. I don't know for sure but we had something the other day at church kind of about this. We don't have the traditional Christian belief system so others may have a totally different take. The theme was from Eze 18 (ch about how everyone is judged by God by their own stuff not their parents) and reconciling with other ot verses that seem to say the children suffer for what the parents do. The explanation was basically that God isn't turning a blind eye to what people do based on who the parents are but that for kids coming from difficult/dysfunctional families breaking out of that is very very difficult. Kind of how poverty and abuse go through generations unless someone is gutsy enough to break the cycle. It also makes me think of Charlotte Mason writings. She basically says that habit training won't make the child love God/Christ but they can make living a happy functional Christian life much easier for those who do. So basically you train in virtue. Virtues can be displayed by non-Christians. But the fruits of the spirit grow when we know Christ and can flourish in those who get to know him even without childhood training. The spirit is going to further the growth of virtue but good habits is going to make it easier on those doing the virtues. It maybe ties in to things like executive function and mental illness too. With executive function stuff it's hard to separate out character issues from functional issues. Good training/routines habits/ medication can minimise the functional issues even if they don't change the fundamental character or effort the person is putting in.
  19. Wow that's insane. Your landlord should have to fit a filter or provide bottled water till you can get out. I'm so sorry this happened.
  20. With mental illness there isn't a registrar but if a medical practitioner or firearms club operator believes that a client has a mental illness issue that is likely to result in harm to others via firearms they are required to notify the firearms licensing people. So I guess you could say it works a bit like the child and elder abuse lines where certain people are mandatory reports. It's not just any mental illness only where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the mental illness is likely to make the person a danger. It probably wouldn't have picked up the shooter in this incident. Other grounds for being refused a license are domestic violence orders and membership of organised crime gangs.
  21. Our media is saying that police think he must have had help to achieve that level of planning. I can't help wondering if some kind of link to an extremist group will emerge. Either a us type one of possible a link to Islamic state if he's lived in Philippines. I hope I'm wrong though. With the explosive etc there are some similarities to the shooting at he concert in France and the attack in uk. Of course the link could just be crazy guy plus large crowd gathered and you would think police would have been close to digging something up if there was an ideological motivation.
  22. Yes it doesn't sound surprised that it happened and it sounds mostly concerned about her own potential repercussions. However being a family member with asecond language maybe the message isn't coming across correctly.
  23. I have just used the textbook one term when we were shorter on funds. At that stage though it proved hard on my reluctant writer to write out every problem. I basically do the textbook as a demo with them mainly doing some and then have them do the workbook. We haven't used the other books as its already cost around $150 every six months Per kid to get them here. I have used one extra practice book where we really needed it.
  24. Edited to add use the audio books while you get evaluations done not as a substitute. Because at this age you really want to keep her moving with her schooling while other stuff is going on.
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