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Everything posted by Ausmumof3

  1. I’m almost having the opposite problem now. So many younger generation don’t use top sheets that last time I went to buy a sheet sheet it was hard to find one that wasn’t just fitted sheet plus pillowcase. (This was for a single - the double beds and larger seem to still come with a top sheet).
  2. My mum always used flat sheets only. She hates folding fitting sheets and she trained as a nurse so she was a brilliant bed maker!
  3. “Because of the logarithmic basis of the scale, each whole number increase in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude. In terms of energy, each whole number increase corresponds to an increase of about 31.6 times the amount of energy released, and each increase of 0.2 corresponds to approximately a doubling of the energy released. Events with magnitudes greater than 4.5 are strong enough to be recorded by a seismograph anywhere in the world, so long as its sensors are not located in the earthquake's shadow.[7][8][9]” copy/pasted from WIKI
  4. I’m pretty sure it’s 10 to the power of - so richter 3 is 10^3 and richter 4 is 10^4. So two steps up is multiply by 10 twice so x100.
  5. Wordle 1,020 3/6 ⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 just had to share my lovely symmetrical shape today 🙂
  6. We have had overwhelmed hospitals and ambulance system again last week. (Elective surgery cancelled) Apparently there’s a kind of sub variant of the current variant that’s taken off here but not in other states. Wondering if there’s a connection. Also we had an imported measles case a couple of weeks ago and it’s now transmitted to a teen from the same family.
  7. Dehydrator is flat out dealing with the peaches unfortunately. But yeah maybe?
  8. Yeah. I don’t have a unit or jars right now, but it’s on the agenda for next year. I feel like even if we didn’t eat them I could probably use the canned quince to make more quince paste.
  9. It doesn’t come across as warm but maybe she was super busy at the time and it was all she could get down. But if the time doesn’t work for you you can just let her know that.
  10. Our previous insurer stopped insuring any properties over a certain size a couple of years back. I’m pretty sure that was a way of getting rid of higher fire risk properties without directly saying that’s what they’re doing. You can’t really have everyone choose not to live in high fire danger areas here or there would be no farming and so no food. The specific area where we are is more lifestyle but still has significant orchards, nurseries, vineyards, fig trees etc through it.
  11. BNO reporting on Twitter that three cats that have died in Texas were also confirmed to have bird flu. Hopefully people are able to keep their cats indoors and reduce risk.
  12. Yeah that is one less step (two actually because I usually push it through a sieve - I might try it). My current one does whole quinces in the crockpot which means no peel or cut but needs puréeing then straining so is more time consuming
  13. Very sad. I think a tsunami warning was issued for Japan and Phillipines as well.
  14. Lol i occasionally see ads like this here and typically seem to be from different cultural backgrounds where I guess maybe hiring people is easier?
  15. We have been crazily overwhelmed with fruit this year. Not that long ago and we could barely afford to eat fruit and veg and right now I’m wasting food because I can’t deal with it all (though still having to buy some stuff … need a dairy cow 😆) DH has a great supply of horse poo and the orchard has grown like crazy.
  16. I’m intrigued. As in how you would do roast potatoes? I’m trying to stick to venison right now as it’s free and our food costs are insane with teens. But I’m imagining it might not work due to flavour strength and drying out. Lamb has come back a lot in price might manage to snag some.
  17. I can’t imagine why anyone would wear nylon by choice! I have seen some bamboo ones advertised online that might give a similar feel?
  18. So a few years ago DH developed a passion for quince paste. We were given two quince trees. They are now super productive and the quince paste passion has abated a bit now we know how much sugar is in it. I am really tired of making it because it’s a tonne of work. what else do I do with all these quinces? Help!!!
  19. I will say I have chunks of my kids babyhoods that I don’t remember - I think purely due to sleep deprivation. How was his sleep? Edited to say I somewhat lean towards Covid or bipolar because of the fact symptoms resolved. The other issues don’t seem to have a possibility of resolution without medical intervention
  20. Could be so many things… Covid brain fog, tumour, bipolar, some kind of vitamin shortage. Think there was a similar case here that was tapeworm or something like that though I’m vague about the details. Glad he’s getting it looked into anyway.
  21. I definitely do not have the headspace for this… Im going to plant some more vegetables, order some masks, replace the sanitiser and hope it all goes away!!!
  22. This is the thing. It’s all very reassuring about human to human spread etc. less reassuring for those who work closely with birds and livestock…
  23. One has so many nicknames we have managed to convince some people we have more than one kid! Her main one came from my sister about a week after she’s born so that had staying power. Another came from playing with her middle name. Others are more random. One of my other kids nickname came from a cute misspelling of his name by my oldest at the time and has stuck. Oldest doesn’t really have one although his name occasionally gets lengthened.
  24. Praying she is safe and gets the help she needs
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