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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. BJU has a 9th grade geography and I don't see why you couldn't use it for 12th.
  2. We use the Fallacy Detective in 7th.
  3. I would love SWR in a workbook, but I couldn't find anything close. What we did switch to was Rod & Staff and our second choice would be Spelling Workout.
  4. We have used saxon math for atleast one of our kids since we started 8 years ago.
  5. How long do you think it would take to cook with the crock on low?
  6. I usually precook it, but it's hot and I am lazy LOL. Can I add dry elbow noodles and will they cook without getting mushy? Thanks!
  7. If we didn't have such a large family, we would do this in a heartbeat. Buy some land and live there in our RV as we saved to build with cash. But you all already knew I was insane :D
  8. This is exactly how I have been feeling lately, especially the bolded part. I so understand!!! :grouphug:
  9. The one thing I really wish I had at this point in my life was a degree of some sort so I had some options. If if wouldn't cause you harship, I would try to finish it. Welcome to the boards. :)
  10. We decided to use Rod & STaff Bible 5 with all our kids together and plan to do it orally.
  11. :iagree: with everything said here! She probably never gets invited over and would be thrilled!
  12. I know you said they don't like veggies, but I add a pack of thawed frozen, well drained chopped spinach to the ricotta. It's not overwhelming, but really makes it yummy!
  13. I have done the same thing. You're a good mom! :grouphug:
  14. They do and I didn't think of that. I could order my books and have them ready and then spend time in the children's section with them looking @ without worry. Great idea, thanks!
  15. Sorry you have to have surgery again and that your DH can't be there. I pray everything goes smoothly! :grouphug:
  16. I updated the original post, but it didn't show in the title so here it is the again: Update: The mrcp came back normal so the Dr thinks I had a stone stuck in the billary ducts and that is worked it's way out, which caused the pain and elevetated liver enzymes and billirubin. He said that for now I don't need the ercp and that he wants to recheck my #s on Wednesday, which is when I was scheduled to see him anyhow. If my #s are still up I will have to see the gasrto, but if they are coming down I should be in the clear. If I have another attack I will have to have the ercp to make sure something else isn't going on. So for now I am fine and I am HOME!!! :hurray: I am wiped out and am going to take a much needed nap. Thanks for the prayers!!! :grouphug:
  17. Sorry, she didn't know I was able to post and I had asked her too earlier. The other post has details, but we don't know anything new yet.
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