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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I don't know anyone on these boards IRL but I am meeting Hoggirl tomorrow for coffee!!! I cannot wait :D And hoepfully soon those of us in AR will be having a meet up somewhere. I am looking forward to meeting Jackie and everyone else!
  2. Thanks everyone! DH and I decided to bring some side dishes in a cooler and leave it in our van. We will play it by ear and see what unfolds. I am looking forward to trying a new church and pray this is the right one for us!
  3. I don't know if it's pot luck or if they provide it or not. That was half the worry right there. I guess I could call, but I wish I had thought of it sooner. I don't have any meat in the house so I'd have to run to WM tonight to shop. If I just bring rolls and stuff I can grab them on the way to church in the morning.
  4. They did come out chewy and the kids loved them! DH said the recipe is a keeper. :)
  5. I think I am going to bring some chips, bulkie rolls, a plate of the cookies I made today and something to drink. Once I know the routine I can plan better. I just had no idea what they meant by hot sandwhich LOL.
  6. It rains on the just and the unjust. God doesn't promise it's going to be all roses. Unfortunately when sin entered into the world so did death, sickness, pain, suffering etc. But, God is still God today, as He was yesterday and has been and will be forever. I am sorry you are grieving :grouphug:
  7. We are visiting a new church tomorrow and they have a meal after services. The menu on the web site says " Hot sandwhich Sunday" . What is a Hot Sandwich??? Being our first visit to the church, should I even plan on bringing a meal? Or just go and see what happens? I think having such a large family it would be awkward if we did stay and hadn't brought someting to share, but they have a meal each week, so I would feel awkward leaving too LOL. When talking to the pastor ahead of time, it sounded like he expected us to come for the meal. WWYD? Thanks :)
  8. If you can afford it, I say go for it!!! Have fun, you deserve it!
  9. I will have to save this for next time as they are baking LOL. Thank you though!
  10. I would probably allow her to have it with certain set boundries in place. Maybe try it on a trial basis and see how things work. I would also recommend checking message logs on occassion, same as I would recomend this for email accounts. My kids know that I periodically check their email and they are fine with that. Of course I don't log into my adult kids accounts, but a 14 yo, definitely.
  11. I found this one and am trying it out. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Best-Chocolate-Chip-Cookies/Detail.aspx
  12. LOL true. Now if I could get them to aim better I'd really be happy. But that's another thread :lol:
  13. As my kids have requested some and I can't deprive them now, can I? :D
  14. I kind of wondered that too. We use one box of 40 rolls of TP per month, which is now $18/month. Paper towel was a huge waste and we haven't bought it in years, but we used to use 1 roll/day at I am guessing $1 a roll? Thats $684 for TP and paper towel. I guess if you add in diapers & wipes that would really add up, but for just TP, paper towel and feminine products we are talking less than $700 a year for my family of 12. I would still make the swap, but DH gave me a strange look the time I brought it up. lol
  15. Wow, I'd definitely want to know who did it, but I don't know of a nice way to go about finding out. How well do you know your Dr? Can you explain what happened and get a new Rx? Sorry this happened to you :grouphug:
  16. and DH and I both answered it at the same time. The guy hands me the box, I shut the door and RUN yelling for my 19 yo to go look out the window! She runs and is like wha???? Dh was :glare: at me. Needless to say I will be finding reasons to order more things needing UPS delivery :lol: Edited to add for clarity: This guy was @ 22-25 and my DD is 19 and single. I wasn't looking at him myself, of course. :Angel_anim:
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