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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I do think we will try to do atleast 1-2 of the advanced courses. If he plans on med school, I am thinking we should at the minimum do the Adv Biology? Or would the chemistry be better?
  2. So true! I tend to over-think things and worry myself sick that I am messing them up some how.
  3. Thank you everyone for responding! We are going to use Abeka K-5 and Chalk Dust 6-12. Well, that's the plan for now LOL. :D
  4. See, this was/is my main gripe. I had heard this rumor and called BJU to find out. At the time I still was under my 30 days to retern my stuff for a full refund. I was told they didn't know. Then come to find out the rumor is true and now it's too late to return the books. I was steaming mad. I am very thankful to BJU for making it right, but I am still upset the truth wasn't told to new custimers as they made huge these purchases.
  5. I bet time wise it would work out the same. I need to think on it, but that might be a good solution for him.
  6. I know. I thought of you too when I heard the news. :grouphug:
  7. Thank you, Lisa for the prayers. My 10th grader is interested in med school so I am worried @ his science. I think at this point we will aim for Apologia chem in 10th, Adv chem or Adv Biology in 11th and and the physics in 12th. If I add some TC lectures into it, that might work well. He is going to look into volunteering at the hospital next year and that might help round things up for him. Veronica,I will check out the Kolbe.org link, too.
  8. Oh, yes! I forgot @ that! I think I even saved it at the time. Thanks for the reminder.
  9. Thanks. I will most likely go with Apologia as we know it and have used it in the past. I will look into TPS for my 10th grader and see how that works and also @ supplementing.
  10. I am getting a full refund and have the dish and books packed and ready to go back LOL. Have to give BJU credit for refunding me 100%. I do have some books that I have bought here and there and those are on the sale board. Make me an offer! I need to buy new books ASAP! :D
  11. This was just posted on the loop: "For everything you can record the 2008-9 year, you can register and use later on, but continue to pay the $49.99 per month...the satellite is a "lincensing fee for content". It is in the contract that as you continue to use the dvd's you are subject to the fee..." So we are paying for CONTENT hence them asking us to continue to pay $50 for eternity. :glare: . I have TWO dishes/ recievers because I boght one used then bought a new one, just this spring, so I could get the discount price on books. :001_huh:
  12. DH said I should call them and raise a stink. I know there are others just as upset by this as I am. I am hoping BJU does do somethign in righting the wrong, kwim?
  13. Tami, I will look into PH. I forgot @ them!
  14. This is how I felt at first and I know other's agree. I am just trying to decide what we( dh and I) should do morally.
  15. My issue is that they could have warned NEW customers before we shelled out hundreds of dollars on equipment and thousands on books. I asked a rep point blank over a month ago if this rumor was true and he wouldn't confirm it. I could have retuned my stuff and would have, had I know we had just a year.
  16. Melissa, I just heard DLA is going to be closed too. I was thinking of recording as many classes as I could, but we have to pay the subscription fee for as long as we use the DVD's we record. I would be using them for 14 years. I cannot imagine paying BJU $52/month for 14 years to use DVD's I recorded.
  17. http://www.bjupress.com/distance_learning/bjhomesat/news/ We can't afford to use DVD or hard drive and it doesn't make sense to record classes we can only use for a year.
  18. http://www.bjupress.com/distance_learning/bjhomesat/news/ This is why we wont be using homesat this year. We cannot afford DVD or hard drive so we going to be purchasing something else. Just wanted to give other homesat users aheads up on the news.
  19. It looks like we most likely wont be using BJU as planned and now I am left with trying to find science for my 7th-12th graders. I can't afford Spectrum or Rainbow this year and really need/want something a bit easier for this non-science mom to teach. What else is out there besides Apologia? Would using Apolgia courses with the advanced courses really be enough? After all my posts @ not liking Apologia, here I am considering it. :blushing:
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