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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. It looks like we wont be able to use BJU as thought and I don't really want to use Apologia and we can't afford Rainbow. What is out there for 7th and 8th grades?
  2. I was thinking @ doing something like this. Maybe do a few PP guides each semester and in between just read books from the college board site or the 1000 book list etc. I do like the idea of film and just last week we watched King Lear and he enjoyed it! Who would have thought LOL.
  3. Is there a place online I can view samples of this? If you have used this you been pleased with it? How teacher intensive is it?
  4. He doesn't enjoy reading and really hasn't had much lit analysis yet. I was thinking BJU but now I am not so sure for him.
  5. I did pray this morning that God either change my DH's heart or take away MY desire and give me peace over it.
  6. Thank you everyone. :grouphug: I really appreciate each reply and am saving them to reread when I am feeling down.
  7. I just toss lentils cooking with some onion and garlic(and brown rice) and simmer until done. You could drain and add to cooked ground hamburger, maybe 50/50 or whatever suits your taste.
  8. Fantastic at the 5 1/2 months mark! I am sorry to hear @ your loss though :( My Ds is doing well and hasn't had another seizure that we know of. He goes for a repeat eeg on Thursday and sees the neuro the same day. He seems to be well adjusted to his meds and is moving along well in his therapies. Take care!
  9. How is your DD doing!? I hope all is well with her and you! :grouphug:
  10. Without going into details and without bashing my DH, how do I get over something promised a long time ago and something that I have been allowed to think was going to happen and then to be told it is never going to happen? I do understand his point of view and at times actually agree with him, yet at the same time my dreams and desires are crushed. I am not sure how I move on from the issue at hand.
  11. Did you try posting this on the special needs board? You might get more response there.
  12. I am so bad, I used to keep it ALL. I have rubber made totes in my gararge full of papers. :tongue_smilie: Last year I did through out some workbooks, but pretty much keep all the papers.
  13. It might take a few days until the house shows up inthe MSL thing or to be advertised and that could be why. I know zip @ real estate though. Hang in there I know it's tough to wait! :grouphug:
  14. I would encourage her to seek an evaluation now rather than wait. We waited to get my son ST, thinking he would outgrow it :confused:, and I regret it now and wish we would have started when he was much younger.
  15. My son has had to do this and is having another one on Thursday. We kept him up very late, @ 12 AM and then woke him very early @ 4-5. He normally goes to bed at 8 and sleeps till 6-7 so this worked well for him.
  16. It could be just break through bleeding or it could be implantation. Wait a week and use one of those early test and see what happens. The waiting is the hardest part, isn't it? Good luck!!!
  17. I understand and it is frustrating! I am driving 2 hours one way today so my Dd can sing in a 3 minute song with her theater group. Your son is/will learn even though he isn't a main character and in time I am betting he will pick up bigger roles.
  18. Thank you all for the tips, links and info! I hope to try one this week and see if I can do it.
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