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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Oh, I didn't even think to bring a camera! I will next time :D
  2. We didn't talk about it, but I was thinking about it earlier. Do you want to try for August or do you think it will be too hot?
  3. I have had a sewing machine for ages and can sew basic stuff, but I have never really made a dress and I am thinking of making my 5 yo some T shirt dresses for fall. Any advice or web sites to get me started?
  4. I had a wonderful time and Cynthia is beautiful and funny and very sweet!
  5. My guys love chicken breast and salsa. I just toss some frozen boneless skinless chicken breast in the crock pot in the morning with a jar of salsa and cook on low all day. Shred and serve with tortillas. You could use BBQ sauce and serve on buns ( hot sandwhiches lol) or spaghetti sauce and serve over pasta or cream soup and serve over rice.
  6. Laundry is never finished here. The floors get swept after each meal and washed every night. Bathrooms touched up every morning. Major cleaning is done every Friday or Saturday. I used to clean a room per day top to bottom and loved that, but we have just gotten out of that habbit and I can't seem to get back into it.
  7. Wow, I don't blame you at all. I hope you can get this resolved!
  8. Thank you all. I feel fine now so I am sure it was low sugar. I was able to go to Starbucks ( and had a cup of tea lol) and met Hoggirl, who is beautiful and funny and very nice! I had a great time and am glad I was able to go and meet her.
  9. We got our laminated ones from a teacher's store here. They were pretty inexpensive.
  10. Oh, your room is beautiful! I am jealous :)
  11. Thank you guys. I did have to not drink too, but I just downed 2 cups of water LOL. Gotta get rested up for my starbucks trip this afternoon :lol:
  12. No suggestions, but what time do we eat? :D Sounds wonderful!
  13. I just called and he said there should be no reaction and he thinks it was from the fasting. I did eat and I am going to veg for a bit before I try standing LOL. Never a dull moment with me lately. If everything was normal with the scan I see him in 2 weeks, if they found a leak or whatever, he said he'd call. Sorry for being such a whiner :(:blush5:
  14. My teens are home and both my oldest have their license. I juat had some toast and jam and a glass of water and I will call and make sure it was't from the test, but I am betting I needed food. It just scared me.
  15. Some type of radioactive stuff for the scan I had. He said it was very little. I had to fast for it, but I had some fruit and a yogurt @ 9:30ish. Sorry to be going on so much lately with medical stuff. I just feel like I am falling apart. Maybe cause I am turning 40? LOL
  16. Could it be from the stuff they injected me with? I was walking to the bathroom and down I went. I am shaking!
  17. I am home and the test went well. It was so easy and I got a nice nap in! Nothing at all like an MRI. Hopefully we will know whats up soon.
  18. I am going through that right now except the term in AR in 4 months. Here it is near impossible to be excused from duty. The judge told us she doesn't care if you have a nursing baby, no child care, single mom etc. I have been on call since May 1st and have only been called once and then they called back a few hours later to say the case had been settled out of court so I never even had to go. I got called once in NH and filled out a form saying I was the primary care giver of children under 5 and they excused me. So every state is different.
  19. We have a world, a US and one of the Ancient World all in our school/dinning room.
  20. LOL it was pulled pork or shredded chicken in BBQ sauce and all the fixings. I was picturing open face hot turkey sandwhiches and gravy. I had no clue LOL.
  21. Thanks ladies!! I appreciate the prayers and will update when I am home.
  22. Just wanted to update that we visited the church and we all liked it . We are going to pray and seek His will for us, but as of right now, we plan to go back. The really neat thing was there were tons of kids! lol and 80% of the families home school. There were a few large families so we didn't stick out like a freak show :D And they invited us to stay and told us not to worry @ bringing food etc so we stayed and had a wonderful time in fellowship.
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