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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. We have insurance on both of us. If something happened to me, my DH would either stay home or hire full time help. Either way he would continue to home school.
  2. :iagree: I only keep what we absolutely love and I know we will reuse.
  3. His goal is research so he wants to look to schools that will offer him the best chance at that. We will be making a list of schools and making some calls. Thanks for the help!
  4. I also combine as much as I can. We have switched to programs that are meant to be multi taught such as TOG. As my kids get older I outsource classes either via DVD courses or community college classes.
  5. This is our plan as well and how we deal with CC classes.
  6. I was wondering if my son did both SOS Spanish I and II and then did two semesters of CC Spanish, would that = 4 credits of Spanish? Thanks!
  7. Does what school your dd/ds attend for pre-med matter greatly in what chance they will have in being accepted to a top tier school for med school? If they went to state university, but got fantastic grades, would they still have a shot at that top tier med school? I know other stuff comes into play such as sports, community service, volunteer etc, but I want to know his chances if he chooses the U of A over a well known school. Thanks!
  8. I switched my 9 yo from Abeka math to MUS and my 8th, 7th and 5th graders from LiCT to LFC.
  9. We don't eat any soy products at all. We eat beans, lentil, nuts and seeds instead and we are getting plenty of protein. Even veggies and fruit have some protein. The link I posted above has some recipes for vegan cheeze sauce that is made out of nutritional yeast and other non-soy ingriedents. There are non-soy milk alternatives such as rice milk. I agree with the above poster that convienence foods, even veggie ones, can wreck your food budget. We eat alot of whole grains, which are very cheap and add to this beans or lentils, cooked from dry, and you have a meal for just a few dollars. Now instead of spending a ton on meat, I put that money towards fresh fruits and veggies.
  10. We switched to vegetarian a few months back ( I was vegan but have added eggs a few times a week for the lutien) and my food bill pretty much stayed the same. We eat alot of oats, whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter, beans, lentils, rice, potatoes and veggies with some fruit thrown in. The kids do eat cheese and drink milk, which can get pricey. A good site with recipes is www.fatfreevegan.com This site has a wondeful mac and cheeze recipe that my kids love.
  11. Our church is going as a group on Sunday afternoon. We are looking forward to seeing it!
  12. I am teary eyed reading this and just thinking about it. He said everything felt like slow motion until afterwards and he doesn't remember even leaving the truck ( we had him checked for a head injury). He is very sore today and is taking his pills. The bruise on his neck is nasty looking. I am one thankful mom today. Thank you for sharing and I am glad yours was a happy ending too! :grouphug:
  13. I buy only a few pieces of clothes and wear them till they are literally falling off of me. The jeans I am wearing now keep falling down and I am going to have to buy more in a week or two or a good belt LOL. I still have @18 pounds to go so I will only buy 1-2 more pairs for now.
  14. After what we went through selling our last home, unless you could/want to stay where you are, I would drop the price and sell now if you can. I think things are going to get worse before they get better.
  15. My oldest son, our 18 yo, got in a wreck less than a month ago ( not his fault). I was shaken up, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing.
  16. It was my 17yos fault. He was at the end of our road, heading to work. The road that leads to our development is extrememly busy. The stop is on a hill and is awkward to pull out on. The dump truck driver was telling us after that he has seen way too many accidents at the same spot. So my son had stopped, looked and waited for two cars to go. He said he looked right, looked left and saw the truck but figured he had enough time. He said as soon as he started to go he knew it was a mistake and thank the Lord, he stepped on it and didn't brake. We have no doubt that had he braked, he would not be here. The dump truck ended up hitting the side panel of his truck and not at his door. It pushed his truck sideways up the road and then spun it around and he ended up down an embankment facing the road. It tore off the tire and axle and it ripped the fuel line off the dump truck. There was diesel fuel spilling all over the road. They ended up having to call a hazmat crew, fire trucks, ambulance etc. My son called me as soon as he got out of his truck so Dh and I got there before the EMS crews. My Dh near had a heart attack when he saw a dump truck sitting there. I don't think any of us will soon forget last night.
  17. He was involved in an accident where he was hit broad side by a dump truck that was going 45 mph. He is fine, thank God. A few scrapes, some nasty brusing from his seat belt and a very sore head from it smashing against his side window. The Dr. gave him some pain pills and he was able to sleep last night, but I don't think DH and I slept at all. The dump truck driver told us my son is very very lucky to be alive. The poor man was shaking while talking to us. Had my son hit the brakes or been 1 second slower he wouldn't be here today. My son had only been able to drive by himself for 3 days and bought his truck less than 2 weeks ago. I am still shaken up and am trying to process all this. I am very thankful that my son is alive and praising God for that, but am still trying to come to terms on why stuff like this happens. Kwim? Hug your babies ladies, thats all I can say.
  18. I have a big problem with having to give the disc back too. If we are paying $400 for one course ( high school) we should be able to keep it! And yes, I'd love to see the one course options for all the grades.
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