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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: She needs someone there who will advocate for her. No induction and she needs to be able to get into better positions that will help make birth easier. Laying on ones back is not the best position, especially for a a larger than avergage baby.
  2. It depends on where you live. In Northern Maine that would be very wealthy, in NW AR it is well to do, but not wealthy and in places like CA that would not be considered wealthy.
  3. I am not sure and this is our first time too, so maybe someone else will be able to help. Sorry I don't know more.
  4. My son had an egg sandwhich. He didn't seem to be too nervous, except it was his first time at the high school and THAT made him nervous. :)
  5. On the practice psat book I have it says that to get the selection index you add CR+M+W, so in your above example the selction idex would be 105.
  6. Thanks! I will plan on buying both WWE/FLL then.
  7. Thanks everyone! We will see where my DS is at the time, but we will probably switch to R&S 5.
  8. For the first time to go over paper work and ask questions before DSs neuropsych eval. I am looking forward to getting the process started and hopefully finding some answers. Any advice or things I should know ahead of time? Thanks
  9. :lol: it was me, but I did read it. I promise. I don't know why it didn't show that it had been read? :confused:
  10. Our local HS did this last year too and my then 11th grader didn't end up taking it. This year the lady was very friendly and open to it and my 10th grader is taking it.
  11. My son is dyslexic and we are using Barton's for reading & spelling and MUS for math.
  12. I agree with taking a break too and just read to him. We tried OPGTR and it wasn't a good fit for my DD. She is enjoying Reading Made Easy now though.
  13. I know I am thinking way ahead as my DS is only in FLL 1/2, but I was wondering what comes aafter FLL 4? Would you go into a program such as Rod & Staff 5? Thanks :)
  14. I was wondering too and think this post will be deleted before long.
  15. My 19 yo is in the same situation. She started college last year in a pre-vet program and droped out mid year. She couldn' t make up her mind if she wanted to spend all the time it took to be a vet. She is working as a vet nurse and while she enjoys it, she does want a college degree. So she is starting at the community college this spring taking an english and a math course. Just enough to get her back in the door and she is hoping once she gets a few classes under her belt she might have a better idea what she wants to do.
  16. My MIL makes these and they are the BEST dishcloths! I need to learn how to make them myself.
  17. I have 5 teens right now and I am loving the teen years! Yes, they have given some more greys ( car accidents lol) but my teens are a huge blessing to me! I was worried as my kids got older because people always said "wait till they are teens", but so far, its been a joy. Yes, they can get mouthy or do stupid things, but it's all part of our job of raising them to be good adults. What that woman did is inconcievable to me. My heart hurts for that child.
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