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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I write a word a day from http://www.satvocab.com/ on the white board. They look it up and then we try to use that word during the day. After every 10 words I make up a test using http://www.easytestmaker.com/default.aspx . They have to relook up any they might miss. It's been working nicely and if I forget their word they make sure to remind me, so I assume they like doing it.
  2. Spell to Write and Read has worked the best for us.
  3. My oldest was born on December 17th and we brought her home on the 19th wrapped in a giant Christmas stocking. That was the best gift ever.
  4. I made this one last week and it's very good! http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cranberry-Orange-Bread-2/Detail.aspx
  5. Thanks everyone. We have decided to not purchase this and just keep doing what we have been doing.
  6. Well she is only 5 so I don't blame her for not wanting to do school :D Maybe back off off formal school and just do fun stuff. Go for walks, color, paint, do nature studies. Go to the library, the museum, the art gallery and so on. Keep any school you do at this age very short. No more than 10-15 minutes per subject. I try to do one subject such as math and then something fun then another subject. That way there is plenty of time in between for breaks and fun.
  7. I'd add some potatoes, maybe peas and corn and a can of crushed tomatoes. Sort of like a ministrone. Yummm!
  8. I have pre-ordered year 2 and 3 and plan to get the DE of 4, but take it to the printer and have it all printed out. I need to have it in front of me! lol
  9. These are friends of mine: http://www.sawyersmaplefarm.com/index.html
  10. Your Ds is in 1st? You could get FLL or R&S english, both of which are pretty inexpensive. Look on the swap board here.
  11. I think the younger ones could definitely be done for just about free without much effort. A math work book ,home made manipulatives, grammar book and a library card. Once you get into the upper grades, I think you would need to start spending money, but I dont think you have to spend a lot.
  12. My DH went to college for the first time when he was 32 and we had 6 kids at the time. We did qualify for some financial aid but we paid for it mostly via student loans. I started a day care in our home while he went to school days and delivered papers at night. I think in this day and age he will neeed a BS at the least and some certifications might help too. A good idea would be to look on monster.com or computerjobs.com fo jobs in your area to see what is out there and what employers are requiring.
  13. NW AR is nice. Easy to home school and lots of stuff to do in and around the state.
  14. All my kids have their own KJV Bibles and have had no trouble reading or understanding them. Well the three youngest can't read LOL but we read it to them :)
  15. I can not imagine shoving and trampling a person to death to BUY something. People in other countries have acted like this over food or to escape terrorist and americans are killing each other over junk . Sick. And I don't believe for one minute that only wal-mart sees this kind of behavior, give me a break. If people didn't line up at 2 am the stores wouldn't do it. It is no ones fault but the people themselves.
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