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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. This one is on my wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000I5UEQM/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=A1ZV0MQZ1KVGV7&v=glance
  2. Last year while walking across a parking lot to go inside a building there was a @ 18months old child ahead of us with his pants were down. That's when I noticed the "gift" he had left on the ground. His poor mom came out of the building and she was so mortified LOL! And NO if wasn't one of mine.
  3. :iagree: I would find curiculum that can be taken with you and do school while there.
  4. I have been doing this for a few weeks now and LOVE it! It is the easiest way to make yogurt.
  5. I need a dairy free dessert that is fairly easy to make and not too pricey. Thanks!
  6. Ouch! Good thing the returned the $ and I hope mine does the same!
  7. This library rant ? I was so sure I returned the book, but I did pay the $26 for a replacement book. Well we moved the bookcases last night and guess what I found? :blushing: :banghead:
  8. Thank you all. The person sent me an invoice and I was able to send the payment. Weird.
  9. I am trying to send a payment and I think the email address is right but I keep getting a message saying "Email Address: Please enter a valid address in the format name@domain.com." which I am doing. I tried a few different email addresses and same thing.
  10. Thank you both. I was thinking of something grades 9, 8 and 6 could use together.
  11. I wonder if a bright 6th grader could use this or would the info be too advanced?
  12. Yes, all the kids 16 on down came. At first the teens just sat on the side but before I knew it they were all on the swings/climbing thingie, going down the slide etc. They all had a blast! :D
  13. Ours runs @ $140-$150 for 12 so that doesn't sound off to me.
  14. We do this every year on the first day of PS. We go to the playground and I bring donuts and chocolate milk, which is a rare treat, and the kids will get to play as long as they want. :D
  15. I don't have TWSS and I think manage OK. :) Someday I do want it but for now it's out of my price range.
  16. HA, I said I used CW briefly. I never said how many times I bought and sold it! :D I couldn't figure it out either so definitely a brain drain here too :lol:
  17. I have used both CW(briefly) and IEW themed books and prefer IEW. CW was confusing for me to teach and I felt like I was flipping here and there through the books to make sense of it all. IEW is straight forward and easier to understand. We were able to jump right in and write.
  18. I just bought these 2 to use this year: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0528934570/ref=ox_ya_oh_product http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/081605150X/ref=ox_ya_oh_product
  19. I made up a blank schedule for the kids and on each day, for each subject, I put either lesson or chapter and a ______. They write in the chapter, lesson or pg numbers each day as they work. This way if we miss a day we just continue where we left off. I have a column on the side that tells them what I expect each day such as 1 lesson or read 2 pages or whatever works for that subject. I am printing 40 of these week plans for each kid and having them bound into a pesonalized lesson plan book for each.
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