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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I did get it for free when we first moved here. I can not remember who I called and the first few people I spoke with had no clue what I was talking about, so keep trying. I would start with the superintendent's office.
  2. :iagree: This year I am doing R&S 6 with my 9th, 8th and 6th graders. I teach the lesson to them all together, we go over the class practice orally together and then they do the assignments independently. The next day I assign the corrisponding worksheet as a quiz. It's been working really nice so far.
  3. I just renewed my subscription to countryside magazine. I'd like to get Homeschooling Today.
  4. Than you al! Ours in insanely high. I am looking at ways to lower it.
  5. This is our second year with TOG. We started year 2 two weeks ago with grades 9(D), 8(D), 6(D), 3(LG) and 1st(LG). (My 11th grader is using Notgrass)
  6. I would do it in a heartbeat. We will be doing something similar eventually.
  7. Well I am amazed LOL The library issued me a refund check! All is well :D
  8. Definitely combine if you can. I have my 9th, 8th and 6th graders in these same courses: R&S English 6 IEW Writing TOG D level Henle SWR ( review for the 9th grader) The 9th and 8th graders are in the same math and science courses and my 9th and 11th graders are in the same literature course.
  9. I don't give credit for it either, but I do list it as an elective. However, I do award a PE credit for the amount of drill and excersize they do at CAP. I simply list it as "PE."
  10. I lost over 100#s by eating a low fat, high fiber diet and daily excersize.
  11. I am 40 and Dh is 44. We are open to more children when and if God blesses us. I can't say what will happen 5 years down the road, but right now we plan to continue to be open to His will for us in this area.
  12. http://www.yourteacher.com/ Has anyone used this site for math? Are you using it as a stand alone or in addition to another program? Pros/cons? Thanks!
  13. Today was our fist day too. It went pretty well and so far no major complaints from the kids or me :D
  14. My son will be doing Saxon Adv. Math this year, will he be able to do Apologia physics? Thanks
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