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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I may need to re-read some posts. I thought don't leave your car unlocked was a PSA because kids remove parking brake/drive car. Not because they enter the car and then overheat. But I saw stats mentioned for the second thing. I don't think having a nanny in itself is the issue. I don't think anyone here does. I don't know why she was sleeping, she may have been taking a nap while the toddler was sleeping. Just last night my own toddler managed to get part of her body between the mattress and wall and I was sleeping right next to her. I woke up freaking out and pulled her up immediately. I'll probably need to forgo using that outlet and shove the bed back against the wall closer. She can climb out of her pack n play so letting her sleep next to me seemed safer. And she's trying to climb baby gates so I don't even know if setting up the toddler bed in ds' room would be better or worse. Trying to keep her safe is really challenging lately. I still don't know how sleeping = toddler getting outside. There must be an issue with locks between balcony and hotel room. They weren't high enough. They weren't locked. Locks don't exist there. The door was open because the A/C was out, etc. This is something I would look at before I felt comfortable staying in a hotel, but it's not to say some other freak accident couldn't occur like a tv remote being thrown at the glass door leading to the patio and shattering. I realize you can't predict it all.
  2. I have left the car unlocked by accident a number of times. I usually click a button on my keys to lock it. I never thought of a child getting into the car in our yard. I rarely see children around here and they are not in my yard, but this is food for thought. Mainly I lock things to prevent theft. I can't tell you how many people I've met that think having a little kid ride on an ATV or riding mower, etc. is no big deal. I remember freaking out (internally) when an employee at an apt. complex ushered my family (prospective tenants) into a golf cart to drive around the complex and she drove it across a busy road when it was briefly clear. One of the few times I didn't insist on a car seat for ds but had I realized she was going to do that I would have been like uhh, that's okay... we'll meet you over there. I was holding him in my lap and he was 4?
  3. Not really but I get giddy if I see one of those Fourth of July cakes with the whipped topping, blueberries and strawberries. I should just make one myself this year lol.
  4. I honestly feel like many people are extra defensive about parent shaming with news stories right now because of the recent gorilla/zoo story and/or alligator/disney story. I think that is why Lanny is getting so much flack for this thread. I don't know if he's even aware of the gorilla or alligator stories.
  5. My mom whose health is not good (Parkinson's) and cannot handle being in the car long distances (uncomfortable, hard on her body) came to visit us for the first time in this home last week. We've lived here approx. 4 years. I was really thinking I'd never see the day. We think it happened because my aunt was also visiting them and she helped talk my mom into coming. It was a very short visit, but she was glad they came.
  6. Well this makes me feel a little less crazy sounding since so far I've refused to go to the pool with the kids without dh. They are young and cannot swim yet. I told one or two people that I was waiting for dh to take them and they both made comments about life vests and such as if that was the solution. Sorry, not relying that much on a life jacket. A mom with a child close to dd's age told me that the infant life jacket she bought (one I was considering as I figured it would probably be helpful even with me holding her) would float but the kid would start to sink because it wasn't a snug enough fit. The pool I have access to does not have life guards but even if they did I just don't want to add pressure to a situation.
  7. My first thought is, "did the hotel have locks on the door to the balcony??" I have a tall 18 month old. She can open the door to our mudroom if it's not locked. I'm not sure if she was opening it at 15 months, but I could imagine it being possible that a child that age might be reaching for doors.
  8. haha! Well, to each their own. It kinda looked like a blob and I wouldn't want a dementor on myself. I personally don't like the three hallows symbol much. I don't find it very aesthetically appealing.
  9. You win the internet today. I tried following links to find an answer but had no luck. All I could find was a blog which was not helpful and the person's instagram which had no description. A couple of my friends had guessed dementor.
  10. I don't understand. How is it they managed to be so close if they were so far away geographically? Phone calls? Frequent visits? I'm not disagreeing that it happened/is possible. But I will admit that in my own personal experience I was a bit of a stranger with my oldest for many years. When she was in college I was living at home with Mom and Dad. When she got married she moved out of state. We've spent the greater part of our lives living in separate states or countries. We do call and text each other these days, though. My other sister (middle child) has lived in Europe many years. She was a senior in high school when I was a freshman. You can bet we didn't pal around at school LOL.
  11. Well would the expense of moving and the new rent be a financial hardship? If so, then I would keep looking for a while I guess. You might have the cost of boxes, moving truck, deposits, switching utilities, etc.
  12. Dh is getting a new tea maker. He misses his old model, so that's the one I ordered. My dad is getting an Amazon gift card I guess? I have a couple small things headed there that aren't for him exactly, but will help him with Mom (he's a caregiver) and hopefully make his life easier. I don't shop for my FIL. Dh will get him something.
  13. I can't figure that out, either. Looks to me like someone standing with their scarf blowing and two wolves at their feet lol. My new vote is a flying key!!
  14. Snape's quote "Always"? I saw a girl with a HP tattoo, but I second guessed myself. Later dh confirmed that it was one. It was the Death Eater's Dark Mark.
  15. Comfy boot socks? And some money? I get blisters easily with boots so I cherish the boot socks I got one Christmas. They aren't just long. They are thick all the way behind the ankle.
  16. I told myself I didn't want my kids to have a big age gap, but then life happens :) Ds is 8 and dd is 18 months. They love each other and play with each other and mostly enjoy each other's company. Ds always offers to carry the diaper bag and keeps an eye on her in the car while I'm driving. They look so much alike in many photos that we joke they were twins separated by years. It's not all bad, really. My oldest sibling is 8 years older and that wasn't fun for me growing up (felt we had more of a mom/daughter relationship than sister/sister and we didn't get to go to school together), but now that we are older we talk more.
  17. I am in love with the concept, not so much the reality. I would consider trying again with my other child. Heck, I would consider trying again with ds after a break if both of us were really motivated. Ds is likely to go to private school in the fall. I don't feel valued in my family as much as I think I would if I worked outside of the home. That is not a homeschooling issue, but it does affect my happiness with homeschooling.
  18. School like... would tutoring or volunteering count? Or only something where you get that grade you're itching for? Because I wonder if you'd be interested in helping with a literacy program or such.
  19. Since dh took the kids to the store this is my relaxing time, but I don't get this every night. Most of the time by the time everyone is asleep I'm too tired/it's too late to listen to my audio book/read, catch up on a grown up show, etc. I haven't seen one of my hulu shows in so long I probably have to pay for the episodes on Amazon. I went on a walk with dd earlier tonight and while that was relaxing, I understand it's not quite the same as alone time. Last night I should have gone to bed earlier, but I spent part of that time looking up items on Amazon (Father's Day shopping). I hope you can make some time for yourself soon. Dare I suggest maybe substituting some exercise time for something else. I know some people would not want to give up exercise time so that may not be a very good solution.
  20. One thing I stumbled upon said they adjusted some of their spending short-term. I do not know the specifics of where the money goes now but I'm under the impression not much changed long-term. It was hard for me to find what I was looking for earlier and I don't remember what the dates on the articles were.
  21. The one that I used to work by was frequented by some of my gay co-workers. They did not boycott it. It was and still is one of the few places to eat in that shopping center. That is one of my biggest hang ups with the one near me now. It is one of the few places to eat in a certain shopping area. I was never under the impression that the hiring process and/or work environment was anti gay. I was just under the impression that the issues were with how money was spent.
  22. This is what I was referring to in my original post, but I wasn't able to find any links articulating what I'd remembered hearing. This is what greatly bothers me. I don't care about differing opinions on gay marriage, but the idea of camps (I was trying to remember if they were called camps) or conversion therapy troubles me.
  23. Telling someone "that's really stupid" can sound cruel. There are better ways to phrase it. "That's a bad idea." "That wouldn't be very wise." "I would not recommend that." "I strongly urge you not to do that." I think victim blaming occurs after someone becomes a victim. So I don't think that the advice for what to wear while traveling is necessarily on par with the scolding a woman whose purse was stolen scenario. Not sure if I'm making sense here. I just don't see those two examples as fair side by side comparisons I guess. One sounds like advice and one sounds like, "I told you so."
  24. We almost never use ice while at home. We feel spoiled when we visit family that has an ice maker in the fridge door. I guess we are too lazy to make the trays often here. I get annoyed about storing them without spilling them. Dh bought an ice maker for our counter weeks ago. We haven't opened the box yet! :lol: Oh that reminds me, I was thinking of buying him a new tea maker for Father's Day. We do not care for the one we have, but he uses it at work sometimes.
  25. The thought of using a finger rather than thumb is perplexing to me. Seems like much more work.
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